Can you open up your web-gallery/images folder and prnt screen it?
Okey haha, but thanks for seaching the problem!Oh wow,you're missing v3 folder.I'll upload it for you tommorow bcos im tired now.
Link?Okay im uploading it for you.
Yeah old version was just fucked up(not working css,index,safety pages).I was scared you weren't going to release the newest version...
It's uploaded to mediafire.Please upload it to or mediafire
What?lolSome instructions for this noob would be cool, but ITS COOL, ITS COOl..... I'll use my brain
Me page
And the rest of the pages don't even load!
any suggestions?Yeah CMS News promo was made for r63b database,okay so on line 199 find 'site_news' and replace it with 'cms_news'.That should fix your me page.Get a new Regi page.
Open up me.php locate 'FROM site_news ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 7' and replace it with 'FROM cms_news ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 7'any suggestions?