Show DevBest My indie game Monster MMORPG, i call it one of the best free online games :D


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
☛ Hello everyone. Some specific information before I start. My name is Furkan Gözükara and I am a PhD candidate computer engineer.
✔ My linked in profile:

☛ I am developing this game alone with the contributions of volunteer artists, players and other people. However I am the only authorized person at the game and only coder.

☛ Using ASP.Net (4.5), C# (5), MSSQL (2014) to develop the game. Since it is browser based, JavaScript, HTML, CSS are other core parts. You don't need to download anything or not even any plugin including flash player to play this game.

☛ The game is hosted on a super powerful server which provides you lag free game as much as possible:
☑ 64 GB ram memory
☑ Raid 1 SSD hard drive that has over 650 MBytes per second read speed with failure protection
☑ 12 + 12 (HT) = 24 Cores total 60 GHZ CPU power

☛ The game is completely playable however it is complete like 30% because of the many features planned are still missing and need to be done.

☛ I will post news at this thread so be sure to subscribe!

☛ In this thread there will be fair introduction to the game Monster MMORPG with a lot of information.

✔ Game url:

✓ Monster MMORPG is a totally free to play, no download or plugin required, browser based MMO RPG game. The game is similar to Pokémon generation 3 games. The game requires registration in order to play.

I can say that if you are looking for free games, try MonsterMMORPG for sure

✓ Registration is fairly simple. You pick up a username, type your password, type your email address (verification email is sent however it is not a must to play), choose your over-world sprite image (your character image when you are walking on the map), and pick up your favorite starting monster. You can change your username 1 time for free from your control panel. Your email, password, over-world sprite and even your starting monster can be changed infinite times from your control panel for free. You can also setup your profile avatar from your control panel.
✔ Register page:
✔ Control panel : (requires login)

Many players comes to play MonsterMMORPG while looking for free online games

✓ The game screen is complicated at the beginning. There is map screen which shows your hero sprite and other players’ sprite. If you are familiar with Pokemon games it will be really easy for you to solve out. You can move on the map with keep pressing w,a,s,d or arrow keys on keyboard. Or you can use arrows on the game screen (this has another feature multiple step for faster moving). Also hovering your mouse on other players’ sprites will bring you shortcuts to offer PvP, see their user profile etc.
✔ Game main interface screenshot:

If you want to play fun games but getting bored easily, MonsterMMORPG will entertain you for a long time due to massive amount of content and difficulty level

✓ There are 3 types of enter-able buildings in the game. First one is Monster Center (MC) which lets you to setup/organize your monster team and heal your team. Once your all Monsters are fainted you will be teleported to last visited MC building gate. The second one is Monster Market (MM). MM lets you buy/sell items both at NPC and bazaar. Also you can buy/sell your monsters at the bazaar and trade your monsters with other players. There is no buy/sell monster feature at NPC. And the third one is Ancient Arenas. In Ancient Arenas you will fight with the strongest NPC of that particular zone to earn your badge. In order to enter these buildings you have to move forward to their gates.
✔ Buildings screenshot:
✔ Manage monsters at your monster storage interface screenshot:
✔ A market page example buy monster from bazaar screenshot:

Many Pokemon fans are looking to play pokemon games online however Nintendo is not likely going to make one soon, so with likeliness and uniqueness Monster MMORPG is one of your best option

✓ In order to catch wild monsters you have to move on the monster appearing areas. There are few different types of map surfaces that lets you battle with monsters. The most common one is grass areas. On grass surfaces you will encounter with wild monsters depending on that map appearing ratios. Once you encountered with a wild monster, you can either try to run away or battle. Running away depends on your team maximum speed monster and wild monster speed. If your team highest speed monster is slower than wild monster, you will be forced to battle. This rule doesn't apply rare class monsters in order to prevent macro usage. Also there is a rare chance you may enter battle even if you are faster once again in order to prevent cheating.

