Why's my v26 RP Hotel not loading?


Jul 21, 2011
Hi guys.

I've spent all night trying to make a v26 RP. Literally everything works except the cilent.

I've spent ages trying to fix this to no avail.

I think it's maybe the DCRs, but i'm not sure. I'm trying to host my own as prehosted ones are unreliable.

What happens is when I click Enter Hotel, it loads. Then it just disconnects without an error message.

In the emulator, it says:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
(^^SELECT name FROM users WHERE id = '6'^^)

Note: There is no user with the ID 6.

What do I do? All the links are set to for now until I get it all runnning by the way.

I am using XoaCMS v1.0 and Xoa Emulator (Yeah, I know they suck. This is just for me to mess around on)


EDIT: I now know for a fact it's not a dcr error. I get 1ms away from loading it then something happens in the SQL. I'm not sure whudafux going on, but i'm shit with SQL.


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
So there is something getting the user with id of 6, have you checked the friends tables? Make sure you clear all of them, or it could be getting your friends who has a user ID of 6, but as there is no user it cannot get that data.


Jul 21, 2011
Craig, you fixed it. It was a friendship error. I was set to be friends with the user ID 6.

Not only have you fixed my error, you've made me a bit more proficient with SQL (Which I'm trying to learn), thanks a lot!


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Craig, you fixed it. It was a friendship error. I was set to be friends with the user ID 6.

Not only have you fixed my error, you've made me a bit more proficient with SQL (Which I'm trying to learn), thanks a lot!

nps, I tend to play about with RPs quite allot, so I guess reply or submit a new thread if you bump into anyother error.

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