This is the first time I have ever had this, but when I try to enter my client it's just white.. The SWF's are set up correctly.. I'm using Kyles Habbo Theme edit.
Any help?
$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_vars'] = 'http://myip/r63/gamedata/vars.txt'; //URL to your external vars
$_CONFIG['hotel']['external_texts'] = 'http://myip/r63/gamedata/texts.txt'; //URL to your external texts
$_CONFIG['hotel']['product_data'] = 'http://myip/r63/gamedata/productdata.txt'; //URL to your productdata
$_CONFIG['hotel']['furni_data'] = 'http://myip/r63/gamedata/furnidata.txt'; //URL to your furnidata
$_CONFIG['hotel']['swf_folder'] = 'http://myip/r63'; //URL to your SWF folder(does not end with a '/')