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  1. sim0n

    How do I remove Games from my client

    If I upload my habbo.swf here can you do it for me? My current swf decompiler is fucked up
  2. sim0n

    How do I remove Games from my client

    So I want to remove the icon, so you cant click on it and yeah pretty much all of that stuff that has with games since its not working yet.
  3. sim0n

    Any help with this?

    Man I miss this thing where ou could change clothes on the cms.. good ol days!
  4. sim0n

    (How To Add Furniture R63B)

    furniture > items_base catalog_items > catalog_items_copy catalog_pages > catalog_pages You have furnidata, it's a txt file in your swfs folder.
  5. sim0n

    [UberCMS v1.xx] UberCMS v1.02

    All links are broken.
  6. sim0n

    {REVCMS}Paintercms Edit{REL}

    Looks horrible.
  7. sim0n

    RevCMS Field 'achievement_points' doesn't have a default value

    In the Achievements column or what
  8. sim0n

    RevCMS Field 'achievement_points' doesn't have a default value

    So I get this error when I am trying to register. Field 'achievement_points' doesn't have a default value
  9. sim0n

    Change Habbo.SWF to have my logo

    Use a decompiler next time.
  10. sim0n

    White Client Fix

    You haven't set up your swfs properly. Check your external vars, and your cms config.php
  11. sim0n

    IIS Error

    Got so pissed so I reinstalled the OS and followed a tut. Now it is working
  12. sim0n

    Can't import BcStorm DB

    Yea its working on my COMPUTER but not on my VPS... Strange stuff
  13. sim0n

    Can't import BcStorm DB

    I am using the one you provided.
  14. sim0n

    Can't import BcStorm DB

    This is leensters latest update! I don't want Leons edit since its not the latest, durr?
  15. sim0n

    Can't import BcStorm DB

    Dude, i'm not importing this into the phoenix database.. its a new fresh database. I have even deleted the phoenix db.
  16. sim0n

    Can't import BcStorm DB

    So I was going to import my database, and everything was going as planned until I ran the file. I am using the database that is provided together with Leensters BcStorm March 3 emulator. When I ran the phoenix file it worked fine. I am using Navicat to impor the database. This is the error im...
  17. sim0n

    Field 'Weights' doesn't have a default value

    yeah ohwell okay
  18. sim0n

    Field 'Weights' doesn't have a default value

    fuk this crap im going back to phoenix
  19. sim0n

    Field 'Weights' doesn't have a default value

    Cut the crap will you
  20. sim0n

    Field 'Weights' doesn't have a default value

    I am not retarded. I am aware of that sql deletes system 32. fuck off.