I personally think the PS4 looks better in term of specs and features as of now, but nothing has been confirmed so I'll wait till E3.
And Microsoft never said they wont allow pre-owned games, just a rumor.
Ahah thanks for the little bit of information, and I'm actually debating myself right now to get PS4 or Xbox One,
thanks for the reply
Xbox One has been released of a price so far of $499. PS4 is rumoured to be around £200-£250 mark. Plus, Microsoft released that you'd pay a fee if you wanted to play a pre-owned game. (I assume it'll be something like 25% of the RRP).
Couldn't possibly choose until E3.
I'm always with Xbox no matter what, but this time I have to disagree with it. It's like the opposite of that Windows 8 tablet commerical, "Less talking more doing". It seems as though they're doing more talking with the Xbox ONE and less doing.
I was thinking that alsoPS4. The XBox One is looking like more of a Home Entertaining system instead of a Gaming console. I just want a fucking gaming console.
I don't see how they suck when their specs are very good and they are better than most people computers. Customizing PCs range from about $600-$1000. I'd rather buy a console with those specs for at least $300-$400 than customize my computer. PCs do have an advantage when it comes to gaming but as far as I know the PS4 and Xbox One don't "suck".
Customizing PCs range from $600-$1000.