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    Phoenix 3.8.1 Error Help!

    1.) Are you using cracked 2.) are you using cracked? or 3.) Are you using cracked?
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    Anyone Know how to set up ubercms
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    it's your .SWF's
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    [Habbo.SWF] Need help [Habbo.SWF]

    Hi, So I got an SWF decompiler, opened my habbo.swf in it, replaced the images etc etc... But when I go on my client, the images are still the same o_o? and I've rstarted my emu, and cleared my cache. But it still does it o_o... any ideas why?? Also, if someone would like to have a go...
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    don't know where to post this but.

    Yeah, I just need my habbo.swf edited, like you know the images and stuff, I'd like to remove -Rooms -Quests -Achievements IF you don't mind doing it, here's a download to the habbo.swf
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    don't know where to post this but.

    Hi guys!!! Do any of you guys know a good SWF decompiler? I've tried using trilex, but it continues to crash on me, anyways, haha If so post below thanks.
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    could someone help?

    helloo, i am in need of some help, let me explain, well, I've got to edit the habbo.swf to where the client navigation like part of it is take away, basically editing the habbo.swf Screenshot by Lightshot like in that screenshot, (that's not my hotel) and I need that done because, i'm building...
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    hi why does this happen

    nope that didn't work.. hmm
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    hi why does this happen

    Haii, okay so I'm trying to fix my avatar where it's by the logo, because that's where its supposed to be but it keeps going like this Screenshot by Lightshot any ideas why?? I've tried <p ALGIN=right/center/left but it keeps doing the same exact thing, I don't understand why. I've tried...
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    [HELP] RevCMS white client

    could you show your .confg file? without the passwords? It could be how you configured it, I've had this issue before too.
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    [Help] Editing SWF's [Help]

    -Sorry can't edit my posts anyways... If anyone has a decent .swf decompiier, please tell me, I've just gotta finish the nav bit, everything else ive done aha :3
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    [Help] Editing SWF's [Help]

    yeah, I'm trying that now actually, just trying to find a decent SWF decomplier, if you've got any in mind please do tell x], I'll also, search on RZ thank you!
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    [Help] Editing SWF's [Help]

    Hello, Today I'm in need of some help with editing my SWF's, I'd like to remove my navigation and like also, edit them, I know I have to edit them in my flash_texts, just finding the area to edit, anyways, if someone could either show me, or help me out with this, I wouldn't mind paying them a...
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    [question] swfs

    For EG: you see how like there's nothing there? That's how I'd like it, if someone could help me with editing that, I'd really appreciate that. Sorry, for double posting btw, I'm still not exactly sure on why it keeps not letting me edit my posts.
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    [question] swfs

    Hey, I was able to fix my RP hotel's client:3, but I was wondering if someone with the knowledge could explain to me or show me, how exactly I could edit my .swf's like remove parts of the navigation, and add things etcetc, since I'm being forced to use normal r63 SWF's if someone could possibly...
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    Client issues [more detailed]

    (Sorry for the double posting, I couldn't edit my post don't know why it does that sometimes anyways) On Topic: Here are a couple codes, like my .config/external vars $_CONFIG['hotel']['web_build'] = '63_1dc60c6d6ea6e089c6893ab4e0541ee0/1227'; //Web_Build...
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    Client issues [more detailed]

    Okay, So I'm experiencing some client issues, so when I'm going to enter my client on my RP hotel, I get this error it's basically a 404 error I've tried editing my external_variables.txt where it says "%predefined% to my hotel's IP address, then I've also tried using...
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    I have a question for you (up to you really) Do you think you could possibly help me out with my r63 RP hotel? Like this error I'm having, if you I'll give you credit for it not a problem at all, if that's what you'd like.
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    LMFAO did you not read what I said? Do you want me to prove I have the license? I'll prove it right now for you. They don't at all come with the .swf's I can actually prove that too, it only comes with the things I've said above. So please.
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    LMAO, I've actually done that, I posted on otaky, it doesn't come with the swf's, if you've actually purchased the license you'd know that. lmao. So really, stop trying to act like you know everything, when you don't. I've seen everything that Aaron has provided to download in his thread...