
  1. Ellu

    Bronze, Silver and Goldbar! [Release]

    Hello! Here is an release of an BSG bar set, which i have made. Enjoy! The values are 5K (bronze), 10K (Silver) and 50K (gold). If you want to change the value of those exchange items, you can check out my tutorial for that! DOWNLOAD HERE
  2. Ellu

    Public room images, items & Tutorial [Release]

    Hey! Today i'm going to release some cool public room images and items. I'm going to have an noob friendly tutorial for people who don't know how to make an public room. When i started building my retro i couldn't get any help from anybody. So heres a thread for people who don't know...
  3. treebeard

    [PlusEMU] Trouble With Marketplace

    Hello everyone, I've recently been trying to get the marketplace working in my Plus emulator R2. When trying to add a new furni offer to the marketplace I get this error immediately: Here's the packet headers I have in my Communication > Packets: Client Packet Header --------------------...
  4. treebeard

    De-obfuscating a SWF

    Good day everyone, I just added a diamond exchange to my hotel and I'm having some issues with renaming all the scripts and making edits to the furni swfs. When I open the swf in HxD Editor it looks like this: I've ran into this before with original habbo swfs but have always just worked...
  5. treebeard

    Trouble Adding Code For Diamond Exchange

    Hello everyone, I just edited my ItemUtility.cs and CreditFurniRedeemEvent.cs in PlusEMU R2 to try and add the ability to have a diamond exchange. Here is a link to the classes before I made any edits: Here is a link to the classes after I made my edits...
  6. J


    Good evening I'm currently trying to setup a hotel with a friend, mainly just to try and mess around, but after 5 tries of setting up even the cms, we've found ourselves to have lost hope, as it never works properly. I've seen a couple of threads where people were offering to setup the hotel in...
  7. treebeard

    Seeking Web Developer/Programmer For A Small Job

    Greetings everyone, I'm currently looking for an experienced web developer/programmer who's interested in making a couple of pages for my retro's website. I'm searching for someone who is capable of making a functional register page, gallery, and about the hotel page. The design that we have...
  8. J

    Recruiting REVCMS Development

    H Devbest, I am looking for someone who is able & has the knowledge to code a custom REVCMS theme for a new hotel from a PSD. The hotel is using PLUS EMU. This job is open to offers (Paid Work) if you're interested in doing this work then feel free to get in touch. Jordan
  9. treebeard

    [PlusEMU] Trouble Adding New Exchange Furni

    Hello everyone! I was trying to add some custom goldbars to my hotel and for whatever reason when they are added into the hotel (catalog, furnidata, and the swf into hof_furni) they don't show up at all. Here are the query's and the furnidata that I'm adding:
  10. treebeard

    How Do You Add A Welcome Message Like French Retros

    I'm trying to add a welcome message like this to my hotel. The only thread I've seen is this one: I added Session.SendPacket(new InternalLinkComposer("habbopages/welcome.txt")); to my GameClient.cs where the conditional statement for the...
  11. treebeard

    [JPEXS] Export All Scripts To One .txt File [Actionscript]

    Hello everyone, I wasn't really sure if I should even post this here as it's just software that is applicable to retros and not actually a retro issue but... Does anyone know if you can export all scripts to one text file in JPEXS? I lost all my files recently and don't have a cracked AS3...
  12. treebeard

    [PlusEMU] Trouble Adding Diamond Timer [PlusEMU]

    Hello everyone, thanks for taking the time to read this thread! I've started working on an edit of PlusEMU and have successfully made a few of my own commands! (I'm new and excited lol) However I've been trying to work on some features to add currency timers, diamond exchange, and some other...
  13. Sam_Otten

    Arcturus and BrainCMS setting up external_variables.txt

    I need help setting up my external_variables. This is what my external_variables.txt looks like. (I have changed my webaddress to HOTELNAME). This is what my SWF folder looks like: I can get into the client but I can't buy HC and the icons for furni are missing. Most of the furni works though.
  14. NellyGuhdija

    How to make a retro with VPS/IIS?

    Hello guys. I have a VPS, and I have downloaded IIS and all the files using this old forum I found. I've got it all done but for some reason when I go to my domain, or VPS IP I get an error from mysql. Or "can't connect to the page". I was wondering if its easier to run a retro with IIS, or with...
  15. M

    Recruiting RP Habbo Retro

    Hi guys, I appreciate you taking the time to look at this. I've recently decided I have too much free time and have really only been taking an interest in RP hotels for awhile now, and with previous experience in owning regular retros I have decided to pursue opening a RP. Note: I have never...
  16. Noinselt

    I Need CMS+SWF+DB+EMU (Help Me)

    I Need Good CMS+SWF+DB+EMU Thanks.
  17. T

    [HELP] My Room ADS doesn't load!

    Hi! When I've purchased the room background from the staff catalog and put in in my room entered the link that for me is // and click the Save or infostand.button the image/background doesn't show/load! Im using PlusEMU and RevCMS! How do I fix this?
  18. T

    Floor Plan not working!

    Hi! If im editing my room on my habbo retro using the floor plan editor I get kicked out of the room. When I try to go into the room I just get a black screen with the HUD on the bottom. I can't see the room. How do I fix this?
  19. T

    How to make an activate flash notification before client!

    Hi, I've seen alot of hotels using an notification page before the client if the user haven't activated or installed flash. How can I make an page myself? Image of what I mean: Here's my client.php: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ May someone help...
  20. Ka3

    Habbo Retro Name

    Can someone help me with naming my new hotel?