Here.Bump again.. Anyone knows how to fix tanji exploit?
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<p align="center">Browser Exploit Page (kill this to stop) </font><br>
let me have a quick lookHello,
Anyone can help me with the ball of this Emulator? I want make ball of football like this:
But i don't know how can make that. I'm working on the Soccer.cs and i make that (in all RotBody):
How can i make this ball? I can pay you! Please help me![]()
PlusEMU supports these ind of ballsHello,
Anyone can help me with the ball of this Emulator? I want make ball of football like this:
But i don't know how can make that. I'm working on the Soccer.cs and i make that (in all RotBody):
How can i make this ball? I can pay you! Please help me![]()
How can i make this ball? You can help me?let me have a quick look
PlusEMU supports these ind of balls
@Sledmore how do we edit room navigator content images for Public Rooms?
It is included in the catalogueHow can i make this ball? You can help me?
Im Using Plus Emulator edited By SledMore Habboon edit. I had tried adding the commands punch, and hug.
I added Hug.cs & punch.cs to HabboHotel>Rooms>Rooms>Chat>User via Visual Studios & edited the CommandManager.cs:
Code:using System; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms; using Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients; using Plus.Communication.Packets.Outgoing.Rooms.Chat; namespace Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.User.Fun { class Hug : IChatCommand { public string PermissionRequired { get { return "command_hug"; } } public string Parameters { get { return "%username%"; } } public string Description { get { return "Hug another user"; } } public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params) { if (Params.Length == 1) { Session.SendWhisper("You must enter a username!"); return; } GameClient TargetClient = PlusEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUsername(Params[1]); if (TargetClient == null) { Session.SendWhisper("That user cannot be found, maybe they're offline or not in the room."); return; } RoomUser User = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id); if (User == null) { Session.SendWhisper("The user cannot be found, maybe they're offline or not in the room."); return; } RoomUser User2 = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Username); if (User2 == null) return; if (!((Math.Abs(User.X - User2.X) >= 2 && (Math.Abs(User.Y - User2.Y) >= 2)))) { Room.SendMessage(new ChatComposer(User.VirtualId, "Hugs " + User2 + "*", 0, User.LastBubble)); User.ApplyEffect(9); } else { Session.SendWhisper("That user is too far away, try getting closer."); return; } } } }
Code:using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients; namespace Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.User.Fun { class Punch : IChatCommand { public string Description { get { return "You can punch another"; } } public string Parameters { get { return "%username%"; } } public string PermissionRequired { get { return "can_punch"; } } public void Execute(GameClient Session, Room Room, string[] Params) { RoomUser user = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Username); RoomUser target = Room.GetRoomUserManager().GetRoomUserByHabbo(Params[1].ToString()); if (target.GetClient() == null) { Session.SendWhisper("Enter an username please."); return; } if (!((Math.Abs(target.X - user.X) >= 2) || (Math.Abs(target.Y - user.Y) >= 2))) { Session.SendWhisper("User is not close enough"); return; } user.OnChat(0, "*Punched " + target.GetClient().GetHabbo().Username + " in the face*", true); target.OnChat(0, "Dude!! That hurts!!", true); user.GetClient().GetHabbo().Effects().ApplyEffect(53); target.GetClient().GetHabbo().Effects().ApplyEffect(53); } } }
ScreenShot of database_permissions:Code:using System; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using Plus.Utilities; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms; using Plus.HabboHotel.GameClients; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.User; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.User.Fun; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.Moderator; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.Moderator.Fun; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.Administrator; using Plus.Communication.Packets.Outgoing.Rooms.Chat; using Plus.Communication.Packets.Outgoing.Notifications; using Plus.Database.Interfaces; using Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.Events; using Plus.HabboHotel.Items.Wired; namespace Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands { public class CommandManager { /// <summary> /// Command Prefix only applies to custom commands. /// </summary> private string _prefix = ":"; /// <summary> /// Commands registered for use. /// </summary> private readonly Dictionary<string, IChatCommand> _commands; /// <summary> /// The default initializer for the CommandManager /// </summary> public CommandManager(string Prefix) { this._prefix = Prefix; this._commands = new Dictionary<string, IChatCommand>(); this.RegisterVIP(); this.RegisterUser(); this.RegisterEvents(); this.RegisterModerator(); this.RegisterAdministrator(); } /// <summary> /// Request the text to parse and check for commands that need to be executed. /// </summary> /// <param name="Session">Session calling this method.