[Alaska] Help & Support Thread


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
Hey guys,
I have decided to make a help and support thread for Alaska if anyone even uses it. Once a problem and solution has been done, I will update this post with spoilers to answers.

I was experiencing an issue with an emulator error which was the room editor causing accounts to corrupt when you login and log out. Also, it caused the emulator to stick at 76%.

201 ERROR - Exception >> Exception:
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Convert.ToInt32(String value)
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomData.Fill(DataRow Row) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomData.cs:line 87
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.FetchRoomData(Int32 RoomId, DataRow dRow) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 400
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.UserData.UserDataFactory.GetUserData(String SessionTicket, Byte& errorCode) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Users\UserData\UserDataFactory.cs:line 158
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.TryAuthenticate(String AuthTicket) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 100
I was able to use the fix by @JayCustom below:
1. Backup your database and shutdown your emulator.
2. In RoomData.cs at line 87, find:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()))
               UsersNow = Convert.ToInt32(Row["users_now"]);
               UsersNow = 0;
Change to:
int intUsers;           if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()) && Int32.TryParse(Row["users_now"].ToString(), out intUsers))
               UsersNow = intUsers;
               UsersNow = 0;
3. Finally, run the following query:
ALTER TABLE `rooms` CHANGE `allow_pets` `allow_pets` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_pets_eat` `allow_pets_eat` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `room_blocking_disabled` `room_blocking_disabled` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_hidewall` `allow_hidewall` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `mute_settings` `mute_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `ban_settings` `ban_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `kick_settings` `kick_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
4. Reboot your emulator.

Another issue I came across was wired behavior placing wired down and it corrupting your account throwing an error in the emulator:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Instance.WiredComponent.LoadWiredBox(Item Item) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\Instance\WiredComponent.cs:line 77
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomItemHandling.LoadFurniture() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomItemHandling.cs:line 233
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room..ctor(RoomData Data) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\Room.cs:line 161
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.LoadRoom(Int32 Id) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 419
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.Habbo.PrepareRoom(Int32 Id, String Password) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Users\Habbo.cs:line 1175
at Plus.Communication.Packets.Incoming.Rooms.Connection.OpenFlatConnectionEvent.Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\Communication\Packets\Incoming\Rooms\Connection\OpenFlatConnectionEvent.cs:line 18
at Plus.Communication.Packets.PacketManager.TryExecutePacket(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\Communication\Packets\PacketManager.cs:line 154
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.parser_onNewPacket(ClientPacket Message) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 65
I fixed this with the following fix:
1. Backup your database.
2. Run the following queries:
 UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`clothing_id` WHERE `furniture`.`clothing_id` > 0 AND `furniture`.`behaviour_data` = 0;
UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`wired_id` WHERE `furniture`.`wired_id` > 0 AND (`furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_effect' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_trigger' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_condition');
3. Reboot your emulator.

NOTE: This is if you're using the database by @Platinum. Not everyone will experience it but if you do, the above and below are fixes.

If you run into the issue with 'sanbdox' missing from `catalog_items`, add it with the following:


Do the same for `furniture`. Reboot your emulator if needed.
Last edited:


Jan 28, 2013
Imported new clothes (SWFs) and new clothes (Figuremap, Figuredata.xml).
Tho nothing new shows up in the editor? Just white blank "boxes".


From what I have heard, custom clothing doesn't work for Revision 2, we have yet to "fix" it.

Edit: Use this it should fix the issue?

Please read the thread, and search around before making a post about it.


Deutsch Techno-Freak WIR SIND EIN
Feb 21, 2011
anyone ask me why i get this on here clean db clean install and clean set up did the mysql global before hand

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of wordfilter
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<script type="text/javascript">var site_path = ' ', user_status = '0';
[Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<!DOCTYPE html>
<html id="ShareFast">
<meta name="viewport" conten' at line 4


Jun 14, 2013
anyone ask me why i get this on here clean db clean install and clean set up did the mysql global before hand

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of wordfilter
-- ----------------------------
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html id="ShareFast">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link type="text/css" href=" " rel="stylesheet" />
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<script type="text/javascript" src=" "></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=" "></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=" "></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=" "></script>
<script type="text/javascript">var site_path = ' ', user_status = '0';
[Err] 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '<!DOCTYPE html>
<html id="ShareFast">
<meta name="viewport" conten' at line 4
Cause it's meant to be there, delete that part


New Member
Oct 29, 2017
Hey, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction on how to edit what frank gives you on start up and also where i can enable/disable him? Many great features with this emu regardless and i managed to go through all the pages, downloading the most recent files so that I could avoid any issues everyone else posted.

