:: 2 Years Strong!


smooth and dynamic
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Apr 10, 2013
Thread cleaned. Please keep it on-topic and use the report button in future.


Mar 17, 2018
Happy Birthday, myBoBBa!

We officially turn 1 year old today! Join the celebrations with live music, events and tones of giveaways starting this afternoon!


Mar 17, 2018
We've just dropped a new Distraction & Diversion!

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Canary National Park: Hunting & Fishing Resort
As a part of the re-model of BoBBa City, and how we incorporate it into every-day gameplay, we are excited to introduce you all to the hotels newest Distraction & Diversion, Hunting & Fishing, in Canary National Park!

The introduction of this new Distraction and Diversion brings a fresh take on BoBBa City, and the bi-weekly Gamer of The Week competition.

Alpine Falls
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The introduction of Hunting & Fishing brings a new block to BoBBa City- Alpine Falls, located deep in Canary National Park. Alpine Falls houses several homes, available on the real-estate market, as well as Outdoor World, as well as the Pendergrass Flea Market- our newest Event Hub challenge (viewable by clicking the joystick icon underneath the level box).

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Outdoor World

Outdoor World plays a crucial part in your hunting expedition- this is where you will purchase your weapon to hunt animals with. The weapon will cost you 10,000 Duckets. As per city law, users may only possess one fire arm.

Outdoor World is also home to the Shooting Range(coming soon), an area players can practice on targets while earning Scoreboard Points in The Hub, while simultaneously completing achievements listed in the Events Hub for bonus rewards.

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New Furni Line!

With the launch of Outdoor World, and the Hunting and Fishing Distraction & Diversion comes a brand new furniture line, designed by our very own Lana!

Get your hands on the items you see in Outdoor World and let the redneck in you shine!

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Purchasing a Gun
Owning a gun is an essential part in having the ability to hunt the animals of Canary National Park. Before getting started, be sure to visit Outdoor World in Alpine Falls to get started, otherwise you will only be able to fish at the Hunting Grounds.

When you've arrived, visit one of the sales clerks and they will guide you through the process of purchasing a weapon.

You may choose one of eight different weapons, which can be changed out at any time.

To view a weapon, execute the command :viewgun name - for example :viewgun MAC10

Do you like the gun you've got equipped? execute the :buy command, and 10,000 Duckets will be removed from your balance automatically. Should to choose to swap your gun at any time, you will be subject to the 10,000 Ducket fee again.

Canary National Park: Hunting Grounds
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While Alpine Falls does have two fishing locations, the main area for the Hunting & Fishing Distraction and Diversion is located on the Hunting Grounds of Canary National Park. Follow signs just outside of Outdoor World to find the spot.

Inside you'll fine a pristine waterway that leads to Alpine Falls, with an abundance of fish to catch, as well as wild life to hunt!

In doubt? Double click the information board for a better understanding of how this Distraction & Diversion works.

is simple- double click a fishing rod, or walk on the red exclamation mark in front of the rod. Whenever ready, simply double click your fishing rod, then one of the spawning fish! You must do this for every fish you wish to catch. A successful catch is indicated by a brief ‘thumbs up’ above your head, as well as 1 point on the scoreboard in the room, as well as in The Hub.

Hunting is fun- but first, you must own a gun! Visit Outdoor World in Alpine Falls to purchase your gun. Once owned, on the Hunting Grounds, execute the :arm command… then, double click on an animal to shoot it! You must do this for every animal you are attempting to shoot… every animal successfully shot is indicated by a brief ‘thumps up’ above your head, as well as 1 point on the scoreboard in the room, as well as in The Hub.

Achievements & Task List
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The release of the Hunting and Fishing Distraction & Diversion brings along with it four new achievements, and Achievement Task Lists to complete to earn additional rewards. Climb your way to the top, all while getting the satisfaction of earning your wealth by participating in the hotel!

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Deer Hunting
This achievement is earned during hunting, for shooting deer while on the official Hunting Grounds of BoBBa City. To complete this 15 level achievement in full, you must hunt a total of 2,000 deer.

