Hello, Im going to start an localhost retro, For educational purposes, All the ports are used already for xampp :/
And i need something else like xampp..
So, I'm running an edit of Rev-Cms, with Silverwave emu on my website and everything was working fine until I tried to purchase an item from the catalog. You can only buy one item at a time, and if you buy two items the last item you bought will be replaced by the newest item so your inventory...
I have previously owned, managed other servers, have been admin, mod ect. I have much experience in this type of stuff. I am on daily for hours if needed and i can help with anything to the best of my ability. If you are in need of a serious staff member or such, comment below and i can get in...
I'm using Xampp and DUC v4.1.1 and I portforwarded my hotel(using RevCms Custom-Habbo theme and Plus Emulator). The hotel worked for a little bit on my ip but the client wouldn't work on my ip and the client WOULD run on localhost so I changed all the files from localhost to the ip excluding...
When I create a room or I enter the room so I'm somewhere on the left side or hidden. I've tried to change the emulator, for example, YezzEmulaattoriin, but the same problem persists ... you know how I fix this problem? :)
I use Build 2 Plus EMU
So I have my own hotel since yesterday. It's working fine so far but I would like to change the rare_fountains. They have red water and I also got one with colored water. I want the regular ones (blue water) but I just can't find them in my catalogue or furniture files in PHPmyAdmin. (I...
Hey guys, I've made plenty of R63 hotels but that was years ago and I've come back and at some point will be making a new R63B hotel. Whats the best emu to use and do you know of any cms's that I could use. Preferably with no errors. ty.
I created my own retro from this link https://devbest.com/threads/localhost-habbo-retro-tutorial-xampp-plusemu-2017-no-pics-included.83466/ turns out yes, I created my R63B retro, I can register and stuff but when I try to connect to the client, the screen goes black and won't load up. Someone...
I just recently created an R63b retro and all I have left to do is connect it to a domain. I was able to get a domain but I have no idea how to correctly connect it. Help would be appreciated!
I'm a dev looking for people to work with and exchange ideas/codes/opinions about this emulator, it has a lot of potential but needs a lot of improving
My last group project on Plus was Hornet Emulator which you can find the closed thread on Dev section
Willing to pay $20 dollars through pay-pal for someone to create me a habbo retro & they can have staff position.
I am unable to make my own retro as I have a macbook and my firewall blocks files, plus I am totally clueless how to code, but have always wanted to own and run my own retro.
Hello, I need some help finishing my hotel, especially connecting it to my website etc. I also have a problem with my client. It keeps going white when I press, Go To hotel.
Help me please? THX
Hi Guys! as the title already tells,
I NEED HELP! my hotel is bugging all around and i really dont know what to do anymore,
I would like to reset it and set it up with a person, who could help me with everything...
I also would give that person the Technic rank, so the person would get the vps...
I have installed my hotel on a vps and made it after a tut!(link down below)
I've changed everything with help from some other hotel technicals and now
i had to reinstall my db cause i wasn't able to buy anything.
now there is another bug!
I can't see the Shop icons, room creation pictures and...
I'm having an issue with my catalog images not loading and need major help, I'm using Plus Emulator Release 1.
Any help is appreciated, thank you. <3_<3
Hello, I'm using RevCMS. Is it possible to switch news articles from the small ones (click) to the large ones (click)? If so, please tell how?
Also, which do you prefer? I find the larger ones more appealing to the eye.
Thank you, <3
I'm not educated when it comes to r63b. I have everything set up but the client isn't right and it's constantly a new problem. I'm using Plus Emulator Release 1 and I'm getting a white client. If it's not a white client it's an entire other issue so it's obvious that something is wrong. If...
Hello, recently I have opened a habbo retro and I just added having users vote for my retro. This has worked well for other users, they have been able to freely log in but some are sending me complaints saying they're having an error; This page isn't working.
I still haven't found a solution...