Hi, My client loads fine then it just re-directing to /me before hitting hotel view, any ideas why this is happening? I think it's because revCMS's SSO key, but I'm not sure how to fix that and make it compatable with butterfly, any ideas? If so please tell me, cheers!
That is true, Also question for you, not trying to assume anything or cause anything, did you guys just edit habbolatino's emulator and call it plusEMU? Just wondering.
On topic:
I'd suggest using Habbolatino's possibly.
There's a couple good ones on RZ if you go to it, I'd suggest using butterstorm, that's the one I'm using, it's just getting a decent CMS to work with it mainly, like I'm trying revCMS but the SSO is the issue and uberCMS has a lot of backdoors.
How would I possibly fix this error? [Err] 1304 - PROCEDURE getroomitems already exists
[Err] --
-- Base de datos: `habbo`
-- Procedimientos
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `getroomitems`(
IN roomid int(10) unsigned
SELECT items_rooms.item_id, items_rooms.x...
Hi I was wonder how to fix my R63B Hotel's client from re-directing to the error page, I'm using uberCMS 2.0 by jonty, and It keeps re-directing to flash_client_error.
Any suggestions why???
I'm using habbolatino's .swf pack
Okay, so I'm using revCMS Habbo theme, so just to clarify I'd go into my db and say if my 'auth_ticket' was RevCMS-570/d7275a6ab83d72935f048e33046c684a7 I'd just go to see if the user already has an entry and 'user_tickets'?
So, the code would be INSERT into table 'user_tickets' then my SSO, ip and id but how do I make it so all users can access the client o_o without getting that sso ticket o.o.
kinda confused a bit aha if you don't mind explaining a bit.
Could you possibly, msn me or pm me the link? Because I've also hear there's a lot of exploits in uberCMS as well. or does that edit have it all fixed?
Hi, I keep getting this error with uberCMS 2.0
UberCMS has encountered an error
Table 'yomam.user_subscriptions' doesn't exist
UberCMS has encountered an error
Table 'yomam.user_tags' doesn't exist
etc etc
I also need a decent staff page for uberCMS
Hii, I keep getting these errors when trying to add in the tables
http://prntscr.com/gd4az - first
http://prntscr.com/gd4ch - Second
http://prntscr.com/gd4cn - Third
http://prntscr.com/gd4d3- Four.
I also keep getting errors with the rooms with my R63B hotel.
If anyone could help it'd be...
I'm using, Habbolatino's emulator the .sql files that're in that emulator.
Ah right, I do realize that, but there is a possibly fix for every error, aye. always gotta have hope :P
Hi, so I've made an r63b hotel and I'm wondering how to fix this, my client loads perfectly fine then it just disconnects me to the /me page, any suggestions?