Flash Yobba - R63B, LightShot CMS

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Jul 21, 2015
It's azure 190, and has been up for like 4 weeks.. It just keeps going up.. It'll be at 50 before long. Idk why, maybe got the same issue as blah hotel ?


Update: There's like 5 online, but says 40
Why would you leave it as a fake usercount?


Legacy, it's all anyone leaves behind.
Jun 8, 2012


EDIT: Updated a few bits and pieces around the hotel, so I updated the images.
Yobba will be a decent hotel, with a nice economy and constant events. Our manager(s) will be creating new events weekly, and we are having weekly competitions that keep users busy and help the hotel. We plan to be getting 50+ daily within the first week. Yobba will be hosted on two 8gb dedicated servers from online.net (Because it's cheap :D)
Yobba hotel is currently on Azure as we got a bit behind in developing mango for it. When mango is finished, we'll switch over to that. Just using azure for the time being as I need to get it up to pay the server bills. After setting up mango & taking a look at it, it's a really nice emulator and I have incredibly high hopes for it.

Yobba's CMS is LightShot CMS, which is a CMS coded from scratch, using PDO. I have completely re-ripped habbo's site and their JSON on the register. Also, I got the client register working, but the json responses on that weren't so easy, so until I get it going 100%, i'm using a little register process I've whipped up using JSON for the name chooser, and a nice change looks thingy I found on another forum & edited a little.
public static function Initiate(){ //Starts up the page output
      self::SetRequest(); //Sets the request params
      self::SendToTemplater(self::$RequestParameters); //Sends the request to the templater
    public static function SetRequest(){ // This is self explanitory
      $Request = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //Separates the request into an array by the use of "/"
      foreach($Request as $k => $v){ //For each loop to set the params into an array
        self::$RequestParameters[$k] = $v; //Sets the params
    public static function SendToTemplater($Request){ // This is self explanitory
      LightShot::$Templater->Process($Request); // Makes the Templater process the page
public static function Login($Input, $Password){
      if(self::EmailExists($Input) || self::NameExists($Input)){ //Email? Or Name? O.o
        //Input is fine
        if(LightShot::$MySQL->num_rows("SELECT null FROM users WHERE mail = ? AND password = ?", array($Input, Site::Hash($Password))) >= 1 || LightShot::$MySQL->num_rows("SELECT null FROM users WHERE username = ? AND password = ?", array($Input, Site::Hash($Password))) >= 1){
          //Password is fine
          LightShot::$MySQL->query("UPDATE users SET ip_last = ?, last_online = ? WHERE username = ?", array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], time(), $Input));
          $Data = LightShot::$MySQL->fetch_array("SELECT id, username, password, mail, rank, pm_level FROM users WHERE username = ? OR mail = ?", array($Input, $Input));
          $_SESSION['user_id'] = $Data['id']; //ID
          $_SESSION['username'] = Site::Filter($Data['username']); //USERNAME
          $_SESSION['password'] = Site::Hash(Site::Key($Input), $Password, $Username); //PASSWORD :D
          $_SESSION['email'] = $Data['mail']; //EMAIL
          $_SESSION['permission'] = $Data['rank']; //RANK
          $_SESSION['ip_addr'] = LightShot::$ClientIP; //IP ADDR
          Templater::$Notice = "Welcome, ".$Input.", your login was successful, and your account status has been updated. Redirecting you now...";
          return true;
          //Password wrong
          Templater::$Notice = "Wrong password entered. Please check your data carefully and resubmit!";
          return false;
        //Email or Username wrong
        Templater::$Notice = "Wrong username or email address entered. Please check your data carefully and resubmit!";
        return false;
Feel free to check us out @
To be done:
- Recode the login function.. I don't like the way it's done.
- A few bits & peices on the client..
- Add a staff page
- Improve the shop page
- Changes a few queries because they're all set to use a mango database

- Me
- Jaden(moonshine)
- Azure developers
Planned Launch: Was tomorrow (Friday the 28th, but a few delays meant that it may be saturday).​

I wish you luck on this I really like what I've seen honestly. I'd use this in an rp theme if I could.
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