The American Dream


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
Everyone American citizen has an “American Dream” whether they realize it or not. We are brought up as children to imagine our futures, and what lies ahead of us, including our careers. I am no exception to this phenomenon. Therefore my “American Dream” includes school, a career, and retirement.

First off, school is a huge factor in my life as it will decide whether my “American Dream” is achievable to the extent I want it to be or not. I have represented school on my 3D design as a stack of books, as that’s what I imagine when the word comes to mind. I choose this item to represent school as it is a very popular symbol for school. I placed school towards the bottom in my design to represent that it is only the beginning in the “American Dream”, and that there is more to follow as you get closer and closer to your goal.

Next, I choose ones career as my second symbol for it represents themselves, and what they want to achieve in life for the most part. I have selected the wad of cash to symbolize ones career, for that is the reason one would go to school, and hope to achieve retirement, along with having a job that they love. As stated above, I picked this symbol for this is what everyone hopes to obtain during their career to better themselves in the future. I placed this item on the second highest point of my 3D design for it shows that you are almost there, but not quite yet.

Lastly, retirement is the number one thing I strive on achieving within my “American Dream”, for then you have all the time in the world for yourself. In my 3D design, retirement is symbolized as a clock for the reason that you have a seemingly endless amount of time to do what you have always wanted to do. This is the reason why I placed the clock at the top of my design; as it shows that you have made it to the top, and have lived the “American Dream”.

As I stated above; everyone has an “American Dream”, but it not always made out to be so important until you realize it. We are taught from childhood to imagine our futures, and what careers we think would suit us, which helps develop our views of the “American Dream” even at an early age. Therefore my “American Dream” includes school, a career, and retirement.

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