So I want to reset the users and the rooms table in the dabase, so when you create a new user, the ID starts counting from 1, same with the rooms table. I tired deleting all users and stuff but then again, when you create a new user the ID of the user is 200 or something.
Been mixing around and finally got it to work.. Apparently this is what caused it: <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
I don't know any other way than just use that...
So I am trying to copy the habboway... but it aint going good.. I'll post some pics down below.
Here's the swedish habboway; which I am copying's the english habboway; which maybe you will need or something?
So I'm trying to copy the most easiest shit on earth.. And yes I am swedish.
So yeah I am trying to copy that shit and so on, but I can't get that white background workin... heres my shit page.. try to figure something out:
<!DOCTYPE html>
After restarting my PC, server, it finally is restored. Although now this is how it looks like..
Would be great if I could change this to the ACTUAL favicon.
It's located in the skinfolder called Priv. I am using the skin called Habbo, if i'm right all I have to do is to move the picture to my...
So yesterday I installed this index thing, but then I was like naah this isnt looking that good, so I deleted all the files that came with it. Now when I enter the WB this stupid icon is still there. I want to either remove it or change it to something else! I have already cleared my cache...