</param> /// <param name="Message">The message to parse.</param> /// <returns>True if parsed or false if not.</returns> public bool Parse(GameClient Session, string Message) { if (Session == null || Session.GetHabbo() == null || Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom == null) return false; if (!Message.StartsWith(_prefix)) return false; if (Message == _prefix + "commands") { StringBuilder List = new StringBuilder(); List.Append("This is the list of commands you have available:\n"); foreach (var CmdList in _commands.ToList()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CmdList.Value.PermissionRequired)) { if (!Session.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasCommand(CmdList.Value.PermissionRequired)) continue; } List.Append(":" + CmdList.Key + " " + CmdList.Value.Parameters + " - " + CmdList.Value.Description + "\n"); } Session.SendMessage(new MOTDNotificationComposer(List.ToString())); return true; } Message = Message.Substring(1); string[] Split = Message.Split(' '); if (Split.Length == 0) return false; IChatCommand Cmd = null; if (_commands.TryGetValue(Split[0].ToLower(), out Cmd)) { if (Session.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasRight("mod_tool")) this.LogCommand(Session.GetHabbo().Id, Message, Session.GetHabbo().MachineId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cmd.PermissionRequired)) { if (!Session.GetHabbo().GetPermissions().HasCommand(Cmd.PermissionRequired)) return false; } Session.GetHabbo().IChatCommand = Cmd; Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom.GetWired().TriggerEvent(WiredBoxType.TriggerUserSaysCommand, Session.GetHabbo(), this); Cmd.Execute(Session, Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom, Split); return true; } return false; } /// <summary> /// Registers the VIP set of commands. /// </summary> private void RegisterVIP() { this.Register("spull", new SuperPullCommand()); } /// <summary> /// Registers the Events set of commands. /// </summary> private void RegisterEvents() { this.Register("eha", new EventAlertCommand()); this.Register("eventalert", new EventAlertCommand()); } /// <summary> /// Registers the default set of commands. /// </summary> private void RegisterUser() { this.Register("hug", new Hug()); this.Register("punch", new Punch()); this.Register("about", new InfoCommand()); this.Register("pickall", new PickAllCommand()); this.Register("ejectall", new EjectAllCommand()); this.Register("lay", new LayCommand()); this.Register("sit", new SitCommand()); this.Register("stand", new StandCommand()); this.Register("mutepets", new MutePetsCommand()); this.Register("mutebots", new MuteBotsCommand()); this.Register("mimic", new MimicCommand()); this.Register("dance", new DanceCommand()); this.Register("push", new PushCommand()); this.Register("pull", new PullCommand()); this.Register("enable", new EnableCommand()); this.Register("follow", new FollowCommand()); this.Register("faceless", new FacelessCommand()); this.Register("moonwalk", new MoonwalkCommand()); this.Register("unload", new UnloadCommand()); this.Register("regenmaps", new RegenMaps()); this.Register("emptyitems", new EmptyItems()); this.Register("setmax", new SetMaxCommand()); this.Register("setspeed", new SetSpeedCommand()); this.Register("disablediagonal", new DisableDiagonalCommand()); this.Register("flagme", new FlagMeCommand()); this.Register("stats", new StatsCommand()); this.Register("kickpets", new KickPetsCommand()); this.Register("kickbots", new KickBotsCommand()); this.Register("room", new RoomCommand()); this.Register("dnd", new DNDCommand()); this.Register("disablegifts", new DisableGiftsCommand()); this.Register("convertcredits", new ConvertCreditsCommand()); this.Register("disablewhispers", new DisableWhispersCommand()); this.Register("disablemimic", new DisableMimicCommand()); ; this.Register("pet", new PetCommand()); this.Register("spush", new SuperPushCommand()); this.Register("superpush", new SuperPushCommand()); } /// <summary> /// Registers the moderator set of commands. /// </summary> private void RegisterModerator() { this.Register("ban", new BanCommand()); this.Register("mip", new MIPCommand()); this.Register("ipban", new IPBanCommand()); this.Register("ui", new UserInfoCommand()); this.Register("userinfo", new UserInfoCommand()); this.Register("sa", new StaffAlertCommand()); this.Register("roomunmute", new RoomUnmuteCommand()); this.Register("roommute", new RoomMuteCommand()); this.Register("roombadge", new