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  1. Jeffrey

    Plus emulator alaska figuredata

    Alaska is fine with custom clothing, send me your figuredata error over here.
  2. Jeffrey

    Habbo has plans after flash is deprecated

    They've been working on Hotel Hideaway, which is a 3D Game that is currently on mobile platforms, and have plans on possibly maybe switching to that platform or idek. Check it out.
  3. Jeffrey

    [Request] - PlusEMU Room Poll Code

    What production are you running?
  4. Jeffrey

    Password Reset

    Why would you want to reset it, when you can simply change the password through the settings if you know the password.
  5. Jeffrey

    Expose yourself!

  6. Jeffrey

    Show DevBest | an Amazon Afilliate website dedicated on Camera & Accessories

    It still seems like you rushed on things.. I still don't understand your revenue model and i still have to go through your checkout, and there's no clear indication that you are a amazon affiliate (at least your old site labeled it).
  7. Jeffrey

    Bring Back # of Votes

    You can see how much votes your hotel gets by visiting your server page and scrolling to the statistics page. However, the ability to see how much votes they see on the front page, would also be awesome too..
  8. Jeffrey

    Room Layouts Disappeared

    Did you check the console for any errors?
  9. Jeffrey


    Did you create a support ticket?
  10. Jeffrey

    Christmas Suberino.

    hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii papi
  11. Jeffrey

    Westty Abusing

  12. Jeffrey

    [Alaska] Help & Support Thread

    Can you screenshot your error.
  13. Jeffrey

    HabboEmulator based off PlusEmulator.

    Sorry, but I caused this mess. Just kidding, but this release is good.
  14. Jeffrey

    [Alaska] Help & Support Thread

    Are you running the correct database? Platinum / Zoheb released a fixed MySQL database. In regards to staff alerts, i believe it can be configured in the database as it's been over two months working on alaska haha.
  15. Jeffrey

    thanks qt!

    thanks qt!
  16. Jeffrey

    Anyone want hween sub?

    @Shorty as this is as close as he can get to the Black Sub.
  17. Jeffrey

    [Alaska] Help & Support Thread

    Hey for some reason, I didn't get a notification for this tag. It appears that you have already changed and it still gave you a throne. I just checked back in the help support section, and apparently it was your theme itself? Yes, I was told by Mike it wasn't correctly implemented so it should...
  18. Jeffrey

    [Alaska] Help & Support Thread

    Okay, so what happen most likely is that you aren't using the Habbo-cracked.swf
  19. Jeffrey

    [Alaska] Help & Support Thread

    Like others said, this is because of your flash issue. Make sure flash is set to allow, and make sure in the console you can see the console loading
  20. Jeffrey

    Project Alaska - PlusEMU 2 Edits

    Does anyone have any cool ideas / features they would possibly like to see in a possible #2