Monster MMORPG is in the category of suitable games for kids with having no anti-religious, or any bad stuff

✓ The game has very detailed battle mechanics. There are numerous status effects such as burn, freeze, cripple and all works. A lot of item effects such as increasing critic hit rate, or causing burn with a chance. Also each captured monster is stored individually with total different 64 values such as its nature (like pokemon natures), abilities, private pet name given by the owner etc. These requires battle interface being complex too. But the game prints the every action in the battle interface so just being careful will let you to understand battle mechanics. You can catch only wild monsters. The NPCs monsters and other players’ monsters cannot be caught. In order to catch you need to decrease wild monster HPs to certain percentages. Battle screen will print all the info you need. Once you caught the wild monster it will be sent to your team if your team monster count is lesser than 6. Otherwise they will be sent to your storage and you need to go to the Monster Center building in order to get it into your team.
✔ Battle interface screenshot:

There are so many browser based free games online however MonsterMMORPG is one of the few exceptions that is developed by PhD candidate Computer Engineer with the help of its community and volunteered artists

✓ There are 7 different classes of Monsters (Regular, Superior, Starter, Emissary, Zenith, Legendary and Ancient). The weakest one are regular and strongest ones are Ancient. All monsters are obtainable on the maps expect starter monsters. Wild monsters and NPC trainers monsters stats are boosted according to the monsters classes. This makes game more challenging and requires coming up with strategies. The classes of monsters determines the total stat range, the ability pools of monsters and the moves of monsters. The game has 207 different abilities, 148 different natures. All monsters gets random 3 ability upon entering battle wild monster battle from their predefined ability pool and 1 random nature from the all nature pool.
✔ Abilities page:
✔ Natures page:

MonsterMMORPG makes Pokemon fans dream true who are looking for a legal pokemon online game that is F2P

✓ All monsters also have individual training points (TP) and unique values (UV). Wild monsters always come with 0 TP points and TP points are earned upon each successive battles. They have upper and total limits which effects the stats of Monsters. Also UV values are determined upon entering wild monster battles and they never change after like nature and abilities of that certain monster. You can see all details of a wild monster while in the wild monster battle.
✔ An individual monster detailed page screenshot: (same for both tamed and wild monsters)

Many of us grown up with offline rpg games in the past with excitement of playing great stories however MonsterMMORPG trying to achieve that fun, bring old good memories back with multiplayer experience

✓ Game has a very detailed Dex (like Pokedex) page which shows entries of all monsters. It provides a lot of sorting, filtering and searching features that makes your job easier. You can sort monsters by their total stats or how many there are of them in the game etc. You can filter them by their types, by the moves they know, by their class name basically anything you may need. You can also quickly have a peek of them with scrolling down. MonsterDex (like Pokemon Pokedex) will be great source of information for you to understand monsters.
MonsterDex page:

MonsterMMORPG certainly would take its place among good online indie mmorpg games even its at current stage

✓ Each monster has its own Dex entry page. These pages shows all the information about monsters such as their individual base HP, Attack, Defense etc. stats, their class, types, catch rate (this is about catching rates with monster boxes), level gain rate (about how many EXP required for each level), base reward EXP (about how many EXP you will get upon defeating them in battles), AVG level in game, how many in game, reward TP points (after defeating in battles), the concept and drawing artists, the moves they can learn (some moves can be purchased from market and can be thought) and they will learn (when level up), their ability pool and many more stuff. You can also see their transformation chain and their bigger artwork images.
✔ Example monster page:

It is currently not possible for Pokemon players to play pokemon online at the moment however free mmo rpg MonsterMMORPG is one of the most closest game that can satisfy you officialy

✓ Each player profile pages are also visible to all members. Game provides a lot of different statistics about each member such as Monsters Total EXP, Monsters Total EXP Rank, Different Monsters Count, Different Monsters Count Rank, etc. You can also see their team monsters and the monsters they have in their storage.
✔ Example profile page screenshot part 1:
✔ Example profile page screenshot part 2:

There are so many pokemon mmo games online in the browser games industry however many of them are fan made and they are so simplistic when compared the Monster MMORPG features

✓ Game also provides very detailed online players and search a player page with lots of filtering and sorting features.
✔ Search a player page screenshot:
✔ Online players screenshot:

✓ Game also provides a tool for you to calculate/play with monster builds. A unique stat calculator (like pokemon calculator) page. It is open to public and doesn't require login. You can load your individual monster as well.
✔ Unique Stat Calculator (like pokemon stat calculator) tool of Monster MMORPG game:

We can say that this game is a true rival for pokemon online games with similar features but powerful game mechanics

✓ The game is composed by 19 different zones and total 520 maps. Each of first 18 zones represents an elemental type in the game such as poison, grass, flying etc. and the final one is named as mixed. Each zone has 3 cities and one of them are categorized as major city. Major cities do have battle arenas where you can battle with zone leader to earn ancient badge. Since the game maps are huge there some features to make players job easier. First one is pre-calculated path finding AI. All maps are coded in the database as positions and with a specially developed AI software, all coordinates map routes are calculated. What does this provide? This provide instant calculation of shortest paths for players to move other maps. With hovering your mouse over to the tracks on the maps you can see where those paths leads. But this is of course not enough. There are 2 map interface pages which lets you to search and have information about maps. They are like MonsterDex.
✔ Game Zones interface:
✔ Search Game Maps interface:

