First of all, the url to the screen is broken. Second of all, if you are importing the db with phpmyadmin, its probably gonna time out or some shit like that. Download Navicat premium or some other cracked shit or whatever, then import the db via that shit. works like awesome.
So, if you go to url/me it redirects you to the register page, but all the other pages redirects you to url/index.
Have you read what I wanted this to do? I wanted it to be allowed to get to /community and /staff, and that the button is supposed to redirect you to register.
EDIT: + If you...
The first one worked great, but it's not that fun to have. But it'll do.
if you want to fix the other one, and be like awesome and stuff, i mean like more awesome: this is how it looks right now.
So I want the first tab, where it currently says {username} to be register, and so it redirects to the register page.
That you can't access /community or /staff when you are not logged in.
heres a pic cus i cant describe things
tried that. got some mysql error in your syntax or sumthing. didn't work. and i have already tried those stupid converters... stupid fagzone cant release anything thats working
Would appreciate if you told me/us the fix for the group badges! I downloaded Leensters latest version (march 3 or sumthin) still the group badges doesnt work...