Project Alaska - PlusEMU 2 Edits


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
Hey Devbest.
Me and @Jeffrey are releasing our one month old project which simply contains edits on PlusEmu2.
This will not be a support thread unless i have nothing else to do, so work amongsts urselves.

The Emulator includes...
  • Up to date packet headers, thank you @Quackster for this.
  • Room bundles coded + room bundles command (u can set the bundle into the cata via a command, no tedious work in db) (note wired_items don't work with room bundles, i realized this last minute and havent recoded it)
  • stackheight command
  • rolldice command
  • closedice command
  • setcolor command (done via db) (credits @Jerry)
  • Sandbox mode -> (a replication of zap hotel's sandbox)
  • Frank the daily gift bot (everyday when a user walks into their room, frank welcomes them with gifts and currency). This is also set in the db
  • Pay command
  • Custom notification packet
  • new events command
  • notify command
  • kick for idle -> this kicks users out of the room for being idle (time set in db)
  • group forums (credits @Westyy)
  • anti-boosting algorithm
  • unable to delete LTD's (good for eco) (credits @Westyy)
  • command to set badge definition (credits @Platinum for asking me to code this)
  • warp command (credits @Platinum he got the code somewhere and i fixed one line lol)

credits @Sledmore for making a well written emulator to work off of.

P.S There is an object reference not set error every once in a while, if u can figure out what triggers it let me know :) (my guess is anti-boosting). Don't worry tho, it doesn't the affect the hotel.

The SWF is in the Download i provided and @Jeffrey will link the corresponding database for it :)
To all of those who thought that they were badass by having a copy of this before it was released me and Jeffrey lol @ you. Good try, better luck
next time.

Edit: Theres more stuff in the emu then listed. Also the emu constains a bunch of discord dll's because i was interested in hooking up the emu to discord with a command but ended up saying fuck it to that. But i encourage everyone else to try and complete it.

Download link

key: !MJ5tuKQHvTMAphjt4l0SaxdggAW6R4DYbvMhhwROmic
Last edited:


a devbest user says what
Aug 22, 2010
FYI if you want encryption you need change line 14 in SSOTicketEvent.cs from

if (Session == null /*|| Session.RC4Client == null*/ || Session.GetHabbo() != null)


if (Session == null || Session.RC4Client == null || Session.GetHabbo() != null)

And then use , run it on the original Habbo.swf for this version, which can be found at:

With the following parameters: Habbo.swf /dhost /rsa

- /dhost will disable the hosts check to allow the swf to be run from everywhere
- /rsa will replace RSA keys to make encryption possible for private servers

And then use the default RSA keys that HabKit gives (which can also be found in the folder that HabKit creates after modifying the swf).

After you've used HabKit, go to RSAKeys.cs and replace the keys with these:

namespace Plus.Communication.Encryption.Keys
    public class RSAKeys
        public string N = "86851dd364d5c5cece3c883171cc6ddc5760779b992482bd1e20dd296888df91b33b936a7b93f06d29e8870f703a216257dec7c81de0058fea4cc5116f75e6efc4e9113513e45357dc3fd43d4efab5963ef178b78bd61e81a14c603b24c8bcce0a12230b320045498edc29282ff0603bc7b7dae8fc1b05b52b2f301a9dc783b7";
        public string D = "59ae13e243392e89ded305764bdd9e92e4eafa67bb6dac7e1415e8c645b0950bccd26246fd0d4af37145af5fa026c0ec3a94853013eaae5ff1888360f4f9449ee023762ec195dff3f30ca0b08b8c947e3859877b5d7dced5c8715c58b53740b84e11fbc71349a27c31745fcefeeea57cff291099205e230e0c7c27e8e1c0512b";
        public string E = "3";


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2012
ew habbo, jokes. Good release, sure it will help out a few other people. I'm debating whether to release some cool stuff as I have no use for Habbo anymore. Kudos to you all.


Posting Freak
Jul 27, 2016
It was a dick move to go behind Babbos back but it’s yours so why not. I know for sure you can do much better since you boy have hidden talents. Project Alaska II soon??


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
It was a dick move to go behind Babbos back but it’s yours so why not. I know for sure you can do much better since you boy have hidden talents. Project Alaska II soon??
Dw, this release was approved by Jeffrey. But, Alaska II will come in time.