Allso for the new version, will you be adding crates? :p or is that already implemented here and I just happened to totally miss that?!


Posting Freak
Jul 27, 2016
Hey, I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction on how to edit what frank gives you on start up and also where i can enable/disable him? Many great features with this emu regardless and i managed to go through all the pages, downloading the most recent files so that I could avoid any issues everyone else posted.

Allso for the new version, will you be adding crates? :p or is that already implemented here and I just happened to totally miss that?!
Should be in emu. DailyGift.cs (Forgot since it has been some time since I last looked at this emulator. If you just open your solution and search for "Daily or Frank" you should be able to find it and if you want to disable it just add // in every line or just delete it.


Feb 8, 2016
Teleport furnis aren’t working, I think moodlights too. They cause users client to not load past 76%. Rank 5 can see staff alerts and whispers, I want to disable that. Can anyone please help me asap, my hotel is running at 100 users already.


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
Teleport furnis aren’t working, I think moodlights too. They cause users client to not load past 76%. Rank 5 can see staff alerts and whispers, I want to disable that. Can anyone please help me asap, my hotel is running at 100 users already.
Are you running the correct database? Platinum / Zoheb released a fixed MySQL database.
In regards to staff alerts, i believe it can be configured in the database as it's been over two months working on alaska haha.


Bobby Billionaire
Feb 8, 2012
Anyone fix the issue with 76% loading? I got the latest production from SWFHub, using Habbo_cracked.swf, enabled flash in the client and I have a loading screen up to 76% but just constantly keeps loading at 76%. I have disabled the firewall, put the raw server IP & 30000 in the client, still no luck. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.


Posting Freak
Jul 27, 2016
Anyone fix the issue with 76% loading? I got the latest production from SWFHub, using Habbo_cracked.swf, enabled flash in the client and I have a loading screen up to 76% but just constantly keeps loading at 76%. I have disabled the firewall, put the raw server IP & 30000 in the client, still no luck. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
Is the emulator receiving any connection?


Bobby Billionaire
Feb 8, 2012
What exactly do I edit for handling what amount of credits and diamonds are given by the Frank bot? Also, how do I get rid of the "Poop Point" thing from him as well?

Is there a way to increase the timer that kicks you from the room when you're AFK?


Aug 5, 2015
if you want to edit the Timer for AFK go to
RoomUserManager.cs, find bool updated = false;
And you should see
 if (!User.IsBot && !User.IsAsleep && User.IdleTime >= 600)

Is there a way to increase the timer that kicks you from the room when you're AFK?
Last edited:


Bobby Billionaire
Feb 8, 2012
if you want to edit the Timer for AFK go to
RoomUserManager.cs, find bool updated = false;
And you should see
 if (!User.IsBot && !User.IsAsleep && User.IdleTime >= 600)

This is what I have:

if (!User.IsBot && !User.IsAsleep && User.IdleTime >= (UserIdleTime*60))

I'm guessing it's taking the default UserIdleTime and multiplying it by 60?


Bobby Billionaire
Feb 8, 2012
I was experiencing an issue with an emulator error which was the room editor causing accounts to corrupt when you login and log out. Also, it caused the emulator to stick at 76%.

201 ERROR - Exception >> Exception:
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Convert.ToInt32(String value)
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomData.Fill(DataRow Row) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomData.cs:line 87
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.FetchRoomData(Int32 RoomId, DataRow dRow) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 400
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.UserData.UserDataFactory.GetUserData(String SessionTicket, Byte& errorCode) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Users\UserData\UserDataFactory.cs:line 158
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.TryAuthenticate(String AuthTicket) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 100
I was able to use the fix by @JayCustom below:
1. Backup your database and shutdown your emulator.
2. In RoomData.cs at line 87, find:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()))
               UsersNow = Convert.ToInt32(Row["users_now"]);
               UsersNow = 0;
Change to:
int intUsers;           if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()) && Int32.TryParse(Row["users_now"].ToString(), out intUsers))
               UsersNow = intUsers;
               UsersNow = 0;
3. Finally, run the following query:
ALTER TABLE `rooms` CHANGE `allow_pets` `allow_pets` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_pets_eat` `allow_pets_eat` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `room_blocking_disabled` `room_blocking_disabled` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_hidewall` `allow_hidewall` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `mute_settings` `mute_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `ban_settings` `ban_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `kick_settings` `kick_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
4. Reboot your emulator.

