[PLUSEMU] BRB Command with time [HELP]


New Member
Jun 28, 2016
I'm looking for this command for the plusemu, I would like if you :brb used, that you for example :brb 10m and then you get "I'm back about 10 minutes" (60 minute MAX) or :brb 5h "I'm back about 5 hours" that you a notification every 5 minutes or 10 minutes a message of, "I'm not currently present, I'm about 4 hours and 55 minutes I'm back" < <-if that all possible.

SWF VERSION: PRODUCTION-201601012205-226667486
Topic what is see, only not for plus emu ;(


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
So one way you could do this is in the chat method - make it so when someone talks in the room you just store the long variable of the next time the user is supposed to chat and if its greater than or equal to the time now in milliseconds then you can trigger them to talk - without having a timer. There is also a main timer Plus EMU uses and you could use the same idea and if the time in that long variable >= time now --- go ahead and say that :p

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