BoonRP [Roleplay] [Open BETA]

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recovering crack addict
Nov 18, 2011

I suck at making threads so this won't be very useful but anyway yeah.
What is BoonRP?
BoonRP is a Habbo Retro Roleplaying server created by myself (Zodiak).
It is the roleplaying server to our main hotel (Habboon).

About BoonRP
BoonRP is ran of a custom emulator based off the emulator being used for Habboon (Plus emulator heavily edited by Sledmore).
The roleplay features and some bug fixes have been developer by myself (Zodiak).
Before we shutdown we peaked around 300 users online and since we've re-opened BETA we've peaked around 70 users online.


Roleplay Mangers file




Boon Street (First spawn room)

Boon Mall

More Screenshots Coming soon

BoonRP Features
We have quite a few features on BoonRP, for example:

Pet System ->
Pets can be attacked and will attack back.
Once a pet is dead a timer will be placed onto that pet so it can't be placed until it is revived (5 minute timer).
A pet can't be picked up whilst it's attacking another player or being attacked by another player (so that the owner can't just avoid it being killed on 1 health).
The pet will follow the owner around the room it is placed in.
If the pets owner is offline and the pet isn't fighting it will automatically leave the room it is in and go back to the owners inventory.
If the pets owner is online and the pet isn't in the same room and isn't fighting it will automatically leave the room it is in and go back into the owners inventory.
The higher the pets level the higher amount of damage it will do.
Every kill the pet gets it will earn more experience towards leveling up.
Bot System ->
On BoonRP if you attack a bot it will either attack you back or run away from you and call the police on you.
We're soon going to have random civilian bots that will spawn in random rooms (can be useful for gaining experience killing them).
If you attack and kill the bot it will be removed from the room.
Experience System ->
You can earn experience by doing random things around BoonRP like killing users, robbing users, robbing the vault, training, robbing shops.
Leveling System ->
On BoonRP we have 101 levels, after level 100 you will be ranked as an "RP God", meaning you're one of the top roleplayers to have played BoonRP.
Every time you level up you will need to gain more experience to level up again.
You need to be a certain level to do certain things like equip certain weapons, rob the vault, etc.
Shop Robbery System ->
On BoonRP you can go into certain shops and step on a banzai tile where you will start robbing the shop (if there is a shopkeeper bot in the shop).
The shop keeper bot will either ask you not to hurt it and call the police or it will tell you to get out and start attacking you.
Just like any other bot the shopkeeper bot can attack you and can be attacked and killed.
If you kill the shopkeeper bot it will automatically spawn back into the room minutes later.
Learning System ->
On BoonRP you need a certain intelligence level to be hired or promoted in certain jobs.
You can gain intelligence by going to the library or school and learning.
Strength System ->
You can go to the gym and work out to level up your strength level.
The higher your strength level the higher you'll hit.
Fishing System ->
You can fish in fishing spots on BoonRP to catch fish.
You can sell the fish you catch to earn some extra money.
Commands ->
We have a range of commands to use for example:​

:petattack %user% - This will command your pet to attack the specified user.
:hit %user% - You can use this command to hit another user.
:shoot %user% - You can use this command to shoot another user.
:learn - You use this command to start learning in the school or library.
:buypet %name% - Once you stand on one of the pet tiles in the pet store you can use this command to buy the pet you stepped near.
:timeleft - This will send you a notification with all your running timers.
:taxi %roomid% - You use this command to taxi to different rooms in BoonRP.
:stats - This command will show you all of your statistics.
:blist - Shows a list of users with a bounty on them.
:smoke - Use this command to smoke weed or cigarettes.
:roomid - Use this command to show the id of the current room you're in.
:rooms - Use this command to show you all of the rooms in BoonRP (Id, Name, amount of users in there now).
:rob %user% - Use this command to rob a user (only works if you have a knife equipped).
:drink %drink% - Use this command to drink a drink and gain health.
:equip %weapon% - You can use this command to equip a weapon.
:unequip - Use this command to unequip the weapon you currently have equipped.
:911/:999/:police - Use this command to call the police.

VIP Commands
:setbounty %user% - Set a bounty on a user you want dead.
:barmor - Equip body Armour for extra health.

Police Commands
:setwanted %user% %time% - Set a wanted level on a user for a certain amount of time.
:arrest %user% %time% - Arrest a user for a certain amount of time.
:stun %user% - Stun/freeze a user.
:locate %user% - Locate what room a user is in.
:release %user% - Release a user from prison.
:wantedlist - Show all of the users that are wanted.