Another issue I came across was wired behavior placing wired down and it corrupting your account throwing an error in the emulator:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Instance.WiredComponent.LoadWiredBox(Item Item) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\Instance\WiredComponent.cs:line 77
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomItemHandling.LoadFurniture() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomItemHandling.cs:line 233
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room..ctor(RoomData Data) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\Room.cs:line 161
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.LoadRoom(Int32 Id) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 419
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.Habbo.PrepareRoom(Int32 Id, String Password) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Users\Habbo.cs:line 1175
at Plus.Communication.Packets.Incoming.Rooms.Connection.OpenFlatConnectionEvent.Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\Communication\Packets\Incoming\Rooms\Connection\OpenFlatConnectionEvent.cs:line 18
at Plus.Communication.Packets.PacketManager.TryExecutePacket(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\Communication\Packets\PacketManager.cs:line 154
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.parser_onNewPacket(ClientPacket Message) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 65
I fixed this with the following fix:
1. Backup your database.
2. Run the following queries:
 UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`clothing_id` WHERE `furniture`.`clothing_id` > 0 AND `furniture`.`behaviour_data` = 0;
UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`wired_id` WHERE `furniture`.`wired_id` > 0 AND (`furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_effect' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_trigger' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_condition');
3. Reboot your emulator.

NOTE: This is if you're using the database by @Platinum. Not everyone will experience it but if you do, the above and below are fixes.

If you run into the issue with 'sanbdox' missing from `catalog_items`, add it with the following:


Do the same for `furniture`. Reboot your emulator if needed.
Last edited:


Feb 8, 2016
I was experiencing an issue with an emulator error which was the room editor causing accounts to corrupt when you login and log out. Also, it caused the emulator to stick at 76%.

201 ERROR - Exception >> Exception:
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Convert.ToInt32(String value)
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomData.Fill(DataRow Row) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomData.cs:line 87
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.FetchRoomData(Int32 RoomId, DataRow dRow) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 400
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.UserData.UserDataFactory.GetUserData(String SessionTicket, Byte& errorCode) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Users\UserData\UserDataFactory.cs:line 158
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.TryAuthenticate(String AuthTicket) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 100
I was able to use the fix by @JayCustom below:
1. Backup your database and shutdown your emulator.
2. In RoomData.cs at line 87, find:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()))
               UsersNow = Convert.ToInt32(Row["users_now"]);
               UsersNow = 0;
Change to:
int intUsers;           if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()) && Int32.TryParse(Row["users_now"].ToString(), out intUsers))
               UsersNow = intUsers;
               UsersNow = 0;
3. Finally, run the following query:
ALTER TABLE `rooms` CHANGE `allow_pets` `allow_pets` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_pets_eat` `allow_pets_eat` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `room_blocking_disabled` `room_blocking_disabled` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_hidewall` `allow_hidewall` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `mute_settings` `mute_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `ban_settings` `ban_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `kick_settings` `kick_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
4. Reboot your emulator.

Another issue I came across was wired behavior placing wired down and it corrupting your account throwing an error in the emulator:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Instance.WiredComponent.LoadWiredBox(Item Item) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\Instance\WiredComponent.cs:line 77
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomItemHandling.LoadFurniture() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomItemHandling.cs:line 233
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room..ctor(RoomData Data) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\Room.cs:line 161
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.LoadRoom(Int32 Id) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 419
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.Habbo.PrepareRoom(Int32 Id, String Password) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Users\Habbo.cs:line 1175
at Plus.Communication.Packets.Incoming.Rooms.Connection.OpenFlatConnectionEvent.Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\Communication\Packets\Incoming\Rooms\Connection\OpenFlatConnectionEvent.cs:line 18
at Plus.Communication.Packets.PacketManager.TryExecutePacket(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\Communication\Packets\PacketManager.cs:line 154
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.parser_onNewPacket(ClientPacket Message) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 65
I fixed this with the following fix:
1. Backup your database.
2. Run the following queries:
 UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`clothing_id` WHERE `furniture`.`clothing_id` > 0 AND `furniture`.`behaviour_data` = 0;
UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`wired_id` WHERE `furniture`.`wired_id` > 0 AND (`furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_effect' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_trigger' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_condition');
3. Reboot your emulator.

NOTE: This is if you're using the database by @Platinum. Not everyone will experience it but if you do, the above and below are fixes.

If you run into the issue with 'sanbdox' missing from `catalog_items`, add it with the following:


Do the same for `furniture`. Reboot your emulator if needed.

thanks so much for this!


Bobby Billionaire
Feb 8, 2012
From what I have heard, custom clothing doesn't work for Revision 2, we have yet to "fix" it.

Edit: Use this it should fix the issue?

This fixes the issue with the FigureData emulator error but the 1014 custom clothes don't load properly or at all.



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