
  1. NellyGuhdija

    How to make a retro with VPS/IIS?

    Hello guys. I have a VPS, and I have downloaded IIS and all the files using this old forum I found. I've got it all done but for some reason when I go to my domain, or VPS IP I get an error from mysql. Or "can't connect to the page". I was wondering if its easier to run a retro with IIS, or with...
  2. U

    Client White Screen

    Hey devbest, My client will not work - it just show me white screen everytime. These are the errors which i can see via chrome console: Can somebody tell me exactly how i can fix these that i can go in my client without problems (whitescreen) ...
  3. U

    Open Alert after doubleclick furni (need help)

    Hey DevBest, I try to do the following thing: When i double click this item: it should open an alert like this: Where it should show any informations from this room. But it isn't working yet. When i double click the item, nothing happens. Now here...
  4. L

    Issue with uploading furniture (PlusEmu)

    Hello there! - I am having a problem where, if I try to import an SWF(furniture) and create all the SQLs. (In Furniture, Catalog_Items). Then there is still a problem where that in the catalog no icon is showing up on the "furniture" and when I try to place the furniture, then its just a grey...
  5. U

    One Way Gates not working (RP)

    Hey there, I have a problem with my one way gates. I use them as job gates so only these people who work at this place should can go through the gates. But it seems that isn't the problem. The problem is I cant go through any one way gate. Interaction_modes_count is set to 2 but it won't work...
  6. A

    Freeze Hotel

    help-me every 3/4 hours my hotel freezes, no one can walk back only after about 4 minutes.
  7. SBste01

    [HELP] MYSQL and HTML Form - SQL syntax error

    Hey, I've seen on a lot of hotels staff applications build into the CMS but cannot find releases anywhere. Therefore, I've attempted to code it myself by looking online and have a SQL syntax error. I'll include all three files below, a screengrab of the error and a screengrab of the table in the...
  8. C

    Westyy's Habbo Emu Help

    I recently downloaded the emulator to test and I came across the error below, this fax error with which the client is in the 76% and not between .. Help? Bug during user login: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at...
  9. NellyGuhdija


    Hello, I currently started making a retro. I have bought a DOMAIN, and a VPS, but I don't know how to set up the VPS to my Domain? Is there anyone who can add me on skype or teamviewer help me? it would be amazing!! THANKS!
  10. L

    (Paying for Support) Custom Furni & Currency help.

    Hello there, I need some help on how to create a new furni correct. - I have tried multiple guides, and have been searching on google for some days now. Contact me through a PM or leave a comment below. I think I know where the problem is, and its something about the SQLs. I have experienced...
  11. K

    Cms compatible for

    Hi guys, help me. Which can cms is compatible whit this relase Pls help me, Sorry for grammar i speak little english.
  12. M

    [Help] How do i edit my landing view?

    Im sorry if this has been released before, however when i've looked, none of them seem to be able to help me, i want to know how to change the landing view so i can add different news articles. external_flash_texts: current landing view:
  13. T

    PlusEMU + DB Catalogue Images not showing

    Hey, every single item in the catalogue(s) images are not loading, appear to be non-existent. I have linked my SWF correctly to the c_images, and yes I do have an icons folder. I'm really stuck on how to fix this...
  14. M

    R63B Client Black Client

    Hello, I have been recently working on making a habbo retro once again after a long time of not creating one and I have Noticed there is an issue I followed this tutorial here on this forum posted on devebest And...
  15. Noinselt

    I Need CMS+SWF+DB+EMU (Help Me)

    I Need Good CMS+SWF+DB+EMU Thanks.
  16. T

    [HELP] My Room ADS doesn't load!

    Hi! When I've purchased the room background from the staff catalog and put in in my room entered the link that for me is // and click the Save or infostand.button the image/background doesn't show/load! Im using PlusEMU and RevCMS! How do I fix this?
  17. T

    Floor Plan not working!

    Hi! If im editing my room on my habbo retro using the floor plan editor I get kicked out of the room. When I try to go into the room I just get a black screen with the HUD on the bottom. I can't see the room. How do I fix this?
  18. R

    Hardware Ban?

    Hello, I'm running a bigger retro, and recently we're had some guys come online, that we really dont want to be online. Is there a way to ban their Mac adress / their Hardware ID? Ask me, if u need more info.
  19. waleyy

    Client loads then go back to me..

    So my client loads and i come in to the client then 2 seconds after it goes back to the ''me'' page.. Help please?
  20. U

    Furni doesn't rotate

    Hey I have a problem with one of my furniture. The furni is really important for me and it must work perfectly... idk why but it doesn't rotate if i click on the "rotate" button. On an older project it works without problems. Did somebody knows how I can fix this? Best Regards