How did you find Habbo or Retros


New Member
Mar 20, 2019
I found Habbo in June 2004 when I saw some classmates playing it on their computer. To be honest, I met some of my best friends in real life through Habbo. I was introduced to Retro's kinda early, in 2007 already, when a friend of mine made a V13/V14 server and invited me on it, then he showed me a tutorial on how to make my own.


Feb 2, 2019
So I'm now 22 years old, I remember when Habbo had their own ads on Newgrounds (a game website) when I were about 11 years old, I were playing a Sonic game at the time and I clicked the Habbo ad, and registered to Habbo :) After that I practically grew up with the social platform.


Habbo Developer
Dec 28, 2018
Title speaks for itself, but how did you find Habbo or Retros.

I found about Habbo because I was at my cousin's house and he showed me habbo and forced me to register, then I just started loving it!

I found about Retros in like 2012 when my cousin (same one) was at my house and told me about Fresh & Zap.
My Sister Play It Since 2008 Maybe


Mar 31, 2018
I found out about habbo retros because of my brother, he was working on a habbo retro and i did some googling about habbo retros and i found Boon, and i always wanted to own my own and develop my own.. which i started to learn how to edit/create a CMS.. then i did some more googling and found out you can edit and/or make your own Emulator. I have slowly got out of the retro scene and always have been willing to help new beginners.


Ancient Member
Jul 4, 2010
I found Habbo through a school friend, about 12 years ago. I got addicted, spent hundreds of £££ over a few months and then found out about a site "Top Retros" Which was basically the olden day equivalent to "FindRetros". I played Habbz Hotel, Ultima Hotel (@Champion), Habbzo and i think i vaguely remember openHotel too. Those were the days!


New Member
Mar 24, 2020
2004? i believe was the year i started with habbo. Can't remember at all how i found it, i just remember that the first room i went to was the public pool place, and i sat myself down with some girls. I had noooooo idea how to change clothes, and i had some very ugly clothes on me. I remember them making fun of me and then walking away lmao.


New Member
Sep 13, 2012
Title speaks for itself, but how did you find Habbo or Retros.

I found about Habbo because I was at my cousin's house and he showed me habbo and forced me to register, then I just started loving it!

I found about Retros in like 2012 when my cousin (same one) was at my house and told me about Fresh & Zap.

Back in the day I played "" but found many claims of a retro called: Bobba Hotel then later on I tried out lots of Old School Habbos which my friends and I been doin alot making and customizing using old Bloodline v3 SE and then working on HoloEmulator and PHPRetro. The first ever retro I played on were which were a thing in 2008-2009 I think. ( ) as an example). And found many retro through toplist sites which I found, later I joined this site and another habbo retro dev forum and getting deep into development of Emulators and CMS. Not that I understand too much, got a grasp of things to make a retro run.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
Back in the day I played "" but found many claims of a retro called: Bobba Hotel then later on I tried out lots of Old School Habbos which my friends and I been doin alot making and customizing using old Bloodline v3 SE and then working on HoloEmulator and PHPRetro. The first ever retro I played on were which were a thing in 2008-2009 I think. ( ) as an example). And found many retro through toplist sites which I found, later I joined this site and another habbo retro dev forum and getting deep into development of Emulators and CMS. Not that I understand too much, got a grasp of things to make a retro run.
Open Hotel run by Ixel, WKD and Zak was probably my favourite. Later moved on to Flex :)


May 6, 2012
On TFH3 / KrewsForum the first mdkv1 was posted, downloaded it and set it up on my computer. Those were the days.


New Member
Feb 5, 2018

I saw Habbo advertising a lot and I came across one of Habbo's advertisements on a Games page called StickPage. This were back in 2008, and I've been playing ever since.


Amateur Hour
Aug 30, 2020
Online advertisment on some kind of forum IIRC is how I came across Habbo. An advertisement for Fresh on is how I came across retros.


Jul 28, 2014
Title speaks for itself, but how did you find Habbo or Retros.

I found about Habbo because I was at my cousin's house and he showed me habbo and forced me to register, then I just started loving it!

