Religious Debate

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Dec 6, 2011
I'm just going by what I was taught in church and from the bible and what I'm sure most if not all Christians were taught. Not saying you're incorrect, it's just what I've learnt.

I'm not forcing you to beleive in what i'm saying, it's you're opinion and i respect it.
And what i said, is what i learnt from my: parents, teachers, and what i read in the Quran.


Join The Revolution
Mar 11, 2012
Very interesting topic Khalil has put on here.

I truly do believe in god but this is my own opinion , I don't want to look too biased and force you to believe in god as I say believe in him it's your decision at the end of the day. Now for some people who are athiest or do not believe in god , don't you wonder how you got this earth , how your alive and shit like that. Science can tell so much but never the truth , some things in the world must always you know the full detail so and so envolved from a cell and became this and so and so became that. Isn't it more simpler to just believe at the end of the day he exist or he doesn't.


The Official Gay
Oct 1, 2011
I'm agnostic. Yes, I believe there could be a higher power than us humans out there, but it doesn't mean there is. I mean, all we can really do is wait for hard evidence showing one does // doesn't exists.

Either way, you believe in him or someone, or not, I find no reason to judge or disrespect anyone because of it. If you want to be part of a religion, hell go ahead, no reason Id want to get mad over it, because I am not forced to join any.

Live the way you wish :)


Nov 26, 2010
First up, the story is that Satan is a fallen angel; extract from wikipedia;
Satan is a synonym for the . For most Christians, he is believed to be an who rebelled against God—and also the one who spoke through the and seduced Eve into disobeying God's command. His ultimate goal is to lead people away from the love of God—to lead them to fallacies which God opposes.

I'm not at all religious, infact I think it's just about as stupid as believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. That said, I don't care what others think, just so long as they don't try to force feed me their shit. I liked the metaphor about the dick - very accurate imo. Do whatever you like but don't expect special treatment for it, that's my opinion.

Personally I think religion will be dead and gone within the next few generations, no doubt. More and more young people have no belief, in an age of science where everything can be proven, why would they choose to believe in a magician that can create planets?

I've not heard a single decent argument in favour of religion in a long time, just about everything has been explained with science. I'm not sure what other religious books say about the creation of Earth, but the Bible seems to think that the planet was made in 7 days and is aged a mere 8000 years, science on the other hand shows us that the planet is in fact 4,500,000,000 years old and that we evolved from primates. Thus humans were not the first creature to walk the Earth - hell, look at the dinosaurs. Planet creation? Try the Big Bang.

Aliens on the other hand, I can believe in that - with all the planets out there, surely one or more are inhabited. I'm not saying they've been in contact or that they're advanced, hell, it could just be a plant - but it's still life!



Join The Revolution
Mar 11, 2012
First up, the story is that Satan is a fallen angel; extract from wikipedia;

I'm not at all religious, infact I think it's just about as stupid as believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. That said, I don't care what others think, just so long as they don't try to force feed me their shit. I liked the metaphor about the dick - very accurate imo. Do whatever you like but don't expect special treatment for it, that's my opinion.

Personally I think religion will be dead and gone within the next few generations, no doubt. More and more young people have no belief, in an age of science where everything can be proven, why would they choose to believe in a magician that can create planets?

I've not heard a single decent argument in favour of religion in a long time, just about everything has been explained with science. I'm not sure what other religious books say about the creation of Earth, but the Bible seems to think that the planet was made in 7 days and is aged a mere 8000 years, science on the other hand shows us that the planet is in fact 4,500,000,000 years old and that we evolved from primates. Thus humans were not the first creature to walk the Earth - hell, look at the dinosaurs. Planet creation? Try the Big Bang.

Aliens on the other hand, I can believe in that - with all the planets out there, surely one or more are inhabited. I'm not saying they've been in contact or that they're advanced, hell, it could just be a plant - but it's still life!


I don't know what exactly it saids in the Bible about Satan being a fallen angel but as I am muslim I tell you what it said's in the quran that yes it also states that humans weren't the first people to walk on the earth however it said's that "Angels" have no free will so they do as what God commands them without no hesistation so they can't even think about rebelling against god. Also science is bullshit were you their at the big bang , where you there when the earth was form no I wasn't none of us were so can you believe in this bullshit that we humans have made there is no living proof to back up scientific discoveries.

At the end of the day you choose to believe in what I say or you don't


Dec 6, 2011
I don't know what exactly it saids in the Bible about Satan being a fallen angel but as I am muslim I tell you what it said's in the quran that yes it also states that humans weren't the first people to walk on the earth however it said's that "Angels" have no free will so they do as what God commands them without no hesistation so they can't even think about rebelling against god. Also science is bullshit were you their at the big bang , where you there when the earth was form no I wasn't none of us were so can you believe in this bullshit that we humans have made there is no living proof to back up scientific discoveries.

At the end of the day you choose to believe in what I say or you don't

If you were saying to "Yes, Satan is a falling angel", then i suggest you go back and read the quran, Satan was never and will be an angel nor a "falling" one, he is from "Al Jen", but was a good one, and for his good work and all good stuff he used to do, god brought him high with angels, that's why people "who doesn't read quran (i'm talking here about muslims)", they say Satan was an angel.

And for the subject of Humans are the first to be on earth, than No! Al Jen were the first, then god sent Angels to push them onto Islands. Then he sent Adam and Eve to earth after they de-obeyed God by eating from the Tree wich God forbid to both of them.

Now, regarding what aaron posted, i wouldn't even reply to someone who even dares to say that God is "a magician who creates planets."


