The housekeeping doesn't look like Habbo in any way, if you made it look more like Habbo itself I think it would be a little better! Then again.. it's hidden and regular users cant see it, so it's alrightThanks, same as what I have said above how can I improve this?
HK doesn't need to be habbo related, it's just a nice bootstrap theme. I am planning on redoing it though.The housekeeping doesn't look like Habbo in any way, if you made it look more like Habbo itself I think it would be a little better! Then again.. it's hidden and regular users cant see it, so it's alright![]()
Thanks, is there anything you would like to see in the next build?
Thanks! I don't know what to put in the next build, if people don't give ideas there won't be anymore updates
Also a update I forgot to put in the changelog.
The homes url system is done, go to /home/{username} and it will show a error as it's not completed yet.
I don't think i've added any addons, only release I have added is the news(found on another forum) and the index.From what i see, you've ripped bits and pieces from other cms releases, intergrated into your theme. Added news on the bottom of /me and changed some pictures. Maybe if you made your own theme based on the current Habbo style and added your own edit of /index and maybe did a edit with the swfs in client. I would be satisfied, but none the less, this is just like every other release.
I rate is 6/10 because it looks professional
I was tired when I done the ase, it takes about 30 seconds to change anyway. I will fix all grammar later.Also wrong grammar, " EDIT A ACCOUNT " "A" ?!?!@?#?!@#?!@#?~!@?# OMG WTFBGBQ
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<h1>Create a news article!</h1>
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header("Location: ".$_CONFIG['hotel']['url']."/ase/news");
$author = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = '".$_SESSION['user']['id']."' LIMIT 1"), 0);
mysql_query("INSERT INTO cms_news (title,shortstory,longstory,published,image,author, campaign, campaignimg) VALUES ('" . filter($_SESSION["title"]) . "', '" . filter($_SESSION["shortstory"]) . "', '" . ($_SESSION["longstory"]) . "', '" . time() . "', '" . filter($_POST["topstory"]) . "', '" . filter($author) . "', 0, 'default')") or die(mysql_error());
unset($_SESSION["title"], $_SESSION["shortstory"], $_SESSION["longstory"]);
header("Location: ".$_CONFIG['hotel']['url']."/ase/");
echo '<center><b>It\'s time to choose the image for your story. Choose one from the drop down list and click "Check Image"';
echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<br />';
echo '<select name="topstory" id="topstory" style="font-size: 14px;"';
if ($handle = opendir('web_promo'))
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
if ($file == '.' || $file == '..')
echo '<option value="' . $file . '"';
if (isset($_POST['topstory']) && $_POST['topstory'] == $file)
echo ' selected';
echo '>' . $file . '</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '<br /> <br /> <input type="submit" value=" Check image " name="check" /> <br /><br />';
echo '<font size="3">Topstory Images<br /></font><img src="web_promo/' . $_POST["topstory"] . '" align="right />';
echo '</center> <align="right"> <br /> <br /> <input type="submit" value=" Proceed (use image) " name="proceed" /> <br />';
echo '</form>';
echo '<br /> <br /> <input type="submit" value=" Check image " name="check" /> <br />';
echo "</form>";
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Starting work on the HK, it will have basic stuff at first just, then more advanced
Is this alright?
Nice might use the cms for my rp laterUpdating to .coms new theme, thats on the /credits.