Proverbs 3:5
You do understand a parent company will not even concern over a small company it bought unless that’s a major profit holder. Sulake barely pays for itself let alone profits Elisa. Elisa has lost more money than it originally invested, so they’re not going to invest a large legal team which is worth more than the sulake stockYou must be registered for see links- 1.64 Billion Euros in revenue in 2016. If they wanted to sue retros they would, but the reason they arent has nothing to do with a lack of funding needing to attribute resources to html5 switch. I doubt they had a board meeting which they came down to, "shall we go into html5 or shall we sue retros". The reason for why the aren't sueing boon is beyond the scope of the bottom line.
Reason they don’t sue is due to lack of ability, lack of reasoning and loss of resources. A company with possibly 3 dozen currently employed will not go after a barely touchable website, after cutting its development team. HTML5 is the primary concern or a mobile app, not retros as we will provide ideas to help habbo survive more so than harm it in the long run as well