I found about Retros in like 2012 when my cousin (same one) was at my house and told me about Fresh & Zap.
Was actually on vacation with my family back in 2013 at USA. Was in Walmart checking out new laptops at a store and I notice 2 kids playing something cool on a laptop at the shop, I go and ask them and since that day, BOOM I'm into retros, developing and loving every single bit of them. 2020, STILL here.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
Oh man, this thread is bringing back memories. My step brother's friend introduced it to both of us back in ~2005. I believe we all played it together for awhile, had schemes of how to get rich, etc. But I was hooked, and became completely obsessed with it. I have a very vivid memory of telling my sister when I found out about retros, which I thought were coolest thing ever, but by that time she had moved on (this was probably in 2006/2007). Habbo's also the reason I got into web development; the idea that other people (just like me) could create a fansite opened my mind up to so many possibilities. I remember visiting my Grandma once, and I spent the entire time on her computer creating a layout in MS Paint, and writing up the HTML in the Freewebs editor. Fookin' hell. Habbo was such a magical experience as a kid.


Jul 28, 2014
Oh man, this thread is bringing back memories. My step brother's friend introduced it to both of us back in ~2005. I believe we all played it together for awhile, had schemes of how to get rich, etc. But I was hooked, and became completely obsessed with it. I have a very vivid memory of telling my sister when I found out about retros, which I thought were coolest thing ever, but by that time she had moved on (this was probably in 2006/2007). Habbo's also the reason I got into web development; the idea that other people (just like me) could create a fansite opened my mind up to so many possibilities. I remember visiting my Grandma once, and I spent the entire time on her computer creating a layout in MS Paint, and writing up the HTML in the Freewebs editor. Fookin' hell. Habbo was such a magical experience as a kid.
Hell yeah Habbo was such a magical experience as a kid. One of the best experiences to be honest and fair


New Member
Sep 11, 2021
MSN Chat was the early internet's precursor to what would become the genre of Habbo.

I met a kid who was bored of MSN's crackdown on fake "servers" (Friendly Chat Network, FWCN) running on their frontend.
He asked me if I wanted a job and one thing led to another. It took me over 15 minutes to figure out how to "follow [him]" through the teleporter and I think I got kicked out the first time for "blocking" it.
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Oh man, this thread is bringing back memories. My step brother's friend introduced it to both of us back in ~2005. I believe we all played it together for awhile, had schemes of how to get rich, etc. But I was hooked, and became completely obsessed with it. I have a very vivid memory of telling my sister when I found out about retros, which I thought were coolest thing ever, but by that time she had moved on (this was probably in 2006/2007). Habbo's also the reason I got into web development; the idea that other people (just like me) could create a fansite opened my mind up to so many possibilities. I remember visiting my Grandma once, and I spent the entire time on her computer creating a layout in MS Paint, and writing up the HTML in the Freewebs editor. Fookin' hell. Habbo was such a magical experience as a kid.
I would love to see some of your modern projects as well as any archives of your og fansites. :)


Dec 6, 2011
I discovered Habbo by way of my cousin around '07. I played around for a while, it was a nice way to waste a Saturday morning and whatever other free time I had, and then I happened upon retros around late '08 because while Habbo was lots of fun, the lack of credits pretty much removes you from the core experience of it all and since there wasn't any convenient way for someone living in North Africa to do online transactions at the time, I went looking for a way to get 'em and stumbled upon a YouTube video showcasing a retro hotel; at first I thought it sounded too good to be true, I mean... all the credits you could possibly want? That's ludicrous!

But nah, it was real, one thing lead to another and I was just immediately sucked in. I started looking into how to make your own retro and did the typical thing where you make a Weebly website and pin a loader to it, losing my mind in the process of course trying to figure out how to connect it to Debbo or Bloodline and ripping DCRs off other established retros to use as my own; later I started messing around with the flat file "CMS" types, I put CMS in quotation marks because that's a very generous term to append to what that was, port-forwarding or running Hamachi so I can play God in my own little world; gradually working my way up until I reached the PHPRetro and Holo era, picking up tidbits here and there about coding and databases and all that, slowly accumulating knowledge and growing both my skillset and interest in this brand new world of computer programming I was just thrust into. It was a crazy time in my childhood that I look back on today very fondly.

In late 2010 I started hearing the name "DevBest" but I wouldn't properly venture into it until around late 2011 (I think it was after the reset at the time? I distinctly remember making an account on the XenForo version and bouncing for a while only to come back later and finding my account gone) because it was a name that appeared quite often on the downloads section of "TheHabbos", which used to be my premiere destination for all my retro assets and resources, and the rest is pretty much history. Thinking about it actually, it's crazy how much of an impact Habbo has indirectly had on my life, I've met a lot of friends through it, I've learned a whole new language and culturally enriched myself as a result of engaging the community surrounding it, I got into programming and picked up new skills and knowledge I most likely wouldn't have today without it and frankly that doesn't even begin to cover it all but I digress.

Honestly, it's been quite the ride.

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