<?php echo( rand(1,9) . rand(1,9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) ); ?>
Also another possible fix would be to do something like this rather then altering the database structure use php.Navicat -> Your DB -> cms_news -> Design Table -> change 'author' field type to varchar - 255.
* Sorry if it is actually news or news1 or even article i use a custom revCMS.
$author = $engine->result('SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = \'' . $news2['author'] . '\' LIMIT 1');
$template->setParams('newsAuthor', $author);
} else {
$template->setParams('newsAuthor', $news['author']);
Or just remove the forgot password system and log the persons IP into database.Hello dear habbo users im here to point out a possible exploit here.
In the index.php of Habbo/ [theme]
There is a html tag that sets the sec key to 1234 this is dangerous because in revolutionCMS all you need to reset a password is the sec key. :3 to be more secure please remove the hidden input from your index.php or set the sec key value to
But i advise you to delete it.PHP:<?php echo( rand(1,9) . rand(1,9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) ); ?>
final public function forgotten()
global $engine;
die ('Please do not attempt to \'hack\' our system, your IP has been logged.');
$engine->query("INSERT INTO wannabe_hackers (ip, time VALUES('{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}','". time() ."')");
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `wannabe_hackers`;
CREATE TABLE `wannabe_hackers` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`time` int(11) NOT NULL,
Easier to modify structure of table.Also another possible fix would be to do something like this rather then altering the database structure use php.
PHP:/** * Sorry if it is actually news or news1 or even article i use a custom revCMS. */ if(is_int($news2['author'])) { $author = $engine->result('SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = \'' . $news2['author'] . '\' LIMIT 1'); $template->setParams('newsAuthor', $author); } else { $template->setParams('newsAuthor', $news['author']); }
Why remove a part of RevolutionCMS just to be lazzy?Or just remove the forgot password system and log the persons IP into database.
Replace forgotten function with
Run this SQLCode:final public function forgotten() { global $engine; die ('Please do not attempt to \'hack\' our system, your IP has been logged.'); $engine->query("INSERT INTO wannabe_hackers (ip, time VALUES('{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}','". time() ."')"); }
Code:DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `wannabe_hackers`; CREATE TABLE `wannabe_hackers` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ip` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `time` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
This release does not even use the forgot password system anyway, might aswell just remove it.
PS - Took me 60 seconds, to do this I didn't bother checking it works.
Lollz but my way makes it so if you move from one cms to another you can keep your database and hopefully have it still workEasier to modify structure of table.
how did you make the news slider work?Couldn't find habbos news finder anywhere, I could but you had to manually add all the images and links in the me.php.
Been working on it for half a hour or so and I done this:
Now when your not logged in and you visit the staff page it says 'Register Today!' instead of {username}, it doesn't let you see the quick links if you don't have a running session, fixed it from repeating the 'Did you know?' on the staff page.
Also when you go to pages such as client, community & shop it will redirect you straight back to the index page.
Removed the 'housekeeping' tab, and put it next to the 'Enter Habbo Hotel'.
Added a /includes/header.php, considering weather or not to remove includes/dyk.php and put its content in the header.php.
Going to start work on the housekeeping tomorrow, what features are required?
I will put a download link up later, tell me what I should add and I will try to get it done.
<div id="promo-box">
<div id="promo-bullets"></div>
$to5 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site_news ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 5") or die(mysql_error());
<?php $i = 0; while($newsobject = mysql_fetch_assoc($to5)){ $i++; ?>
<div class="promo-container" style="background-image: url(<?php echo $newsobject['topstory_image']; ?>)<?php if($i != '1'){ ?>; display: none<?php } ?>">
<div class="promo-content-container">
<div class="promo-content">
<div class="title"><?php echo $newsobject['title']; ?></div>
<div class="body"><?php echo $newsobject['snippet']; ?></div>
<div class="promo-link-container">
<div class="enter-hotel-btn" // I found this release on another forum, I just fixed it up abit.>
<div class="open enter-btn">
<a href="{url}/news/<?php echo $newsobject['id']; ?>">Read More<i></i></a>
<div style="color:#FFF;margin-top:25px;margin-left:10px;">Posted on: <b><?php echo $newsobject['datestr']; ?></b></div>
<?php }?>
<div class = "right"></div>
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document.observe("dom:loaded", function() { PromoSlideShow.init(); });