[Alaska] Help & Support Thread


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
Hey guys,
I have decided to make a help and support thread for Alaska if anyone even uses it. Once a problem and solution has been done, I will update this post with spoilers to answers.

I was experiencing an issue with an emulator error which was the room editor causing accounts to corrupt when you login and log out. Also, it caused the emulator to stick at 76%.

201 ERROR - Exception >> Exception:
System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Convert.ToInt32(String value)
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomData.Fill(DataRow Row) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomData.cs:line 87
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.FetchRoomData(Int32 RoomId, DataRow dRow) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 400
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.UserData.UserDataFactory.GetUserData(String SessionTicket, Byte& errorCode) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Users\UserData\UserDataFactory.cs:line 158
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.TryAuthenticate(String AuthTicket) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 100
I was able to use the fix by @JayCustom below:
1. Backup your database and shutdown your emulator.
2. In RoomData.cs at line 87, find:
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()))
               UsersNow = Convert.ToInt32(Row["users_now"]);
               UsersNow = 0;
Change to:
int intUsers;           if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()) && Int32.TryParse(Row["users_now"].ToString(), out intUsers))
               UsersNow = intUsers;
               UsersNow = 0;
3. Finally, run the following query:
ALTER TABLE `rooms` CHANGE `allow_pets` `allow_pets` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_pets_eat` `allow_pets_eat` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `room_blocking_disabled` `room_blocking_disabled` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `allow_hidewall` `allow_hidewall` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', CHANGE `mute_settings` `mute_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `ban_settings` `ban_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', CHANGE `kick_settings` `kick_settings` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1';
4. Reboot your emulator.

Another issue I came across was wired behavior placing wired down and it corrupting your account throwing an error in the emulator:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Instance.WiredComponent.LoadWiredBox(Item Item) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\Instance\WiredComponent.cs:line 77
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomItemHandling.LoadFurniture() in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomItemHandling.cs:line 233
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Room..ctor(RoomData Data) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\Room.cs:line 161
at Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.RoomManager.LoadRoom(Int32 Id) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Rooms\RoomManager.cs:line 419
at Plus.HabboHotel.Users.Habbo.PrepareRoom(Int32 Id, String Password) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\Users\Habbo.cs:line 1175
at Plus.Communication.Packets.Incoming.Rooms.Connection.OpenFlatConnectionEvent.Parse(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\Communication\Packets\Incoming\Rooms\Connection\OpenFlatConnectionEvent.cs:line 18
at Plus.Communication.Packets.PacketManager.TryExecutePacket(GameClient Session, ClientPacket Packet) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\Communication\Packets\PacketManager.cs:line 154
at Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.parser_onNewPacket(ClientPacket Message) in C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\prjAlaska\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 65
I fixed this with the following fix:
1. Backup your database.
2. Run the following queries:
 UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`clothing_id` WHERE `furniture`.`clothing_id` > 0 AND `furniture`.`behaviour_data` = 0;
UPDATE `furniture` SET `behaviour_data` = `furniture`.`wired_id` WHERE `furniture`.`wired_id` > 0 AND (`furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_effect' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_trigger' OR `furniture`.`interaction_type` = 'wired_condition');
3. Reboot your emulator.

NOTE: This is if you're using the database by @Platinum. Not everyone will experience it but if you do, the above and below are fixes.

If you run into the issue with 'sanbdox' missing from `catalog_items`, add it with the following:


Do the same for `furniture`. Reboot your emulator if needed.
Last edited:


Jun 30, 2013
Not sure how dead this is, but I'm having an issue where everything works fine, client, pets, clothes etc but for some reason furni disconnects me. Open catalogue and click one i d.c or if it's in inv. Other than that works fine.. any one got any fix?


Mar 31, 2018
Not sure how dead this is, but I'm having an issue where everything works fine, client, pets, clothes etc but for some reason furni disconnects me. Open catalogue and click one i d.c or if it's in inv. Other than that works fine.. any one got any fix?
there is probably something wrong within the DB or the SWFs


Posting Freak
Jul 27, 2016
Not sure how dead this is, but I'm having an issue where everything works fine, client, pets, clothes etc but for some reason furni disconnects me. Open catalogue and click one i d.c or if it's in inv. Other than that works fine.. any one got any fix?
Issue is with the SWFS and furnidata. They don't corrospond since we was going to redo the whole Catalogue, so some furnis are broken.

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