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  1. Txc

    Amateur Habbo Developer.

    Amateur Habbo Developer.
  2. Txc

    my cms isnt working

    For future reference a missing table can ruin the entire page of the cms, so when you see something such as "cms_news does not exist" just add the table.
  3. Txc

    [PLUS EMULATOR] Complete header list for PRODUCTION-201802201205-141713395

    That'd actually be helpful, I'm coding in trax and jukebox support atm and might need some of those myself. Anyway I just wanted to update all of you and say I have the new production running on my hotel and everything works smoothly so far, haven't run into any issues. EDIT: My users are...
  4. Txc

    [PLUS EMULATOR] Complete header list for PRODUCTION-201802201205-141713395

    That worked for me, thank you so much. To your knowledge are all the other packets stable? I'll be doing more of my own testing but I figured i'd ask in case.
  5. Txc

    How to fix the Habbo Emulator Marketplace? (Plus Emu R2)

    I'm planning to fix it for my R2 emulator, might release it publicly and then to revert it to work with Westyy's you'll just have to change SendPacket to SendMessage and replace PlusEnvironment with HabboEnvironment
  6. Txc

    Easter 2018 Furni (With Fixed Interactions and Sizing)

    Good to know, thanks. I'll be coding that in later tonight.
  7. Txc

    [PLUS EMULATOR] Complete header list for PRODUCTION-201802201205-141713395

    I'll let you know if I end up fixing the problem as well. I appreciate it.
  8. Txc

    [PLUS EMULATOR] Complete header list for PRODUCTION-201802201205-141713395

    Nice release, are the servernotificationmessagecomposer and bubblecomposer packets correct? I had a custom RoomNotificationComposer but it seems even reverting back to the old one I'm unable to utilize any command or function related to either packet. Even tried coding a separate bubble composer...
  9. Txc

    I have my emulator which I generally don't give out for free, but it's more or less feature...

    I have my emulator which I generally don't give out for free, but it's more or less feature complete. I don't think I can help u bro.
  10. Txc

    Easter 2018 Furni (With Fixed Interactions and Sizing)

    Well I mean there's 50 or more furni in the pack, as well as its habbo official furniture so you're going to want to add it regardless of what it looks like lmao.
  11. Txc

    How to fix the Habbo Emulator Marketplace? (Plus Emu R2)

    I'm 95% sure HabboEmulator is R1, anyway I'm interested in this fix as well. I do believe the release comes with the marketplace packets already in, its probably missing a few required classes.
  12. Txc

    [PlusEMU][Addon] Christmas Calander

    Its probably because you're not using the correct packets for your swf production.
  13. Txc

    Easter 2018 Furni (With Fixed Interactions and Sizing)

    Hey Devbest, Since I've been releasing the new furni packs lately seeing as not a lot of people release packs anymore, I decided to release Easter 2018 early with fixed sizing and interaction modes to make it easy to keep your hotel up to date. The pack includes all the new furni, everything is...
  14. Txc

    Custom Design

    I like this, it's sleek, it's modern. The me page is extremely messy but with a little bit of re-positioning and decluttering it'd be amazing. Is this released somewhere?
  15. Txc

    [Plus Emulator] Command Erase Chatlog

    The concept is nice but I feel like its a low quality command. Instead of truncating the chatlogs completely, it'd be better if you coded it to erase the chatlogs of the current room. I probably won't use this because I have no use for it but always nice to see people making contributions.
  16. Txc

    Jungle 2016 Furni issue!

    Seems to be either a behavior data error (perhaps the code is missing from plus completely?) or an interaction type error. Anyone ever fix this? The new easter 2018 furni relies on a similar fix to work.
  17. Txc

    Chinese New Year 2018 Furni

    Hey Devbest Community, Today I'm here to release the 2 new Chinese New Year furni for 2018. There were only 2 released furni but I figured I would compile a small pack for retro owners to add this furni before it's released on habbo. Chinese New Year is in 10 days, enjoy. Download Link...
  18. Txc

    Password Reset

    Alright, being as I don't have access to the account "HabbaME". How can I prove this account belongs to me? Keep in mind I own the email related to the account (Which I believe I know exactly which email is associated).
  19. Txc

    Password Reset

    And I own the account so I'd like help somehow resetting my password please.
  20. Txc

    Password Reset

    It wasn't auto set I just had it set to remember me, my bad. Anyway I can prove the hotel belongs to me in multiple ways, I would greatly appreciate if I could reset my password somehow.