Nov 26, 2010
I don't know what exactly it saids in the Bible about Satan being a fallen angel but as I am muslim I tell you what it said's in the quran that yes it also states that humans weren't the first people to walk on the earth however it said's that "Angels" have no free will so they do as what God commands them without no hesistation so they can't even think about rebelling against god. Also science is bullshit were you their at the big bang , where you there when the earth was form no I wasn't none of us were so can you believe in this bullshit that we humans have made there is no living proof to back up scientific discoveries.

At the end of the day you choose to believe in what I say or you don't
If you were saying to "Yes, Satan is a falling angel", then i suggest you go back and read the quran, Satan was never and will be an angel nor a "falling" one, he is from "Al Jen", but was a good one, and for his good work and all good stuff he used to do, god brought him high with angels, that's why people "who doesn't read quran (i'm talking here about muslims)", they say Satan was an angel.

And for the subject of Humans are the first to be on earth, than No! Al Jen were the first, then god sent Angels to push them onto Islands. Then he sent Adam and Eve to earth after they de-obeyed God by eating from the Tree wich God forbid to both of them.
And where do Dinosaurs and evolution fit into your theory?


Dec 6, 2011
And where do Dinosaurs and evolution fit into your theory?

I only answered the part where he said "Humans were the first to be on earth".
If you noticed, i ment to not talk about Dinosaurs and then i skipped to Humans.


maging ang maganda mamatay
Jun 4, 2010
Also science is bullshit were you their at the big bang , where you there when the earth was form no I wasn't none of us were so can you believe in this bullshit that we humans have made there is no living proof to back up scientific discoveries
At the end of the day you choose to believe in what I say or you don't
Are you retarded? Science is all backed up with facts.

Also, I'll use what you just said. Were you there when god created the planet in 6 days? No, none of us were so you can believe in this bullshit that we humans have made, but there is no proof to backup your religion.



Dec 6, 2011
Are you retarded? Science is all backed up with facts.

Also, I'll use what you just said. Were you there when god created the planet in 7 days? No, none of us were so you can believe in this bullshit that we humans have made, but there is no proof to backup your religion.


God Created Planets in Six Days*


Boredom, it vexes me.
Oct 30, 2011
Actually, I created the planets in 3 days, but I marked it as 6 because I wanted more money from the contractors who hired me.


Join The Revolution
Mar 11, 2012
Are you retarded? Science is all backed up with facts.

Also, I'll use what you just said. Were you there when god created the planet in 6 days? No, none of us were so you can believe in this bullshit that we humans have made, but there is no proof to backup your religion.

Yes religion can't be backed up because yes we don't "know if he actually exists or not thats why we "believe in him" and yes science is bullshit backup with more bullshit so believe what you want to believe don't call me a dumbass you prick go back an believe in the tooth fairy.

If you were saying to "Yes, Satan is a falling angel", then i suggest you go back and read the quran, Satan was never and will be an angel nor a "falling" one, he is from "Al Jen", but was a good one, and for his good work and all good stuff he used to do, god brought him high with angels, that's why people "who doesn't read quran (i'm talking here about muslims)", they say Satan was an angel.

And for the subject of Humans are the first to be on earth, than No! Al Jen were the first, then god sent Angels to push them onto Islands. Then he sent Adam and Eve to earth after they de-obeyed God by eating from the Tree wich God forbid to both of them.

Now, regarding what aaron posted, i wouldn't even reply to someone who even dares to say that God is "a magician who creates planets."

Where did I say Satan was a fallen angel may I ask , I was stating that if Angels have no free will how can they defy god


Cooked unit
Jan 5, 2013
the bible is a lie, if addam and eve were the only humans on the earth then that makes all of us inbreds.

I believe that god wouldnt want to make us as a bunch of inbreds infact that the bible was wrote wrong, i cant say i dont believe in god because if i die and there is a heaven and hell im fucked. So i do believe in god just like i believe in santa ;)


Jan 13, 2013
Science disproves religion 9.99 times out of 10 as far as I'm aware. But people can believe what they like. Not my decision.


maging ang maganda mamatay
Jun 4, 2010
the bible is a lie, if addam and eve were the only humans on the earth then that makes all of us inbreds.

I believe that god wouldnt want to make us as a bunch of inbreds infact that the bible was wrote wrong, i cant say i dont believe in god because if i die and there is a heaven and hell im fucked. So i do believe in god just like i believe in santa ;)
Believing in God just for the security of your afterlife won't get you into heaven, lol.


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
List all Christian, Muslim and Jewish terrorists in the world and your list will look like this

Muslims: |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
Jews: |||| ||||
Christians: ||||

Depends on how one defines terrorism. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. One could argue that Bush and Obama were/are terrorists because of their indiscriminate drone attacks. It could be argued that Israeli politicians are terrorists because they approved of targeted assassinations using 1 ton bombs that kill 2000% more civilians than real terrorists. Listing the terrorists in the world based on religion is irrelevant when you don't factor in how many people they have killed.

Truman approved of the atomic bombings of Japan, which killed 400,000+ civilians. It is still argued that the bombings were a form of state sponsored terrorism (attacking a non military objective for political purposes). Truman was a Christian, so there's 400,000+ people that were killed by a Christian.
Hitler, as a Catholic, stated he was doing God's work by annihilating the Jewish people. That adds another 7,000,000+ people that were killed by a Christian. I doubt Muslims and Jews combined are even remotely close to having killed that many people.

Jul 21, 2010
I can't speak for other religions, but there are none Christian terrorists, since it's a sin killing, robbing, etc. Basically, if you do any terrorist act you're going against Christianism and couldn't really be called a Christian.

Also, jews are cool. They are peaceful people and never try to convince anyone to join their religion, don't think their religion allows them to commit any terrorists acts too; applies the same argument as above.

On another note, I wanna know what caused the big bang which by the way doesn't go against Christianity since there's the Theistic Evolution 'theory'.

Anyways... can't believe you wrote that paragraph, calm your tits d00d
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