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
It was a dick move to go behind Babbos back but it’s yours so why not. I know for sure you can do much better since you boy have hidden talents. Project Alaska II soon??
Alaska II has more features coming soon that resemble Habbo as well as maybe unique features?


Posting Freak
Apr 21, 2017
about to test this right now. hopefully no issues, thanks for the release.
the database is corrupted. it cant get past 1% without being unsuccessful and i have strict mode off also.


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
about to test this right now. hopefully no issues, thanks for the release.
the database is corrupted. it cant get past 1% without being unsuccessful and i have strict mode off also.
Weird, let me see what happened with the dump and reupload on the updated post.


Active Member
Jul 8, 2017
about to test this right now. hopefully no issues, thanks for the release.
the database is corrupted. it cant get past 1% without being unsuccessful and i have strict mode off also.
its the badge_definitions. You need to remove them from the sql then run the query. you can later re-add them. My mistake


Posting Freak
Apr 21, 2017
could you perhaps upload a fixed database @Jeffrey? im still running into all types of errors with the database even after removing the tables u said. removing the table is just causing errors with the emulator too. not trying to be a pain just telling u this as other people are probably going to run into these problems too.


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
could you perhaps upload a fixed database @Jeffrey? im still running into all types of errors with the database even after removing the tables u said. removing the table is just causing errors with the emulator too. not trying to be a pain just telling u this as other people are probably going to run into these problems too.
Okay, so Its basically just a Plus R2 standard DB

For Group Forums:
If there's anything missing, reply!

(BTW: The database wasn't corrupted, uses MariaDB and that was where I was able to grab the copy from. If your hotel uses MariaDB you should be fine with strict mode off)


Posting Freak
Apr 21, 2017
Okay, so Its basically just a Plus R2 standard DB

For Group Forums:
If there's anything missing, reply!

(BTW: The database wasn't corrupted, uses MariaDB and that was where I was able to grab the copy from. If your hotel uses MariaDB you should be fine with strict mode off)
Oh my bad I'm using Navicat


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
@Mikee @Jeffrey
Thanks for sharing this might pick a couple of things of this for my PlusEdit :p It's useful and I can learn from the codes <3
It's all about sharing and learning. Please don't rename the credits and claim it as your own. If you have any questions, you can hit me up on discord, or reply here.


Spilling the tea, can't you read?🍵
Dec 24, 2015
It's all about sharing and learning. Please don't rename the credits and claim it as your own. If you have any questions, you can hit me up on discord, or reply here.
I won't, I'm still using my copy :p just gonna grab stuff I could use from this edit you guys did. I'll add credits to :about command for whatever updates I decide to add. I'll put thanks to Alaska, Sledmore etc..... how it is already, just have to add Alaska when I add stuff from it :p Thank you again appreciate it.


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
Hi everyone.
This is what you aren't supposed to do when someone releases work to help benefit the community in many aspects. Changing credits + breaking features that never were broken is also one classical example. Many other people have worked hard to bring features, however some may resist to release for the above to claim work.

@xToxic - Stop going around hotels and telling you leaked Babbo's database. Getting a private version with a complete database from your friend doesn't make you an elite hacker. Mike and I have worked very hard on this emulator bringing updates for you not to go around chatting yourself off. You clearly have modified the credits page, but I haven't seen you done nothing on this edition.

Anyway, on topic: Sandbox needs to be implemented via catalog_items and items. I believe it's an integer 0,1 or enum.


Apr 24, 2013
It's all about sharing and learning. Please don't rename the credits and claim it as your own. If you have any questions, you can hit me up on discord, or reply here.
Good job on this first project guys! Hope to see more or a version 2?

Oft: You said we can contact you on discord, but I don't know what your Discord username is.


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
Good job on this first project guys! Hope to see more or a version 2?

Oft: You said we can contact you on discord, but I don't know what your Discord username is.
Currently working on a Version 2. However, this version is meant to jump start people into developing their own ideas, and updating even crazier things than before. Discord is Jeff#9571.

NOTE: If you bought Alaska from xToxic or Scronnie7, just know the entire source was released for free so individuals could learn how to code themselves. You may never know, they could put exploits or bad code into that source. Always check Devbest for updates, or any official releases.

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