RoomBadgeCommand()); this.Register("roomalert", new RoomAlertCommand()); this.Register("roomkick", new RoomKickCommand()); this.Register("mute", new MuteCommand()); this.Register("smute", new MuteCommand()); this.Register("unmute", new UnmuteCommand()); this.Register("massbadge", new MassBadgeCommand()); this.Register("massgive", new MassGiveCommand()); this.Register("globalgive", new GlobalGiveCommand()); this.Register("kick", new KickCommand()); this.Register("skick", new KickCommand()); this.Register("ha", new HotelAlertCommand()); this.Register("hotelalert", new HotelAlertCommand()); this.Register("hal", new HALCommand()); this.Register("give", new GiveCommand()); this.Register("givebadge", new GiveBadgeCommand()); this.Register("dc", new DisconnectCommand()); this.Register("kill", new DisconnectCommand()); this.Register("disconnect", new DisconnectCommand()); this.Register("alert", new AlertCommand()); this.Register("tradeban", new TradeBanCommand()); this.Register("teleport", new TeleportCommand()); this.Register("summon", new SummonCommand()); this.Register("override", new OverrideCommand()); this.Register("massenable", new MassEnableCommand()); this.Register("massdance", new MassDanceCommand()); this.Register("freeze", new FreezeCommand()); this.Register("unfreeze", new UnFreezeCommand()); this.Register("fastwalk", new FastwalkCommand()); this.Register("superfastwalk", new SuperFastwalkCommand()); this.Register("coords", new CoordsCommand()); this.Register("alleyesonme", new AllEyesOnMeCommand()); this.Register("allaroundme", new AllAroundMeCommand()); this.Register("forcesit", new ForceSitCommand()); this.Register("ignorewhispers", new IgnoreWhispersCommand()); this.Register("forced_effects", new DisableForcedFXCommand()); this.Register("makesay", new MakeSayCommand()); this.Register("flaguser", new FlagUserCommand()); } /// <summary> /// Registers the administrator set of commands. /// </summary> private void RegisterAdministrator() { this.Register("bubble", new BubbleCommand()); this.Register("update", new UpdateCommand()); this.Register("deletegroup", new DeleteGroupCommand()); this.Register("carry", new CarryCommand()); this.Register("goto", new GOTOCommand()); } /// <summary> /// Registers a Chat Command. /// </summary> /// <param name="CommandText">Text to type for this command.</param> /// <param name="Command">The command to execute.</param> public void Register(string CommandText, IChatCommand Command) { this._commands.Add(CommandText, Command); } public static string MergeParams(string[] Params, int Start) { var Merged = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = Start; i < Params.Length; i++) { if (i > Start) Merged.Append(" "); Merged.Append(Params[i]); } return Merged.ToString(); } public void LogCommand(int UserId, string Data, string MachineId) { using (IQueryAdapter dbClient = PlusEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().GetQueryReactor()) { dbClient.SetQuery("INSERT INTO `logs_client_staff` (`user_id`,`data_string`,`machine_id`, `timestamp`) VALUES (@UserId,@Data,@MachineId,@Timestamp)"); dbClient.AddParameter("UserId", UserId); dbClient.AddParameter("Data", Data); dbClient.AddParameter("MachineId", MachineId); dbClient.AddParameter("Timestamp", PlusEnvironment.GetUnixTimestamp()); dbClient.RunQuery(); } } public bool TryGetCommand(string Command, out IChatCommand IChatCommand) { return this._commands.TryGetValue(Command, out IChatCommand); } } }
awkwarddddi gave u one job.. Not releasing my code... And what did u ?? U released my commands :l ... im so disappointed now.
It is included in the catalogue
Your commands aren't even coded properly no wonder they're not workingi gave u one job.. Not releasing my code... And what did u ?? U released my commands :l ... im so disappointed now.
Look into your database lol, it's really not that hard!How do I change the name of the event staff rank to something else and when I give a user that rank how do I make it give a different badge instead of the event badge?
Your codes have already been wroten & also do NOT work sorryi gave u one job.. Not releasing my code... And what did u ?? U released my commands :l ... im so disappointed now.
Plus they aren't hard to recreateYour codes have already been wroten & also do NOT work sorry![]()
She tried to add the Punch & hug command but never got it to work with the emulator.. Still cant smhPlus they aren't hard to recreate
Lol, this is what is wrong with the community.i gave u one job.. Not releasing my code... And what did u ?? U released my commands :l ... im so disappointed now.
I didn't really "release" it. I simply asked someone to fix the code for the Plus Emulator lol. Its simple codes also "hug" & "punch" has been released.Lol, this is what is wrong with the community.
Hey, lets use a well coded stable emulator which was released by Craig open source, then write poorly coded snippets that don't work and rage when somebody releases them ?_?