Hospital Commands
:heal %user% - Use this command to heal a user.

Gang Commands
:gcreate %name% - Use this command to create a gang.
:gdelete - Use this command to delete your current gang.
:ginvite %user% -Use this command to invite a user to your gang.
:gkick %user% - Use this command to kick a user out of your gang.
:acceptganginvite - Use this command to accept a gang invite.
:gbackup - Use this command to call your gang for backup.

Fishing Commands
:startfish - Use this command to start fishing.
:sellfish - Use this command to sell all of the fish you've caught.

Bank Commands
:deposit %amount% - Deposit a certain amount of credits into your bank account.
:withdraw %amount% - Withdraw a certain amount of credits from your bank account.
:balance - Check your bank balance.

Corporation Commands
:hire %user% - Use this command to hire a user.
:fire %user% - Use this command to fire a user.
:demote %user% - Use this command to demote a user.
:promote %user% - Use this command to promote a user.
:quitjob - Use this command to quit your job.
:sendhome %user% %time% - Disallow a user from working for a certain amount of time.
:startwork - Start working
:stopwork - Stop working

There are more commands, but there's too many to list.​

BoonRP Rooms
There is currently 61 rooms in BoonRP's city and we will be creating more as we progress.

What's BoonRP's url?
or click the banner at the top of the thread.

As BoonRP is currently in Open BETA mode, if you find any bugs be sure to report them to a member of staff in-game, so I can fix them as quickly as possible.

[UPDATE: 16/01/2015] - Recoded my minigame manager
[UPDATE: 16/01/2015] - Coded brawl minigame, mafia wars soon to come

Hope to see you in BoonRP!​
Last edited:


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Nice however, seen one of those rooms on Google. Thieves.



Legacy, it's all anyone leaves behind.
Jun 8, 2012

I suck at making threads so this won't be very useful but anyway yeah.
What is BoonRP?
BoonRP is a Habbo Retro Roleplaying server created by myself (Zodiak).
It is the roleplaying server to our main hotel (Habboon).

About BoonRP
BoonRP is ran of a custom emulator based off the emulator being used for Habboon (Plus emulator heavily edited by Sledmore).
The roleplay features and some bug fixes have been developer by myself (Zodiak).
Before we shutdown we peaked around 300 users online and since we've re-opened BETA we've peaked around 70 users online.


Roleplay Mangers file




Boon Street (First spawn room)

Boon Mall

More Screenshots Coming soon

BoonRP Features
We have quite a few features on BoonRP, for example:

Pet System ->
Pets can be attacked and will attack back.
Once a pet is dead a timer will be placed onto that pet so it can't be placed until it is revived (5 minute timer).
A pet can't be picked up whilst it's attacking another player or being attacked by another player (so that the owner can't just avoid it being killed on 1 health).
The pet will follow the owner around the room it is placed in.
If the pets owner is offline and the pet isn't fighting it will automatically leave the room it is in and go back to the owners inventory.
If the pets owner is online and the pet isn't in the same room and isn't fighting it will automatically leave the room it is in and go back into the owners inventory.
The higher the pets level the higher amount of damage it will do.
Every kill the pet gets it will earn more experience towards leveling up.
Bot System ->
On BoonRP if you attack a bot it will either attack you back or run away from you and call the police on you.
We're soon going to have random civilian bots that will spawn in random rooms (can be useful for gaining experience killing them).
If you attack and kill the bot it will be removed from the room.
Experience System ->
You can earn experience by doing random things around BoonRP like killing users, robbing users, robbing the vault, training, robbing shops.
Leveling System ->
On BoonRP we have 101 levels, after level 100 you will be ranked as an "RP God", meaning you're one of the top roleplayers to have played BoonRP.
Every time you level up you will need to gain more experience to level up again.
You need to be a certain level to do certain things like equip certain weapons, rob the vault, etc.
Shop Robbery System ->
On BoonRP you can go into certain shops and step on a banzai tile where you will start robbing the shop (if there is a shopkeeper bot in the shop).
The shop keeper bot will either ask you not to hurt it and call the police or it will tell you to get out and start attacking you.
Just like any other bot the shopkeeper bot can attack you and can be attacked and killed.
If you kill the shopkeeper bot it will automatically spawn back into the room minutes later.
Learning System ->
On BoonRP you need a certain intelligence level to be hired or promoted in certain jobs.
You can gain intelligence by going to the library or school and learning.
Strength System ->
You can go to the gym and work out to level up your strength level.
The higher your strength level the higher you'll hit.
Fishing System ->
You can fish in fishing spots on BoonRP to catch fish.
You can sell the fish you catch to earn some extra money.
Commands ->
We have a range of commands to use for example:​