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Vermin Hunting
This achievement is earned during hunting, for shooting small creatures and birds while on the official Hunting Grounds of BoBBa City. To complete this 15 level achievement in full, you must hunt a total of 2,000 small creatures.

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Bear Hunter (COMING SOON)
This achievement is earned by hunting and slaying the bear, who can be found in his cave at the creek on the official Hunting Grounds of BoBBa City. To complete this 10 level achievement in full, you must hunt and slay a total of 800 bears.

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This achievement is is earned and completed by catching fish off the docks while on the official Hunting Grounds of BoBBa City. To complete this 15 level achievement, you must catch a total of 8,000 fish!


You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
Haven't been in the retro scene in years but looks like you guys put a load of work into this.
Pretty cool, cheers goodluck


smooth and dynamic
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Apr 10, 2013
Thread cleaned. If you're going to make accusations, please post proof to back up your claims, otherwise, go argue somewhere else.


May 15, 2014
Amazing work and effort has been put into myBobba, I've come on and had a look at the farming and fishing (I didn't have enough duckets to try hunting). It sounds and looks amazing on the surface but I was personally disappointed.

I'm sure there's an absolute ton more to do on the hotel (I love all the games you've got!) but these are the things which personally interest me... so that's all I tried.

This went right over my head, I had no idea what I was doing. Do I just water the crops and get an achievement? Do the crops grow after I water the patch?
I tried collecting the berries and got 2 of each but had no idea what to do next. Where are the crops I collected?
I feel as thought this could be worked on massively even if it is only wired. It would be awesome to actually grow the crops by watering them, then harvesting them, then be able to sell them or even bake a pie or cake! (This is all possible with wired).

Fishing - This extremely lacklustre, and rather annoying (just keep clicking, just keep clicking). Double click the fishing rod, then double click a fish, get achievement.
Maybe add a mini game catching the fish, a possibility of it getting free. It would be awesome to have many different fish to catch, and again actually getting the fish if you catch it. You could make items to display them in cases or sell them.

But again, amazing work on myBobba, there has been an absolute ton of time spent on this and you can tell. Awesome hotel!


Mar 17, 2018
Funny you mention farming- it was wired about 2 years ago now, that is next thing to re-work (we just finished the Carnival re-work as well). At the time of making the farming simulation we did not have half the wired we have today so it can definitely be improved upon. Farming does come with instructions, there is an in-room command and a notice when you enter about it, but we've since added over 30 new wireds to help us up the production value of our creations. Unfortunately making crops 'grow' and such is one of those things that would use so much wired it'd affect the room performance with so many working parts going at once.

We do have plans, once the interior for Pendergrass Flea Market is done in Alpine Falls, to host a place to 'sell' your goods (fish, wheat, etc) as I have thoroughly thought through the process and believe thatd be something easy to make.

All instructions in future will be displayed as an alert like this:
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Distractions & Diversions are mostly just click tasks to begin with. Throw some achievements in there, and some rewards, and you have a whole community of people engaged in your content. I've always wanted it to be more of an earn-your-way type of hotel so we will always be working to improve these things and make more!

While I like your suggestions, some of these just aren't actually possible with wired (I have been wiring for years, there are still limitations esp in Arc right now, and it wont matter how much custom wired you have), and others would use so much Wired it'd affect performance in the room itself, though Im not opposed to adding a chance to lose a fish, that sounds like a good idea actually. We also plan to add more fishing spots along some water ways once we've had some time to observe the use of this as this is still a new release so we're looking for user feedback and bug reports at this point.

The whole ideas of these are tedious, mind numbing asks to further earn your way in the economy, earn a name for yourself with the achievements you're completing for them, and competition for the Gamer of The Week competition, as each point earned is sent back to our homeroom scoreboard via Signal wired. It is essentially busy work, people really enjoy the concept from what I've seen so far and I cant wait to make it better!


Mar 17, 2018
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BoBBa Farms will be relaunching tonight at 8PM EST / 0:00 GMT TIME!

