Voting Gateway


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
Hey, I was told to post here regarding my thehabbos account. office.boy is currently in the process of writing a cms for my new hotel, which is running blunk's emulator. ( Right now when you type the url it goes to the voting gateway, without that there it would just go to the client, so this is the only way to get votes. I would just like to confirm with rasta that this is Okay.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
It's not the only way to get votes, but it'll allow you to get the most votes that way. You can always put a vote button on your CMS, and hope that users click it and vote. But when it's on the client, all they have to do is click three buttons, and they are back on the client, as it brings you right back.


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
The cms isn't coded yet, it's just a client
<- can you check it out and tell me if it's against any rules atm?


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
Well, if you were to link your account on TheHabbos directly to that link ( ), yes, it'd be against the rules. Why? Because it goes directly to the voting page. All links from TheHabbos MUST go to the hotel itself, and nothing else.


New Member
Sep 28, 2011
I dont see, how though, this is any different from running a cms and then clicking the loader and it showing the voting page. Unless i just made a white page with CLICK HERE TO LOGIN, which imo would look shit. I don't understand why you feel the need to enforce this rule to be quite honest :S Fresh's was removed, but there's had been there months without issue.

However, i noticed now you said linked to the account, so if i changed the url on my thehabbos account to the client, would it be okay? Everyone who visits would vote, but if they came on thehabbos and clicked it, it would just load the client. Have I understood that correctly?


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
I have an issue with this because I want people that use TheHabbos to initially land at a hotel, as that is what they are looking for. I don't want them landing at voting pages, links, etc. After they land on the initial page, I don't care what you do (for the most part).

You could change the link on TheHabbos to "", and then not show the voting page, and have that linked to your account. If you did that, then yes, "" could have a voting page on it.

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