Search results

  1. J

    Coloured Usernames PlusR1

    Hi all, I have been trying to add coloured usernames released by @Mikee ( The code is coded around R2, however I am using R1. One part of it is to replace this code here: if (GetClient().GetHabbo().TentId > 0)...
  2. J

    New Forum Theme

    Heyo, As stated on my previous thread, I & a few other users would agree that Devbest is overdue a new theme! Something more modern would look great, and add a nice finishing touch to the forum overall. @TesoMayn @Sentinel also assisted me with this idea :)
  3. J

    Profile Background Banners

    I saw this on another forum, and thought it would look good. The concept is adding a profile background image to your profile page and in other areas - it would like this. ( This could be great as an extra option to users who donate maybe? It could also tie in with...
  4. J

    Fortnite Android

    Has anyone got Fortnite on Android? If so, would you mind sparing an invite code for myself! If so, it would be muchas gracias amigo! Thanks
  5. J

    Cryptocurrency Anyone still holding?

    As the title says, is anyone still holding? If not, why? I personally cashed out mine a while back, I still have $50 USD in Ripple - just incase it decides to go anywhere!
  6. J

    Any good for gaming?

    Would be looking to play Minecraft on it, maybe Roblox. Nah, for real - is this any good? Would be looking to play CSGO, PUBG, Fortnite, Arma etc. Lmk. Thanks. Case COOLERMASTER MASTERBOX MB600L CASE Processor (CPU) AMD Ryzen 7 1800X Eight Core CPU (3.6GHz-4.0GHz/20MB CACHE/AM4) Motherboard...
  7. J

    Cryptocurrency BTC: The rise

    Is it coming back? As I am sure you are all aware, BTC dropped to around $7000 USD - However it seems to be on the rise again? What do you guys think of it? Will it ever hit $20000, or ever get close again?
  8. J

    Gaming laptop / PC

    Sooo, I need some help lads. I'm looking for a good spec gaming PC/Laptop, I am looking to run CSGO, PUBG, etc. I have a budget of about £900 in mind (Set £100 aside for mouse / keyboard etc) Anyone got any thoughts ideas on what I should look at? Thanks
  9. J

    Cryptocurrency Ripple.

    What are your guy's thoughts on Ripple? It has been around awhile now, and the value is still so low, will it ever go anywhere? If you look at other crypto-currencies such as BTC, they were once at <$0.10 - But Ripple doesn't seem to be moving! What are your thoughts? Is Ripple just at an...
  10. J

    [FIXED] PlusEmuR2 - Some users stuck at 76%

    Hello, I am having an odd issue with my retro, we are running Plus Emu R2 - Everything works fine etc, however some users after a while try to access client and are getting stuck at 76% - Previously to this they had no issue, they literally try to log on and this happens, creating a new account...
  11. J

    Request Banner // Logo

    Hello, I'm currently in need of a FindRetros Banner & Logo for my upcoming hotel, Xabbo. Thank you very much to anyone who does it, many thanks. Text to put on the banner. Hotel Name: Xabbo Text: Diamond Eco // Good User Base // Custom Commands // Updated // Unique Thank you to anyone who...
  12. J

    Request Pure // Logo

    Hello, some of you maybe aware I am that I am re-opening Pure. Therefore I require a few assets to get it started :) I am in need of a logo! Im looking for something simple, yet attractive and sleek. All ideas are welcome, just post your logos below! Thank you all. Hotel Name: Pure
  13. J

    SWFS Issue - Unusual Problem.

    Hello guys, Im having serious problems with my SWFS - I closed Pure, and backed up all the files on a working basis, I am now re-opening it, using the exact same server, files etc. however, the SWFS wont seem to work on the hotel. I have never come across this issue. This screenshot shows the...
  14. J

    Recruiting Pure // Owner

    Pure Background Information Pure opened back in August of 2016, with the first month being spent purely on development, you could say we were 'officially' open in October, during this month we achieved many milestones, including over 600 registered users in under a month, an average user count...
  15. J

    Recruiting Pure // Graphics Designer

    Hey guys, just a quick one - as some of you may know, we had a little mix up with Pure, with regards to it closing/merging, none of which are true! Its just rumours. The hotel has been down recently, however with the help of a few others, Pure received a HUGE Revamp, and will be returning VERY...
  16. J

    Recruiting Moderators & Admins // Pure Hotel

    Pure Hotel is recruiting! What is Pure Hotel? Pure Hotel is an upcoming revolutionary Habbo Retro - The hotel is currently in 'beta' stages looking to open within the next few hours, having been in beta for awhile now, we believe it is time to open our gates to all! Beta brought us a lot of...
  17. J

    Request Xabbo Banner

    Hello guys, I am in need of a banner for my upcoming hotel, Xabbo. The hotel is yet to come, however all dependencies are purchased, we are currently coding our own CMS, as well as heavily editing our emulator. The banner will need to look neat and sleek, the banner will be seen on various...
  18. J

    Request Hotel Banner

    Hello, some of you maybe aware I am currently in the stages of making a hotel, therefore will be requiring a banner! I am looking for a basic banner, nothing fancy like animation, just a nice, sleek banner I can use on FindRetros. Information needed: Hotel Name: Freeze Hotel URL...
  19. J

    Recruiting Hotel Owner // Developer

    Hello all, I am currently looking for someone who would be able to help me develop my hotel, I can do CMS edits -however I am looking for someone who can develop the emulator (Plus Boon Edit) Background on the 'hotel' Currently there is no hotel - this is not due to funds, the hotel will not...
  20. J

    Request Retro Banner

    Hey, looking for someone to do me a simple banner for FindRetros with my retro on it! I am totally open to suggestions regarding the BG Image, just use one you believe will be nice! Logo URL: Bottom text: // R63B // Diamond...