I have never used BoonValues before, but you should just research how the entire system works and see what triggers what such as how does the login work.
This is what your index.php looks like right now:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>BoonValues - Official Rare Values!</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://fabbo.pw/resources/styles/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet"...
They are indeed existent, however they are located in the VALUES folder, and not the ROOT (/) folder, where the rest of the site belongs.
You have two options:
Move the folder called "Resources" to the ROOT folder (where app, ase is located)
Edit index.php / other files inside the VALUES...
It looks like you haven't linked to the right resources.
http://fabbo.pw/resources/styles/bootstrap.min.css doesn't exist as well as http://fabbo.pw/resources/styles/homepage.css