Hey devbest, today I'm finally releasing a command that everyone should have coded into their emulators. It's more or less essential for building on a hotel because everyone complains about stacktiles. As well as a lot of people have the buggy versions of stackheight coded into your emulators...
RoomUser TargetUser = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByVirtualId(UserId);
if (TargetUser == null)
That was the equivalent line from my emulator. I'm sure your structures are gonna be slightly different but maybe using UserId as opposed to...
Not sure if you ended up figuring this out or not but to get familiar with adding wired in game you should follow an example tutorial such as this one: https://devbest.com/threads/plusemu-close-dice-wired-and-more.82318/#post-405803
This is fairly opinion based. Rev is not secure by any means but it is the easiest to work with. There are ways to secure rev to the point where you won't get hacked, but it'll never be 100% safe. That being said, nobody really 'hacks' hotels anymore provided the obvious exploits are fixed.
Predictions from random sources all over the web point to a release in 2022. They've been adding a lot recently to online, and not to mention it's still big.
Is the clothing included in both your figuredata and figuremap xml files? Did you clear your cache, purge cloudflare, and add the database entry in catalog_clothing?
If someone didn't add a furni line due to 3 or 4 furnis not being in the right category as opposed to just adding a page entry for laundry 2018 and moving the ~4 laundry furnis into their own category, I can only assume they're a lazy "dev". Either way I'm sure the community appreciates your...
What edits did you make to the corresponding server packet?
also I know someone's gonna come across this error so I may as well state it now to avoid 10 pointless thread replies. In default Plus the line
"Room.GetRoomItemManager().GetFloor.ToList().ForEach(Item =>"
should be...
Reload your hotel, open developer tools, then open the clothing selector. Replace any missing SWFs listed in the console.
If there is nothing, make sure you put the proper figuremap.xml in your production folder.
If that doesn't work try a different clothing pack.
Yes, the code is designed to stop people from scripting. However a good 90% of people still run R1 which allows scripting anyway so what's the difference? I understand your concern but that edit is only a last resort for people who can't get it to work. The same code that prevents scripting is...