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  1. Txc

    R2 Custom Clothing Pack & Emulator Fix

    Hey Devbest community, have you ever set up an r2 emulator and had your builder(s) start constructing your welcome lounge, added a bunch of custom features, then had people bitching about your hotel not having custom clothes? Or is that just me... Anyway, today I bring you a release for R2...
  2. Txc

    Post pictures of your setup!

    Dont mind me lmao, I'm just super OCD with cables. I made sure the only cable I can see outside of my pc case is my mouse, can't stand wireless mice.
  3. Txc

    Post pictures of your setup!

    Sick build, if anything I think you should work on the cable management of your actual setup, it can be improved. Otherwise nice setup.
  4. Txc

    Easter 2018 Furni (With Fixed Interactions and Sizing)

    I believe someone on this thread released a really really old plusemu that had the entire watering can function or whatever it was.
  5. Txc

    Weird Room Bug?

    To clear up any confusion with all of you, my decimal characters on both vps servers are set to a period. One of the two emulators I experienced the problem on was my own edit which I coded sandbox mode into, thus editing my rooms table. I thought the issue was self inflicted until I experienced...
  6. Txc

    Weird Room Bug?

    I made an edit on one of my emulators where I changed the floorplan max from 64x64 because it was giving me a weird error so I thought that also messed with things but it's exactly the same on default plus. I guess I'm gonna look into finding a better way to handle room saving.
  7. Txc

    Weird Room Bug?

    We thought it had something to do with the way I coded stackheight but then it occured on this emulator before I coded in stackheight. It happens mostly when using floorplan editor but other times it'll do it with simply unloading a room. It happens at least once with most rooms on my hotels.
  8. Txc

    Weird Room Bug?

    Seems to occur way too often on both of my emulators, one being an R1, the other being an R2 on two different revisions. I assume the entirety of room saving needs to be recoded in order to fix this?
  9. Txc

    Weird Room Bug?

    I was almost convinced that this was specifically my emulator that did this, so I was trying to figure out if I had to recode the way plusemu handled room saving or it was just a simple database edit. Then the glitch happened on a new emulator I've been working on and I was wondering if anyone...
  10. Txc

    [NEW!] Habbo Bar Room Background [RELEASE!]

    Not a bad release, nice to see people release unique creations. Might be good for an rp or something man.
  11. Txc

    Easter 2018 Furni

    It's all good man
  12. Txc

    Easter 2018 Furni

    It has nothing to do with my files, it's not my fault when some people mindlessly change ids or get furniture from random releases that use whatever numbers they desire. My SQL queries and XML excerpt were designed to be inserted into their proper IDs from Habbo. @Berk there's a high chance your...
  13. Txc

    [Release/Continued] VisionR4 (Emu - CMS - SWF) [Release]

    Nice release, I'm sure a lot will find this useful and appreciate the continuation. The original emu I believe is actually azure based I'm not sure why it was named Plus in Hender's release.
  14. Txc

    Plus Emu R2 Custom Clothes

    I just used the most updated habbo clothing, it was released here on a thread somewhere.
  15. Txc

    Plus Emu R2 Custom Clothes

    I've not fixed the custom clothes thing. I have all habbo clothes added, I even removed the secondary check in FiguredataManager to no avail.
  16. Txc

    Easter 2018 Furni (With Fixed Interactions and Sizing)

    Apparently it was cus crackables wasn't coded in my emulator, however I coded crackables and it didn't fix the issue, so I'm not 100% sure.
  17. Txc

    [RELEASE] [COMMAND] [PlusEMU] View Inventories

    Sorry about that I updated the composer, mustve pasted the wrong code.
  18. Txc

    [RELEASE] [COMMAND] [PlusEMU] View Inventories

    Pm me, let me know what you're having trouble with. I fixed it in my emulator. For anyone having trouble adding this into plus, getting errors in FurniListComposer.cs use mine: using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using Plus.HabboHotel.Items...
  19. Txc

    HabboEmulator ~ Support thread.

    This might sound stupid but did you :update navigator?
  20. Txc

    [PlusEMU] Trouble With Marketplace

    You happen to have the correct packets for Production 201802201205-141713395? I think my packet headers might also be wrong.