Show DevBest [PHP] URL Shortening Script + HTML Template


System.out.println(" ");
Dec 30, 2012
Hey guys! So, Lately ive been learning PHP and decided to code my first PHP script which generates small URL's , in short words its a URL shortening script.

Its a simple script with one simple table(urls) having a structure of

  • urls
  • url_key
Also, Um It generates the URL's simple form , like lets say , It will generate keys for the URL from 1-10, then a-z, then z1 and so on.
Along with the URL shortener, to reduce the URL , I have written .htaccess code which basically removes the go.php part from the URL and basically shortens the URL even more.

One more thing, The name is just a dummy name which ive used cos didnt know what 2 use

So without saying much bullshit here ill release the script along with the HTML template. :up:


How to set it up?

In the , change the mysql host,user and password and in the next mysql function which selects database, change the database name
and in the index.php , Change the localhost to your URL

if you dont know how to set it up, Shoot me a pm, well most of you will know how to do it anyway :up:

Live Preview : -

Rate and slate, but hate = gay so um constructive criticsm appreciated :up:


Devbest Indian Tech Support
FindRetros Moderator
Feb 5, 2013
I was testing this on your site and the shortener didnt work
wasnt working :( gave me a error


System.out.println(" ");
Dec 30, 2012
I was testing this on your site and the shortener didnt work
wasnt working :( gave me a error
It does actually work, I am so tired and nearly about to passout on my couch atm, But ye it workks (Y) download it on ur localhost and test it please, ill see in the morning if it dosent ill re release it :)

P.S , can someone download it and test it on their localhost, remember to change the URL on index.php

It's not working for me and did you create this template >.>
yes u cunt. mate helped me with jQuery but yer


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
Pisses me off how it reloads the page when you submit the form. Use jQuery.

Also, I do not like how you have to scroll down to actually shorten your URL, that should be the primary part of the website so should be at the top.

But nice release.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2012
That website wasn't coded by you. Script maybe, not the template.

- Been using that template for a while now.
Last edited:


System.out.println(" ");
Dec 30, 2012
Pisses me off how it reloads the page when you submit the form. Use jQuery.

Also, I do not like how you have to scroll down to actually shorten your URL, that should be the primary part of the website so should be at the top.

But nice release.
Yeah I personally do think that as well, But main thing to rleease was the script hence I focused on it, and not the template :p

Also everyone, Um it does work , Its just the 000webhosts fucking up, Download it on your localhost and set it up , change database user and everything in and change the URL in index.php

Also, If you dont want the template, instead of going to index.php go to localhost/shorten.php <~thats the actual script without any template


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