There are no "normal" people in this scene


I eat babies
Sep 30, 2014
All these excuses about depression and anxiety is all fucking bullshit, your all junkies injecting that habbo cola into your veins with your bud frank. You cannot hide this fact from me.

OP: This is perfect, it went from 24 year old hotel owners exploiting pre-teen gamer girls for nudes, to fucking beta males with booters LOL


PHP and C# Developer. Project Saturn Coming!
Jul 4, 2010
If you're still playing habbo related shit in 2017, yes something is wrong with you.


Legacy, it's all anyone leaves behind.
Jun 8, 2012
To be quite clear, anyone playing Habbo must find it is much easier to speak online versus speaking in person, but it's not our business to tell someone, somethings wrong with them if they still play Habbo or voice an opinion without it being requested. I get that you're looking out for people in a way when you say there are no normal people but the truth is, anyone that still plays Habbo plays it based on their choice to still play it, or develop it. It's a way to start talking to people as it builds your social skills slowly, some people with social anxiety do take time to adjust to speaking to people in reality. It is what it is, everyone does their own thing.


$client = socket_accept($sock);
Dec 29, 2010
I think there deffs is normal people, maybe your just to fuuuuucked up to see them as normal, that aside tho, what is normal now a days anyways? ....


Apr 17, 2015
I agree with this and I think everyone has a tiny bit of social anxiety I wont lie, Retros actually made me antisocial!!


You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
LMAO, you know i've been wanting to say something like OP for a long time. Why is it that most retro devs these days are neckbearded 20 year olds?
Back when otaku was around sure there was some oldies but we were all around the same age group...
Is it just that the oldies never grew outta habbo? Or is pixel sexting more fun these days than back then

Jun 17, 2015
To be quite clear, anyone playing Habbo must find it is much easier to speak online versus speaking in person, but it's not our business to tell someone, somethings wrong with them if they still play Habbo or voice an opinion without it being requested. I get that you're looking out for people in a way when you say there are no normal people but the truth is, anyone that still plays Habbo plays it based on their choice to still play it, or develop it. It's a way to start talking to people as it builds your social skills slowly, some people with social anxiety do take time to adjust to speaking to people in reality. It is what it is, everyone does their own thing.
Couldn't agree more with this.

Personally, I HATE face-to-face confrontation. I cannot talk to someone about how I feel if they're right in front of me. If someone were breaking down and sobbing, I would slowly walk away rather than help them out. But if I know something's going on, I can text them about it and feel just fine. I guess this is social anxiety, but really who cares.

Yeah, something is wrong with everyone playing Habbo. That's not necessarily a bad thing, we're all just a group of teenagers and/or young adults looking for a pastime. If I log onto regular Habbo, there's a 99.5% chance I'm afk. Yeah, I used to be on it all day and night when I was younger, but now I don't. In the retro scene, typically I'm only on there for developmental purposes. Merely an education thing.

I do work and I do go to school, so it isn't like I'm sat at home playing Habbo (or retros) all day long, everyday.

Those skids who go onto a hotel merely to exploit it and make lives hell for others are the worst cases. There must have been some major psychological trauma that went on with them - and this isn't some petty claim/accusation, it's legitimate. They thrive on the power that they can gain access to your IP and have control over your online life, and it's pathetic.

Agree with this thread and agree with a majority of the replies I've read.


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
I disagree It’s maybe just your opinion but your not qualified to judge that. Habbo is a kids game and always will be unless you like kids. I played habborp and was staff on there, I have no social anxiety, depression or any other phiscal or mental condition relating to playing Habbo I could go out that day and hang out with friends, stand in front of a crowd and make a show of myself with 100% confidence. I think majority of it’s users may have conditions and they use Habbo for that but I wouldn’t count everyone who plays retros and Habbo a mental case. It’s not fair! It’s a game same as minecraft and any other out there. If your saying that it would be easy for people to have a medical issue to play then it is, their just as normal as any other kid out there.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
This is nonsense to me and shows me a lack of critical thinking.
Based on your premise you're telling me that if you watch a movie where you see a bunch of college kids doing cocaine and partying all day, you automatically assume college is primarily for that. Which is nonsense.

There will always be a segment of individuals that do a partake in xyz event/ collection of events. But that doesn't mean that you should oust a whole cohort of people into one segmentation. What you're doing with this assumption that there is no "normal" people, is by definition stereotyping. You saw XYZ people act maliciouslly, so you now you stereotype the whole community.
Think outside the box a little.


New Member
Sep 26, 2017
As a moderator, I think this was uncalled for. You are targeting a large group of audience and painting them with a single brush. I'm sure you played Habbo, and everyone talks from experience, so you are basically saying that at some point in life you had social anxiety and now you think it's the same for everyone else? Well, hate to break it to you, but you are empirically incorrect. I myself have been playing Habbo and retro since 2008. I have a social life, and for sure don't have social anxiety. To target the Habbo community this way is pathetic. I think more research needs to be done on your end.


dont even
Aug 31, 2017
I play retros and sometimes Habbo and I'm pretty sure I'm normal. Have a good social life but there are so many people you just think, what's wrong with you?

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