The reason why it wasn't working is that some sets didn't have the 'preselectable' tag. Also some items were duplicates so that was another reason why it didn't work on plus.
(I simply went to the link and scrolled down to see if the original poster put any fix for that)
From what I have heard, custom clothing doesn't work for Revision 2, we have yet to "fix" it.
Edit: Use this!C1ACWAAJ!tE7DALOqm5GCoDnAyoCFtks2S1bRp7sW1Zfk0S3YzmY it should fix the issue?
I don't recall Alaska ever having "WTF & ImNoRapePlusIndustries" + We aren't WTF Emulator. I don't know what you did wrong with figuredata, because I am able to update it on my end perfectly.
Regarding the second issue, this is due to the fact that you may not even have the color table in your database. @Platinum has a fixed database and will be releasing it on the main thread.
Hey guys,
I have decided to make a help and support thread for Alaska if anyone even uses it. Once a problem and solution has been done, I will update this post with spoilers to answers.
Currently working on a Version 2. However, this version is meant to jump start people into developing their own ideas, and updating even crazier things than before. Discord is Jeff#9571.
NOTE: If you bought Alaska from xToxic or Scronnie7, just know the entire source was released for free so...
Hi everyone.
This is what you aren't supposed to do when someone releases work to help benefit the community in many aspects. Changing credits + breaking features that never were broken is also one classical example. Many other people have worked hard to bring features, however some may resist...
It's all about sharing and learning. Please don't rename the credits and claim it as your own. If you have any questions, you can hit me up on discord, or reply here.
Okay, so Its basically just a Plus R2 standard DB
For Group Forums:!qA0RWDra!4jpQuCiBvbBpvK3Q-Uk8RpDCgh8eZH04BVJe9bPl2m4
If there's anything missing, reply!
(BTW: The database wasn't corrupted, uses MariaDB and that was where I...