Unknown column help


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Unknown Column, means its not there or "credits" is not the name of the column.

Steps To Figure it out yourself:
Open your users (design) table
Do you see the column "credits" anywhere?

No - Then you need to add it. Simply just add the column

  ADD Credits int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

Yes but its called something else - Then just rename it from ****** -> credits

Problem that could occur:
Your CMS goes off of "credits" but your emulator goes off something like "usr_credits" and that is the column in ur users table currently. If you rename it to credits, you might be able to create your account, but your emulator could glitch. So to fix this you can change your column name in your class when it grabs it for the cms, or you can change the column name in your emulator.

Happy Fixing!

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