There are many games online free to play but most of them requires you to pay money in order to obtain many powerful stuff in the game however in MonsterMMORPG you can obtain everything without paying any money

✓ Each map also do have individual page which shows detail information about that map such as you can catch with monsters on which surface types or there are which NPC trainers gives which rewards etc. Checking out your current map details would help you greatly.
✔ Individual map page example Lily Pond:

If you like to play pokemon rpg games then you must try MonsterMMORPG

✓ The game has got total 3,000 moves but there is no MoveDex yet. However you can see move details from every page that you will need move information. There are 2 mechanical moves that is working on the maps. First one is Fly. Fly move allows you to quickly navigate between your previously visited maps. Caves and Monster Arenas are not flyable. Also in order to move through Fly zone on the clouds you need to have a monster in your team that knows Fly AI move.

✓ The second one is Hyper Surf. Having a monster in your team that knows Hyper Surf move will allow you to move on water areas. With this move you can also catch the monsters that appears with surfing.

✓ There are also 3 net items that allows you to fishing at the edges of water areas. You can purchase all these moves and items from market. There also MT (Mythical Tablet) moves that is sold at the market and can be taught to the monsters. You can teach moves from your my item page.
✔ Using Items interface (requires login):

We can not say that Monster MMORPG is the best mmorpg game on the market but it can be close to meaning of best pokemon game which is official

✓ There are over 1,000 NPC trainers on the maps and you can battle with them every 24 hours. Because of the massiveness of NPC trainers there is a special NPC history tracking page which shows you detailed information about NPCs and your battle history for that day.
✔ NPC Battles tracking interface (requires login):

Please do not confuse MonsterMMORPG with other monster games as it is really different in many terms

✓ Monster MMORPG also has a fully working private messaging system that allow players to communicate in private. This system also integrated with market system so you can have information about your monsters on the market quickly. In addition to the PM system there is a chat panel that is integrated to the main game page. This chat panel supports 30+ different language channels. You have communication with other players publicly while playing the game. This increases the game social aspect. Chat screen also specially coded and supports top trainers raking system, players map location, and other stuff. You can block other players that you don't like at the chat.
✔ PM system screenshot:

If you know how to play pokemon this game will be a piece of cake to you

✓ The top trainers ranking system also planned to provide most fair calculation for both new and older players. The rankings are refreshed each 24 hours since this process requires massive amount of database queries. Recalculation of all monster, battle stats etc.
✔ Game also provides type chart table (like Pokemon type chart) so you can see type effectiveness among monsters:

If your friend or you are looking for best free online games then try together this game

✓ Game also has another page that allows you to quickly navigate among monsters big thumbnails to find your favorite looking monsters. For example you like dog monsters and at this page you can quickly find the monsters that is a like dogs.
✔ Monster list page (like Pokemon list):

If this was one of the game among pokemon games list it would take one of the stop at the top 10 certainly

✓ You can setup your own unique avatar or pick from game avatar gallery.
✔ Game Avatars gallery:
✔ Game banners page :

✓ All game screenshots can be viewed from here:

✓ The tutorial aspect of the game is far from being complete or perfect but there are 3 good sources. The quickest ones are quick how to tutorial page and extended game play tutorial video. Also there are dedicated game forums which you can check to see FAQ and other threads.
✔ How To Play page:
✔ Extended gameplay tutorial video a bit outdated right now:

Monster MMORPG is in the category of free online games no download


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
✓ The transformation of monsters in your team done manually. You need to go your team page and click transformation button. However some monsters are only transformed to other stage with usage of items. These transformations are done from items page.
✔ Manage Your Team interface (requires login):
✔ Using Items interface (requires login):

There are many other fan made free pokemon games online however if you compare this game with others, you will understand the difference in features and advanced game mechanics

✓ The anti-cheating mechanisms of the game aims fair game play. To achieve cheating free gaming platform in such an easily cheatable genre (browser games) there are different precautions. The game mechanics requires very advanced software development for cheating. Secondly there is in game security image precaution which doesn't bother players but prevents bot users. Third there is monster buy/sell/trade public history page which identifies black market cheaters.
✔ Monster Buy/Trade/Sell history interface (requires login):

