Weird Room Bug?

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Jan 26, 2017
I was almost convinced that this was specifically my emulator that did this, so I was trying to figure out if I had to recode the way plusemu handled room saving or it was just a simple database edit. Then the glitch happened on a new emulator I've been working on and I was wondering if anyone had this issue before and what they did to fix it. The glitch occurs when rooms are unloaded and loaded back in, and when I shut down the emulator (the proper way using the command). Any help or direction would be much appreciated.



Jan 26, 2017
Happens every once in a blue moon. Not sure why, but yes it does occur in all Plus Emulators.
Seems to occur way too often on both of my emulators, one being an R1, the other being an R2 on two different revisions. I assume the entirety of room saving needs to be recoded in order to fix this?


Website & Software Developer
Feb 5, 2015
Seems to occur way too often on both of my emulators, one being an R1, the other being an R2 on two different revisions. I assume the entirety of room saving needs to be recoded in order to fix this?
When you say this is happening ‘way too often’ how often do you mean. Is there something you are doing the same both times that may be causing it to happen?


Jan 26, 2017
When you say this is happening ‘way too often’ how often do you mean. Is there something you are doing the same both times that may be causing it to happen?
We thought it had something to do with the way I coded stackheight but then it occured on this emulator before I coded in stackheight. It happens mostly when using floorplan editor but other times it'll do it with simply unloading a room. It happens at least once with most rooms on my hotels.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2013
The only thing I can suggest, is it could be linked to floorplan. When the floor plan gets generated, unload the room twice and see if that helps.


Jan 26, 2017
The only thing I can suggest, is it could be linked to floorplan. When the floor plan gets generated, unload the room twice and see if that helps.
I made an edit on one of my emulators where I changed the floorplan max from 64x64 because it was giving me a weird error so I thought that also messed with things but it's exactly the same on default plus. I guess I'm gonna look into finding a better way to handle room saving.


New Member
Jul 15, 2014
The way Plus handles saving rooms is actually quite stupid If you ask me.

The way rooms, items, userdata etc. are updated in database is when emulator is shutdowned properly.
Basically I believe it's to help Plus keep stable or w.e.

So how to avoid this happen: don't let Plus crash and always shutdown properly. :up:


Website & Software Developer
Feb 5, 2015
Like Jay said. This is possibly linked to your floorplan. I can’t think of any other reason why this would be happening to you.


Jan 16, 2018
IDK where your VPS is hosted but I switched to a VPS in Italy once and for some reason my rooms got rekt and I couldn't enter any rooms.
The solution was going to control panel > Clock,Language,Region > Change date, time, or number formats > Additionaly Settings > Make sure decimal symbol is .

I'm not sure if this is the same issue you are having but I also had my rooms get trashed like this before upon changing my VPS and that is what fixed it for me.


Website & Software Developer
Feb 5, 2015
IDK where your VPS is hosted but I switched to a VPS in Italy once and for some reason my rooms got rekt and I couldn't enter any rooms.
The solution was going to control panel > Clock,Language,Region > Change date, time, or number formats > Additionaly Settings > Make sure decimal symbol is .

I'm not sure if this is the same issue you are having but I also had my rooms get trashed like this before upon changing my VPS and that is what fixed it for me.

Switching VPS should have no bearing on this issue. At least I don't see how it could possibly have an issue on it.
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Jan 16, 2018
Switching VPS should have no bearing on this issue. At least I don't see how it could possibly have an issue on it.
It's a regional setting and in that section if it is , instead of . it will completely fuck up rooms. I struggled to troubleshoot the issue for awhile when it happened to me and the answer when I found it wasn't even in a Habbo related forum. I'm not sure what bearing the option has on PlusEMU but in my own experience when I had an issue where my rooms were trashed and i couldnt enter, this is what solved the issue.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
I thought the above error wouldn't let you do anything on the emulator let alone create rooms? Maybe I'm wrong, as I've never had it myself.

If you've been editing the emulator or database maybe it's self inflicted as I only had the issue above when I edited the database structure for the rooms table, it messed up a lot of rooms after using the room floor plan editor.


Website & Software Developer
Feb 5, 2015
It's a regional setting and in that section if it is , instead of . it will completely fuck up rooms. I struggled to troubleshoot the issue for awhile when it happened to me and the answer when I found it wasn't even in a Habbo related forum. I'm not sure what bearing the option has on PlusEMU but in my own experience when I had an issue where my rooms were trashed and i couldnt enter, this is what solved the issue.

Ahh fair enough. I can understand that happening then but even then I would presume the fact he has not mentioned that in the original thread leads me to believe it is possibly another issue. He has maybe changed something when developing and not even noticed it.. It's a bit of a confusing one if I'm honest.


Jan 16, 2018
I thought the above error wouldn't let you do anything on the emulator let alone create rooms? Maybe I'm wrong, as I've never had it myself.

If you've been editing the emulator or database maybe it's self inflicted as I only had the issue above when I edited the database structure for the rooms table, it messed up a lot of rooms after using the room floor plan editor.
I'm not 100% sure as when I had the issue I just saw I couldn't enter rooms and that they were all jacked up and that's when I started hunting for a fix.

But yeah it's hard to say as it could be self-inflicted from changes that you have made but if you are saying that you did a fresh install perhaps it's something to check.
I don't have much more to offer :p


Website & Software Developer
Feb 5, 2015
I can guarantee that he has probably added a . or something randomly in his DB when looking at the room and it's cause this massive problem. It will be something very simple like that which will require a simple fix :D


Jan 26, 2017
To clear up any confusion with all of you, my decimal characters on both vps servers are set to a period. One of the two emulators I experienced the problem on was my own edit which I coded sandbox mode into, thus editing my rooms table. I thought the issue was self inflicted until I experienced the same thing on a more or less default version of plus (the one from habbofiles) where the only edit I made was updating packet headers, however the issue happened prior to updating revision. Hope that clears everything up, I’ve noticed this issue happened on multiple hotels thanks to floor plan editor
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