:petattack %user% - This will command your pet to attack the specified user.
:hit %user% - You can use this command to hit another user.
:shoot %user% - You can use this command to shoot another user.
:learn - You use this command to start learning in the school or library.
:buypet %name% - Once you stand on one of the pet tiles in the pet store you can use this command to buy the pet you stepped near.
:timeleft - This will send you a notification with all your running timers.
:taxi %roomid% - You use this command to taxi to different rooms in BoonRP.
:stats - This command will show you all of your statistics.
:blist - Shows a list of users with a bounty on them.
:smoke - Use this command to smoke weed or cigarettes.
:roomid - Use this command to show the id of the current room you're in.
:rooms - Use this command to show you all of the rooms in BoonRP (Id, Name, amount of users in there now).
:rob %user% - Use this command to rob a user (only works if you have a knife equipped).
:drink %drink% - Use this command to drink a drink and gain health.
:equip %weapon% - You can use this command to equip a weapon.
:unequip - Use this command to unequip the weapon you currently have equipped.
:911/:999/:police - Use this command to call the police.

VIP Commands
:setbounty %user% - Set a bounty on a user you want dead.
:barmor - Equip body Armour for extra health.

Police Commands
:setwanted %user% %time% - Set a wanted level on a user for a certain amount of time.
:arrest %user% %time% - Arrest a user for a certain amount of time.
:stun %user% - Stun/freeze a user.
:locate %user% - Locate what room a user is in.
:release %user% - Release a user from prison.
:wantedlist - Show all of the users that are wanted.

Hospital Commands
:heal %user% - Use this command to heal a user.

Gang Commands
:gcreate %name% - Use this command to create a gang.
:gdelete - Use this command to delete your current gang.
:ginvite %user% -Use this command to invite a user to your gang.
:gkick %user% - Use this command to kick a user out of your gang.
:acceptganginvite - Use this command to accept a gang invite.
:gbackup - Use this command to call your gang for backup.

Fishing Commands
:startfish - Use this command to start fishing.
:sellfish - Use this command to sell all of the fish you've caught.

Bank Commands
:deposit %amount% - Deposit a certain amount of credits into your bank account.
:withdraw %amount% - Withdraw a certain amount of credits from your bank account.
:balance - Check your bank balance.

Corporation Commands
:hire %user% - Use this command to hire a user.
:fire %user% - Use this command to fire a user.
:demote %user% - Use this command to demote a user.
:promote %user% - Use this command to promote a user.
:quitjob - Use this command to quit your job.
:sendhome %user% %time% - Disallow a user from working for a certain amount of time.
:startwork - Start working
:stopwork - Stop working

There are more commands, but there's too many to list.​

BoonRP Rooms
There is currently 61 rooms in BoonRP's city and we will be creating more as we progress.

What's BoonRP's url?
or click the banner at the top of the thread.

As BoonRP is currently in Open BETA mode, if you find any bugs be sure to report them to a member of staff in-game, so I can fix them as quickly as possible.

Hope to see you in BoonRP!

Just like to point out; The banner at the top isn't showing the amount of users online because as "" it won't show so we're using the png image.​
Nicely done, Greatly featured good luck with Boon Zodiak!


Kylie Jenner
Sep 25, 2013
Allow thinking that this will give us competition. Either way good luck lad.
Well considering you guys are sharing/gave ZapRP to Muscab which gave you guys a shit ton of users is not a fair competition considering you guys had 30+ before from what I have seen.

Anyways good luck with BoonRP it looks better than before. :3


recovering crack addict
Nov 18, 2011
Bug btw:

Fix it!!:p
About time you's edited it! Goodluck with it @Zodiak
The hotrooms command is being weird and not selecting the amount of users.

Edit: nvm, just fixed it, will be fine after reboot.


Aug 19, 2012
Looks like it has potential to be the best roleplay hotel, despite the advantage of having the Boon user base.
I like everything about it that you've advertised other than the roads... The pixel roads maybe weren't the best choice.


The first member of the Knights of the Pink Table
Jan 15, 2013
Looks really awesome much,much better than the previous version.Good luck.


Developer of ChakCMS
Jan 14, 2015
Looing great, I used to love BoonRP but kind of gone off RP's after how shit FreshRP is. May get back into them and if I do, yours is by far the best.Well done Zodiak. I was lead to believe that Boon's emulator was based off of Mercury though...
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