This game could be selected as best free mmorpg game if only it has a decent design and interface but it is still a decent game among free rpg games

✓ Game also supports live PvP battles. You can offer a pvp battle to a player from player profile page, from chat screen quick link or from map screen hovering other player overworld image. Once you got PvP battle offer there will appear another badge on the game page screen that will notify you. PvP battles are also turn based and have auto refresh feature. There is also PvP battles leaderboard page
✔ PvP Leaderboard interface (requires login):

Monster MMORPG already has its place at many of the top mmorpg games sites

✓ MonsterMMORPG also has its own unique songs and a music player. This new cool feature is implemented recently. The songs are composed by our players voluntarily. Currently there are 25+ songs available to listen. However due to space limitation music player requires at least 1,280 pixel screen resolution. If your screen is smaller, you still can play the music with zoom out feature. In order to zoom out, keep pressing ctrl and use mouse wheel or keep pressing ctrl and hit "-" on the keyboard.
✔ Music Player and Songs screenshot:

Monster MMORPG type effectiveness chart is similar to pokemon effectiveness chart however it is visually good displayed

✓ Monster MMORPG also has approved Facebook application page. You can play MonsterMMORPG while staying in the Facebook. Facebook application is getting over 100,000 monthly visitors and doesn't require any permission from you.
✔ Monster MMORPG Facebook application (100000+ monthly players):

✓ Game also has official Facebook page where you can follow the awesome giveaway events and news
✔ Official Facebook page of Monster MMORPG (167k+):

✓ MonsterMMORPG also has a quite reputation at different game related magazines and websites
✔ Monster MMORPG in the press:

✔ The game also has more than 50 HD wallpapers check them out:

✓ The game is mainly composed by volunteer contributors. There are over 73+ different artists who provided artworks to the game. Full credits list can be seen from credits page. There are total 1,807 different unique monsters at the moment. However currently no more new monsters are being added to the game but current monsters are being revamped or replaced with better quality artworks. There is almost an update each week that improves the game. All volunteered contributions are accepted by the game development.
✔ Monster MMORPG credits page (102 person so far):

✓✓ Now I will write my humble Pros and Cons and my score for this game

Pros (+): Very advanced game mechanics, live PvP battles support, well planned top trainers ranking system, almost cheat free gaming experience, 1807 unique monsters, 520 unique maps, integrated chat system, PM system, market system, NPC system, badge system, huge content to discover and long term playing, no download not even flash player required to play, super strong game server, daily backups, good security, embedded music player with great songs, great potential for future

Cons (-): Very bad UI when compared to the game features, badly coded map movement system that feels lag there is lag, excessive amount of ads that bothers game playing, the game is far from being complete (like 15% complete right now), some of the monsters are very badly drawn, very complex interfaces and hard to understand at the beginning, lack of starting tutorials, lack of guild system, lack of game integrated PvP tournaments

✓ My final score is 7.1

✓ It has been already too long article but hopefully I was able to give some idea about the game. There are still a lot of things to discover and the rest is up to you. You can always contact me directly to ask questions. Either reply this thread or contact me via in game, email or Skype.

✔ Game Developer Official Public Skype: MonsterMMORPG
✔ Send PM to game admin CeFurkan (requires login):
✔ Monster MMORPG contact page where you can see contact email:

✓ I will put some screenshots thumbnails below for you to have quick idea and check.

✓✓ Here few monsters

✓✓ Here few game maps

✓✓ Here few gameplay screenshots



Apr 27, 2012
Couldn't Nintendo Sue for using images?
Oh, please. There's alot of things that can be sued nowadays. Currently, at this stage of him making this game, I don't think such a big company with the amount of money they get everyday is going to lookup copies of pokemon and say 'Oh shit mannnn, that bitch ass hoe took my game idea, best sue him'


Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013
Oh, please. There's alot of things that can be sued nowadays. Currently, at this stage of him making this game, I don't think such a big company with the amount of money they get everyday is going to lookup copies of pokemon and say 'Oh shit mannnn, that bitch ass hoe took my game idea, best sue him'
m8 stahp


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
Oh, please. There's alot of things that can be sued nowadays. Currently, at this stage of him making this game, I don't think such a big company with the amount of money they get everyday is going to lookup copies of pokemon and say 'Oh shit mannnn, that bitch ass hoe took my game idea, best sue him'
That was a pretty dumb reply I won't lie. Big companies can sue for much more then you made off the game, they could sue for millions if they do it correct, and bring more people into buying their games.. It's free advertising because it will be all over the country and internet (Creators of Pokemon sue for _____) and then people are like what is pokemon and go buy the game.. lmao.