Welcome to Willowbank Ranch, your ultimate farm simulation experience!
On April 1st, 2024 the original BoBBa Farms (established upon the release of myBoBBa) was closed down and replaced with our brand new Distraction & Diversion- Willowbank Ranch! Tasked with feeding, and medicating an every-growing city, volunteers such of yourself are key to ensure the success of the program. Strap on those work boots and head on down to the crop fields to begin your journey on the ranch. The process is simple, and your goal, even simpler… complete all of the achievements in your Event Journal and help BoBBa City thrive! To sign up, head on down to Willowbank Ranch, located South West of Alpine Falls.

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Willowbank Ranch - Crop Watering & Harvesting
To begin, start watering the crops. Each plot contains a different type of crop for harvesting- carrots, cabbage, sunflowers and tomatoes. You can water a patch by double clicking a water pump. Success will be indicated by the watering can in your hands- now, simply walk on a patch to water it, and watch it sprout! When a crop grows to completion, double click one of them (success is indicated by crop item in your hand), and bring them to the plots corresponding basket!

Tired of watering & harvesting? Why not give Apple Picking a chance! Double click on an Apple Tree to pick an apple. You must wait 10 seconds between picking apples, and need to collect 5 before delivering them to Samantha just outside of the crop area.

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While harvesting, there is a 15% chance of finding a Gold crop. Gold crops are a rare, untradeable item that can be used to craft Willowbank Ranch custom rares! Once you have collected enough of the required Gold crops, you can build that corresponding rare! Each rare item crafted comes with its own Achievement. These are tradeable rare items which can only be created by volunteers on the farm, such as yourself.

You think you're ready to craft those rares? Visit Willowbank Bob at his workbench on Willowbank Ranch to get started! You must collect the correct amount of ingredients before you are able to begin crafting an item.

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Willowbank Ranch- The Barn
Included as an extension onto the main Ranch room, the barn is host to two additional achievements.

Plug those noses and get to work, those stalls won't much out themselves! To begin mucking out a stall, simply double click on a poop to pick it up. Bring it to the Wheelbarrow for disposal. You must clean 1 poop from each stall before repeating that stall again.

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Keeping the animals well fed, watered and happy is of the utmost importance for the success of the farm. To begin feeding the animals, simply approach them (a tile directly in front of them will do and ‘scratch’ (double click) them. A thought bubble will appear above their head, indicating the animals current need. Head to the pile of food, stocked with the hay in the corner of the barn (indicated by the arrow). Double click the item the animal wants, and bring it to them (double click them again). Success is indicated by a thumbs up above your head

*Each animal successfully fed, and stall successfully mucked out, rewards you with on scoreboard point in the barn itself, on the ranch grounds, and in The Hub.

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Willowbank Ranch- The Grow House

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Calling all Cannabis connoisseurs- we need dedicated people to help grow, harvest, and supply BoBBa City with recreational and medical cannabis!

To begin, simply approach one of the plots. When you are on a tile directly in front of the plant, the needs of that plant will appear. Collect what the plant wants from Robbie's workbench, and double click on the plant to deliver. There are four growth cycles to a Cannabis plant. Once the plant has reached its final cycle (indicated by an arrow above the plant) you may harvest it.

Harvesting a Cannabis plant rewards the user with achievement progress, as well as a bonus 10 points on the scoreboards for the Ranch, and The Hub... but- be careful, anyone can steal your harvest at any point in time!

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Some GIF's taken when beta testing:





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BoBBa's Easter Village

Your official gateway to all things Easter on myBoBBa!

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New Member
Jan 20, 2023
Hello everyone, I have been in this hotel for a while and the only flaw I found , in my opinion, is only the low user base that should be higher for a well built and always updated hotel with a helpful and kind staff.

The catalog is always updated with the most varied furni and clothes.
There are nice automatic games and nice events and competitions to participate in.

I invite anyone who is fond of the retro world to join and discover this hotel.

Happy gaming to everyone!


Mar 17, 2018
Established September 18th, 2022, myBoBBa was founded by Puffin and is currently owned by Puffin and Lana, whom together strive to create what we believe the retro experience should be- a fun and engaging hotel, free from the negatives of life. We are a for-profit project, with a majority of proceeds being injected back into the hotel.

