Help with Starting a New Habbo Retro


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Hello everybody.

Sorry if I'm posting this thread in the wrong place, this was the most appropriate section I could find. I don't know if you guys get several threads like this in a day, or if there's a thorough guide for this, if so, my apologies. I just didn't want the information I was looking for to be outdated. But, if there is a recent topic or part of this website that covers my question, a link would be much appreciated.

Anyways, me and my friend have gone through several Habbo Retros, and have been unsatisfied with most of them, i.e. bad moderators or lack of control or something of the like. So, we decided that we should create our own retro. We are willing to pay for a server and do everything neccesary to make it work, we also have people willing to join.

The biggest problem is now, we're not quite sure how to start, like I've seen video guides out there, but I'd want to use a more updated version of Habbo. TL;DR how do we start our own Retro? We are both slightly experienced with html coding and have modded in several videogames, that's about as far as our general knowledge in this area goes. We are willing to learn however, and have both Windows XP and Windows 7 in our possession. So, please, can someone tell us what to do, how to make a high quality long-lasting Habbo Retro? Also, anybody that is wiilling to join our Retro is welcome to.


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
I have access to my router yes, although my internet speed isn't the fastest, I live in a place where the highest download speed in the area is 100 kb/s.


Jun 23, 2011
Okay. Before I start, your grammar and English is fantastic. Also, never look at videos. Things could get complicated and to be honest, it just takes forever for the people to explain. Look through threads, Google and forums. You didn't specify what version you are making also.

- Donkashan


New Member
Aug 15, 2011
Thank you. :)

Honestly, I don't know very much about the versions, I'm looking for what's most recent, and most of the information out there applies to older versions, so I was hoping someone here could point me to some instructions. Anyways, I'll start browsing this forum for some info.

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