Also in regards to the "lookup copies of pokemon" sulake looks up copies of habbo and try to shut them down, and even developers of emulators (Aaron -> Phoenix) Got sued by Sulake.


Apr 27, 2012
That was a pretty dumb reply I won't lie. Big companies can sue for much more then you made off the game, they could sue for millions if they do it correct, and bring more people into buying their games.. It's free advertising because it will be all over the country and internet (Creators of Pokemon sue for _____) and then people are like what is pokemon and go buy the game.. lmao.

Also in regards to the "lookup copies of pokemon" sulake looks up copies of habbo and try to shut them down, and even developers of emulators (Aaron -> Phoenix) Got sued by Sulake.
I wasn't saying they couldn't sue, I was saying at this point - his game isn't 'out there' enough to be a matter of interest but lets say in the future where I don't know, 50 people were playing his game then that might start sparking up some interest from Nintendo. Similar to the Habbo Retro thing, Sulake were not hugely bothered (by that I mean, they were not biting the owners arses 24/7 of the day) by retros until that point in time where the crowd grew alot larger .


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
I wasn't saying they couldn't sue, I was saying at this point - his game isn't 'out there' enough to be a matter of interest but lets say in the future where I don't know, 50 people were playing his game then that might start sparking up some interest from Nintendo. Similar to the Habbo Retro thing, Sulake were not hugely bothered (by that I mean, they were not biting the owners arses 24/7 of the day) by retros until that point in time where the crowd grew alot larger .
Argument is still invalid, they do not try to shutdown all the retros, they could care less about user count. Look at Habboon or foreign hotels reaching 2000 + users, they shoot for developers meaning if any images from this game (being the only one publicly i know of that uses images from pokemon that is trying to provide a free game experience) they would most likely shut it down for this reason:
The first game to be developed from their images and sources, but manage to be highly changed. By this I mean it would be just like when habbo was v26 if someone developed r63b before habbo did that would get them shutdown quick because that might attract more people and it would put an eye on them. Just like Aaron with Phoenix he was provided a source for retros to start booming


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
Oh my god good luck ;) ill join

Ty very much i hope you liked it

i swear i know u from makewebgames

probably i have accounts there too :) being an indie developer key to success is expressing your game

Is this like Pokemon mixed with League of Legends and Monsters?

hmm i think we don't have anything related to league of legends however we can say mixed version of pokemon

I don't even care it looks great! Keep up the good work man I'm sure all this hard work will pay off.

ty very much for great reply

The game looks exceptional, and it's getting enough visitors for my school to block it :3 ;)

ty very much for great reply

It's like Pokemon, how cuteee.

I'm in o/

ty very much for great reply

Couldn't Nintendo Sue for using images?

nope they can't do anything. i mean look at the android market or app store to see how many copy cat games out there and all doing fine :) and we are really different than original pokemon console games


Posting Freak
Jan 27, 2013
Ty very much i hope you liked it

probably i have accounts there too :) being an indie developer key to success is expressing your game

hmm i think we don't have anything related to league of legends however we can say mixed version of pokemon

ty very much for great reply

ty very much for great reply

ty very much for great reply

nope they can't do anything. i mean look at the android market or app store to see how many copy cat games out there and all doing fine :) and we are really different than original pokemon console games

I mean when your games grows a bit more and becomes really popular, I'm not sure if Nintendo care about the games for phones :p


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
2 February 2015 update change logs V 2.6.0 Beta

✓ Please read previous version change logs as well from here:

✓ Entire market interface improved

✓ More filter options added to the Sell Monster at Bazaar and Put Monster Trade pages (this was requested)

✓ Mega forms of Zenith and Legendary Monsters mechanic added to the game

✓ Top trainers ranking system slightly updated according to the new mega Monsters:

✓ Mega form of Zeniths do have 50% all stats boost and Legendaries have 40% stats boost

✓ They will never appear on the maps and can be obtained with transformation gem

✓ Perfect Gem will transform zenith Monsters and Ultimate Gem will transform legendary monsters. Gems will be consumed after usage

✓ Gems can be purchased from market

✓ Also i am planning facebook giveaway event as megas and advertising event to get any monster you want

✓ Now when you click de-transform to basic stage button at the user monster details page it will ask verification whether you are sure or not to prevent accidental clicks

