
  1. I

    localhost error

    https://prnt.sc/h6f8by I am using IIS just saying, please help me fix this.
  2. funkystrainz

    Registration entries to my database? CMS Help

    Support Threaders, I now have access to phpMyAdmin, where I will be able to manage the database that will serve as a storage system for both the game, to remember user info in-game, as well as the page content, for submitted registrations and upon login. However, I have begun to configure my...
  3. funkystrainz

    [Help] PHPMyadmin on XAMP [Urgent]

    Hey guys, I didn't post for a while & have been experiencing the same problem for the past couple days, with different sets of errors depending on the where the location of the file is on the command I try to run. It begins on my localhost when I try to redirect from my xamp...
  4. funkystrainz

    [NEED HELP]a Retro on XaMP (/tmp/sock/ MYSQL fix)

    First off, I just want to say, even if you aren't making any of this shit from scratch, its still hard as fuck to figure out. And it's not impossible, but worth the effort if done well. Alright, lets say I have moved from a local host to a working URL, have connected a database with my catalog...
  5. Devjam

    Localhost files error

    Hey. this has happened before but i fixed it and i don't remember how. IIS>wwwroot>files (Retaliation cms) Config is 100% correct. please tags the nerds here so they can help me. (this my first time Vps) Heres a screenshot of the error. http://prnt.sc/b8kj3u
  6. A

    [Help] Xampp Localhost connection error[Help]

    I have installed Xampp correctly and apache and mysql have started properly. When i type in localhost or or anything similar to try and set up a password or view the pages, it doesnt work. I get an error each time that says: This web page is not available ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT I...