[PlusEMU] Emulator Development [UPDATED]

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Feb 9, 2016
in the award cycle timer just make something like
if (Session.GetHabbo().IdleTime >= xx) return;
Only problem is that people who use AFK boosters; prevents them from idling. I think the idle system should be based off when they've last moved AND/OR talked!


Don't need glasses if you C#
Nov 7, 2010
All these commits Craig, I've got a lot to start adding in now LOL @Sledmore gonna be a long night when I finish work


Chaturbate Livestreamer
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FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
All these commits Craig, I've got a lot to start adding in now LOL @Sledmore gonna be a long night when I finish work

:D. The last few are mostly my pettiness, I've changed a bunch of stuff just to match the general patterns - although it's still a mess, ngl.


Even though I said I'm done, just finishing up some other bits, may even release another version today, no promises.


Feb 9, 2016
:D. The last few are mostly my pettiness, I've changed a bunch of stuff just to match the general patterns - although it's still a mess, ngl.


Even though I said I'm done, just finishing up some other bits, may even release another version today, no promises.
So with the new sick remote commands, I see you've added "give_user_currency"; with this, will this also update the currency if the user is offline?

Great to see so much work put into the emulator, it's such a shame I suck ass at C# otherwise I'd be spending my spare time giving a helping hand.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
So with the new sick remote commands, I see you've added "give_user_currency"; with this, will this also update the currency if the user is offline?

Great to see so much work put into the emulator, it's such a shame I suck ass at C# otherwise I'd be spending my spare time giving a helping hand.


Naw - if the user is offline it'll not continue, it will class it as 'failed'. :p And cheers!


Feb 9, 2016

Naw - if the user is offline it'll not continue, it will class it as 'failed'. :p And cheers!
So best way to work with the on-site scripts is to check if online (if so, process the give_user_currency) otherwise run a SQL Query? Or am I getting this all wrong.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
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FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
So best way to work with the on-site scripts is to check if online (if so, process the give_user_currency) otherwise run a SQL Query? Or am I getting this all wrong.

Spot on. That's how you'd do it.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
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FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Just a heads up, if you're having issues with the figuredata its most likely due to your custom figuredata, I tested with Habbos latest and didn't have the exception that some are getting (object already exists), this means a duplication is lurking about. Will post a fix for it when I wake up.


Jul 9, 2010
Plus now has a dev hotel ~ // mind you there may some small bugs on the cms, please let me know what they are!


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010

Sorry for no replies, I'm literally getting no notifications from any of my threads, yet I watch the entire HH section? No idea how that works.


Working on the emulator a little, easier now that there is a test hotel. Regarding CMS, I'd like to do one but I get too hooked up onto PHP and neglect C#/the emulator. HabboRP is evidence. :)

Probably will do a CMS, my only issue is coding the core is very fun and easy, hell with Laravel you can knock out a functional CMS in 2 hours or less, but then the housekeeping comes and it gets depressing.

Recently just helped boon.pw with their new CMS on Laravel, so if I did make one for this I'd probably put a little more thought into it to make it 'different' from Boons, though that'll be a while away if I were to make one.

Anyhow. Regarding the emulator..
  • Added staff picks, not sure how much they need - I literally just have a new table with the room_id as the primary key and a column for an image.
  • Added an option to use the legacy figure checker/anti mutant.
  • 'Fixed' issues with the other/new figuredata manager, it'll now check for 'selectable' and 'preselectable' attributes, if these don't exist, it'll ignore that record - I did want to make the attributes, but I have no idea how.
  • I've also added some additional checks to saving and loading rooms, the saving isn't too bad but the loading looks horrible but it'll solve the null issues until I can get down to designing the database a little better.
Will be working on a few bits and bobs then make a release.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Alrighty, gonna make up for those mistakes on the past 2 releases. By adding even more mistakes. :D

Gonna work on..
  • Group Forums
  • Room Polls
  • Habbo Club
In that order.

Depending how long these take I will work on some of the issues on the Git afterwards!
Question, code unread messages or no? @ group forums.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Hey, hey!

Group forums have taken me a while, but I'm almost there. Just doing the language locales now, oh and I have unread messages to do.

I'm quite happy with the forums so far, I'll commit the changes soon. I'm trying something 'new' compared to the ones I've written before (fun fact, this is my 6th time coding these, each time I have re-written them due to being a petty cunt).

Everything works as it should, pagination seems to work nicely (usually hate these bastard things).

The database tables are quite small when I think about it, so I'm quite pleased with that, the group forums will only load once the group has been loaded (I guess this is both good and bad?).

For the forums, I've done 'most active' by the last replier IDs, as for most viewed I've just done it by most messages - feel free to suggest changes to these if you feel they should be different.

I've added the score settings to the database, so you can configure these. Same with the texts etc. I'll commit to the repo soon, be warned I haven't tested this so I'll probably make a release tomorrow once I can test things.
Oh yeah, forgot to add. The way I've done this is there is a 'GroupForumManager' which isn't exactly used for much, it just has a timer that runs every 30 mins (probably could push an hour tbh). And it'll run the query changes there, I don't know if this is good or bad, but for the most part from my experience, group forums are hardly used.


Feb 9, 2016
@Sledmore - Great progress mate. I think now that you're getting closer I'm going to start compiling some edits that I need to port over once I start using this updated revision. Keep up the great work, and don't rush things since perfection takes time ;)


Feb 7, 2012
Someone knows if Recycler still works in this revision (or since the new catalogue UI) ? I tried to simply add it but I've a blank page in catalogue for the rewards ( ) but the packet is sent ( )

btw, the GetRecyclerRewardsMessageEvent packet is wrong, the right one is 1595.
2152 is for ReloadRecyclerMessageEvent.

Progressing, still can't get the rewards page but I've this :D
Last edited:


Feb 7, 2012
Ok, i completed a basic use of the recycler and i can commit it in dev branch if people wants it. (Probably needs tweaking)
See screenshots :)







Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
I would probably save them on the fly, instead of mass saving, having 1200+ queries executed, if lots of updates are pending.

It'll only be:
  • Views
  • Score
  • Pinned, locked/deleted
  • Moderator Ids
  • Updated at.
For the posts that have been marked as update required, I'll sync it shortly and I guess people can share opinions and we'll decide on 'on the go' saving or with this task.

Gonna finish up some bits and I'll sync.


Decided against it, just can't figure out a nice way of inserting unread message alerts.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010

Seems @Damiens and @Bjork have been busy, they've added a bunch to the repo.

I've just synced my group forums. Haven't done unread messages as I'm not sure of the best way to do them.

Will work on a few more bits, and cover some of the issues and we'll see how today goes.
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