
  1. Sarbaz

    Recruiting The return of Habwave Hotel

    Hello, my name is Jason and I've been part of the Habbo community since 2008 and stopped interacting with them in the year of 2016. So mathematically its been a total of 2 years since I've been on Habbo or even on a Habbo Retro. I've developed/operated a few hotels in my years and some were...
  2. I


    Hey, i've opened up a legit minecraft server for version (1.11.2) if you don't have this version i can get you the Minecraft launcher download link for free. The purpose of this thread is to inform the public my need of assistance. I need players/admins/etc to help build parkours, minigames, etc...
  3. Marko97

    Antiscam Client for RevCMS

    Hello, Today I will release an antiscam protection for client compatible with RevCMS coded by Zubrag and adapted by me: In order to install correctly this you will follow these steps: 1) Run this query: ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `staffpin` TEXT NULL DEFAULT NULL 2) Insert 'stafflogin.php' in...
  4. Galaxy

    Recruiting Hiring Staff | New Hotel | Brand new hotel in need of loyal and active staff who have previous experience and are looking to build a community like it is supposed to be. Comment or pm me and we can discuss this. Thanks!
  5. Galaxy

    Applicant [Service] Professional Manager/Administration for hire!

    I have previously owned, managed other servers, have been admin, mod ect. I have much experience in this type of stuff. I am on daily for hours if needed and i can help with anything to the best of my ability. If you are in need of a serious staff member or such, comment below and i can get in...
  6. DogmaMC

    The Woodrock Network is looking for co-owner.

    I am the founder and owner of a brand new Minecraft server known as The Woodrock Network, and I am looking for one dedicated and loyal co-owner to run and develop the server with me in their spare time. This is not a job advertisement so it will be on a purely voluntary basis and flexibility is...
  7. Elite

    R63b Housekeeping Help

    Hello, I have recently returned and need help finding how to install housekeeping on my r63b. Any ideas or suggestions please let me know. Thanks, Elite
  8. Playingbeast

    [Request] Comet Server | Commands | Catalogue | Other features

    Hi, I recently started using Comet Server. It is a great emulator but there are some things that is missing. Commands: Commands, faceless, sellroom & buyroom and so on, those commands are important for the players and I dont' know how to add them for comet server, if someone has an edit with...
  9. Nicholas

    Recruiting CSS Designer Needed

    Hey Clubbo Hotel is looking for a css designer to design the pages for our new cms, becoming a css designer at Clubbo Hotel will get you the dev rank and access to mostly everything but as long as you can provide clean css code. Before we accept you, you need to show is some of your work and...
  10. Nicholas

    Recruiting CSS Designer

    Hey Clubbo Hotel is looking for a css designer to design the pages for our new cms, becoming a css designer at Clubbo Hotel will get you the dev rank and access to mostly everything but as long as you can provide clean css code. Before we accept you, you need to show is some of your work and...
  11. Synapse

    Recruiting [$] Need Professional Co-Owner [£]

    Hello DB, It's Zach and today I am looking for a mature and professional asset for my Habbo Retro. Things to note: I have owned 3 retros (all have closed due to lack of funding/interest) Hotel is to open in the coming weeks It will have unprecedented features Lots of funding available to...
  12. Bezza

    Looking for a experienced technician

    Hi, I'm looking for an experienced technician who can help me to upgrade the hotel (as I'm struggling to understand the new R63b) If your willing to help me please add my Skype Sam.Bezza I hope to speak soon. Thanks,
  13. Bezza

    Hello, I'm looking for a Co-owner to my hotel.

    Hello, I apologise if this is in the wrong Category. I've recently opened my own Hotel. I am looking for an Experienced Co-Owner, someone who has experience and knowledge in the technical side of the Hotel. If anyone is interested, please do add me on skype. Sam.Bezza I will run through a short...
  14. P

    Recruiting Plugins Developer Needed ! - Minecraft Plugins Developer

    Hello, my name is Peter and I would like to talk to you guys about a possible Plugins Developer position within Our Server that we are recruiting for. Overview: One of the most hardest objectives on a server today is being able to find plugins that suite you and the server you are trying to...
  15. P

    Recruiting HIRING ALL POSITIONS - Brand New Minecraft Server

    Hello! This is an opening to players who would like to help run and manage a new server! So far this is a brand new server and all help is needed and wanted! Also, there are no plans currently for this server. So once we get all the staff for the server we will have meetings for the server and...
  16. Resubmitted

    Recruiting [HR] Graphics Specialists & Developers & Moderation

    Note to forum moderators: I'm not exactly sure if this is meant to go in the Habbo section, or this because it's a bit of both. Sorry if it's in the wrong section. If you have not heard about Habbo Revealed already, it is a rapidly growing organisation holding about 8 staff members (YouTube...