Upon entering the hotel, you are immediately immersed into the fun and creative content that we have to offer!
Double click the switch to join the random Multiplayer Auto-game queue with friends, were you will be transported inside one of ten automated games every 90 seconds, or play singleplayer at one of 7 total Arcade auto games.

Upon winning, you will receive your rewards, as well as Achievement Progress towards the Arcade gamer or Hub Gamer achievement!
(The Hub is currently undergoing renovations)

Distractions & Diversions
Not enough? Play one of our 7 Distractions & Diversions and start collecting from a variety of Custom Achievements, all while enjoying a fun, interactive experience while you earn your way up the ranks and into riches! All of this, exclusive to! Hunting, fishing, farming, typing... trivia? Perhaps you're boxer- we got it all.


Achievements Task List & Rewards

You'll never be bored again, with endless things to do, both alone and with your friends! Between the games, distractions and diversions, trivias, and mazes running 24/7- the fun is literally endless!

Our mission statement is firm- content is king! We aim to restore the gone days where an actual effort was put into keeping your users entertained and happy through unique and creative events.

Sleek Custom UI / Nitro & Arc Emulator Edits
myBoBBa runs on a customized version of Arcturus Morningstar 3.5.4 and includes many unique features created in partnership with our developer!

Enjoy from neat features such Drag Floorplan Editor, Hiding Chat Bubbles, Recoloring Furniture, Magic Walk Tiles, Profile Backgrounds, and many, many more!

Click on the images below to view their full size!

Wired Revolution
Dubbing it 'Wired Revolution', myBoBBa is home to some of the most unique, and unseen wired currently available on the retro scene, thanks to our genius developer. Let your mind run wild, and create something unimagineable! The Wired Revolution now include some Wired 2.0 Triggers & Effects (NO SELECTORS OR VARIABLES).



myBoBBa uses the generic Orion CMS, as it is practical and feature rich. While we have tried a few times to have our CMS customized, all efforts have fallen through. We are not overly concerned with the design of the CMS, as our client speaks for itself... so while we do intend to eventually have a customized one, it is not at the top of our priority list.

Small & Friendly Staff Team

Time has proven, over and over, across any hotel, that large staff teams spell disaster. We have experienced it for ourselves, and have learnt from these mistakes.. this is why myBoBBa keeps a very small staff team, consisting of two owners and our developer.

While we plan to introduce one or two more people into the mix when the time is right, we do not plan to expand our team much further beyond that.

We may be a small team, but we are very mighty, and effective at what we do, and strive to make the experience as enjoyable for everybody as we possibly can by upholding the same values & standards we have held ourselves to since opening day.

Stable Hotel w/ Proven Track Record & Passionate Team

Approaching our two year mark, we have a proven track record of stability and consistency, which comes with the comfort to know that, with all the effort we put into myBoBBa, we do not intend to close or stop efforts anytime soon.

With our approach to friendship, alliances, and providing assistance to other hotels and partners in the community, we have established ourselves as the hotel that strives to build lasting relationships and foster a sense of community. Our commitment to collaboration and support ensures that we not only meet, but exceed the expectations of the members of our hotel by creating a network of trust & sense of security within the retro community.

Home of BoBBa Catalog

Despite lack of credits on some hotels, myBoBBa is home to both the released and privately sold versions of BoBBa Catalog- a catalog the retro community has come to know and love for its vast quantity of furniture sold inside of it.

Experience the hotel with the most up-to-date and organized version of it, it's home itself, on!!

BoBBa Radio
myBoBBa hosts its own radio, and provides its users with a beautiful, non-intrusive and fluidly designed Radio box, complete with Auto Dj request line, all conveniently available on the client!

Figured as myBoBBa approaches its 2nd year that I would overhaul the main post as a lot has changed since we first opened. We really took the time to re-evaluate what was truly important to the members of our community, and reflected upon ourselves, what we truly enjoyed doing the most and where our focus should be placed.

It has been quite a journey full of up's and downs, but it is worth it knowing how much our hotel has inspired our users, and other members of the retro community to strive to build something better than just a hub for people to gossip and shit talk on. We hope to continue pushing the envelope and re-defining what an enjoyable retro experience can be.

Feel free to take a peek if you're interested, and check us out as there's a lot more to see than just this thread :)
Also took the liberty to delete a lot of old update posts as they are irrelevant or no longer in use.
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Mar 17, 2018

Happy Birthday myBoBBa!

We're excited to announce our 2nd birthday, on September 18th

It's been quite a long road, and we've come quite a long way. As we look toward the future of our hotel myBoBBa we strive to continue to bring our community a quality experience above all else., introducing new technologies and experiences that revolutionize how the typical user perceives the common retro. We continue to bring forward new content to give each one of our users a one-of-a-kind experience from the moment they check into our hotel.

The future of myBoBBa starts now.

Big shout-out to our extremely talented owner Lana for all of her work in putting together this masterpiece.
This is our gift to you, our beloved community.

The Hub

The Hub has been a staple on since it's inception. This is the fifth re-creation of our iconic Hub, and ultimately our best. Hand-drawn by user Lana, The Hub connects you to all content available on our hotel.

Hop into the Nintendo Switch and be transported through 11 different auto-mated games! Compete with, or against your friends & earn your wealth

The Arcade Hub

myBoBBa fosters an environment of inclusiveness and fun- providing our users with endless content, encouraged by rewards to help grow their wealth organically.

The Arcade Hub displays the top 3 Gamer of The Week winners from the previous week as well, and gives users 1 point for every automatic game won (both Arcade and Switch games) on the hotel. The highest scoring users on January 1st will receive a special prize before their scores are wiped for the new year.

The Maze Hub

Grand Opening on September 18th

Connected to The Hub via the upstairs doors is the Maze Hub, which features all of our hotels past quests, trivia's, mazes, etc. Much of the content featured in this room has been created by staff members, both past or present. We encourage users interested in contributing to the maze hub to reach out to Lana or Puffin with your completed, bug-free projects.


Join us on September 18th for live music, events and giveaways all day long!
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Mar 17, 2018

myBoBBa has officially turned two years old, as of today, September 18th, 2024. It has no doubt been a long journey over these past couple of years. We started from the bottom, building from the ground up, with nothing but a notebook full of ideas and a mind full of passion- thus setting the foundations for the hotel that we have proudly become today.

Join us in celebrating this milestone with our Birthday Hub, jammed pack with mazes, trivia's, challenges & automatic games with their own custom achievements! Completing the tasks for our Birthday in your Event Diary rewards you with various prizes, including exclusive name colours & prefixes.

Birthday Pacman - 10 Level Achievement (1,000 Games)

This auto-game rewards 500 Credits & 2 Diamonds per win;

Beat the Cake - 10 Level Achievement (1,000 Games)
This auto-game rewards 500 Credits & 2 Diamonds per win;

Birthday Unscramble
This unscramble rewards 250 Diamonds and a badge for completion, claimable in your event diary;

Birthday Trivia
This trivia rewards 250 Diamonds and a badge for completion, claimable in your event diary;

Birthday Bake House
The Bake House rewards 250 Diamonds and a badge for completion, claimable in your event diary;

One-Room Birthday Maze

This one-room maze rewards 250 Diamonds and a badge for completion, claimable in your event diary;

Birthday Profile Customizations & Chat Bubbles & Winnable Prefixes
Celebrate in style!





Birthday Cake LTD's & Loot Bag!
Starting our 2nd year off on the right foot :)

Birthday Cake LTD's
Now Available

Loot Bag in The Hub
Claim your Loot Bag from Love in The Hub - available until September 20th!


Celebrate With Us!

Join us throughout the day on September 18th for live music, events, and giveaways as we celebrate 2 years!

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Dark Mode
Introducing a seamless, customized UI experience, now featuring dark mode-which will update live-in-client!

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New Member
Nov 5, 2020
the updates being done often are amazing as always. The latest feature dark mode is my absolute favorite cos white always seems to hurt my eyes. I'm currently exploring the new halloween mazes that have been added and I can't wait to try them out! good job Puffin and Lana. I enjoy seeing new features everytime i log on!

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