✓ Minor bugs fixed

✓ All Monsters and NPCs on maps re-assigned

✓ 1 Week event started. This event will end at 16 February 2015

✓ New giveaway and other events will start at Facebook follow Facebook page: ☑

✓ During event EXP and Gold boost is 100%
✓ During event 1 starter monsters catchable at certain maps

✓ Available Starters:

✓ 46 - Reagle

✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
☑ MonsterMMORPG Youtube :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Facebook :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Google+ :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Twitter :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Linkedin :
☑ MonsterMMORPG DeviantArt :

✓ Updated monster images (1) (click F5 to see)

✓ New added monsters (6)

✓ Latest 2 months updated and added new monsters images (each monster resized smaller to fit in smaller images)




V 2.6.1 change logs/news - free online game

✓ Game framework upgraded to latest .Net 4.5.2 which may slightly improve game performance

✓ Server software updates (windows update) successfully made to latest

✓ A lot of new high class Monsters added to the game

✓ Auto badge reset happened at 1 March (it happens once every 90 days)

✓ Mega form is replaced with the word Giga

✓ Giga form Legendaries stats boost increased to 140>150

✓ Minor bugs fixed

✓ All Monsters and NPCs on maps re-assigned

✓ New giveaway and other events continue at Facebook follow Facebook page: ☑

✓ Event started until further notice
✓ During event EXP and Gold boost is 100%
✓ During event 1 starter monsters catchable at certain maps

✓ Available Starters:

✓ #47 Bermudrac

✓ Here image of updated/new monsters


✓ 8 July 2015 ✓

✓ Newest changes of Monster MMORPG ✓

✓ Total number of monsters reached to 2026 ✓


✓ Hundreds of older monster designs are either revamped or replaced with much better artworks

✓ Overall artwork quality significantly improved ✓

✓ Entire Monster Dex can be seen from here :

✓ Please read previous version change logs as well from here:

☑☑☑ 2.6.0 ☑☑☑

✓ Please read previous version change logs as well from here:

✓ Entire market interface improved

✓ More filter options added to the Sell Monster at Bazaar and Put Monster Trade pages (this was requested)

✓ Giga forms of Zenith and Legendary Monsters mechanic added to the game

✓ Top trainers ranking system slightly updated according to the new mega Monsters:

✓ Giga form of Zeniths and Legendaries do have 50% all stats boost

✓ They will never appear on the maps and can be obtained with transformation gem

✓ Perfect Gem will transform zenith Monsters and Ultimate Gem will transform legendary monsters. Gems will be consumed after usage

✓ Gems can be purchased from market with in game gold

✓ Now when you click de-transform to basic stage button at the user monster details page it will ask verification whether you are sure or not to prevent accidental clicks

✓ Minor bugs fixed

☑☑☑ 2.6.1 ☑☑☑

✓ Game framework upgraded to latest .Net 4.5.2 which may slightly improve game performance

✓ Server software updates (windows update) successfully made to latest

✓ A lot of new high class Monsters added to the game

✓ Auto badge reset happened at 1 March (it happens once every 90 days to ensure equal game playability)

✓ Minor bugs fixed

✓ New giveaway and other events continue at Facebook follow Facebook page: ☑

☑☑☑ 2.6.2 ☑☑☑

✓ Now you can quickly see via Monster Box indicator that you have that Monster or not in the game maps
✓ Example game map to check ☑

✓ The following keyboard shortcuts added to the game:
✓ At Monster select page: 1,2,3,4,5,6 to select respectively ordered Monsters
✓ At battle Monster page: 1,2,3,4 to select respectively ordered moves
✓ At battle Monster page: F to finish battle when it is finished
✓ At battle result page: R to return to the game page

✓ Psychic Attack type to Steel Defender type effectiveness reduced to 0.5 from 2.0 and all Monsters type chart updated according to this change

✓ The country flags should be displayed correctly now. All countries added and IP list updated. In order to take effect please re-login the game. Please report any errors.

✓ Maximum Monster count that you can have increased to 4000

✓ Maximum PM box (private messages) size increased to 1500

✓ Starter Monsters will now effect top trainers rankings because you can obtain them via constant events we have

✓ MonsterMMORPG recently added to the Wikipedia and you can improve Monster MMORPG Wikipedia page appropriately

✓ Updated top trainers ranking system:

✓ Vote links counts decreased more than to half:

✓ A lot of new high class Monsters added to the game

✓ Minor bugs fixed

☑☑☑ 2.6.3 ☑☑☑

✓ New computer controlled PvP battle system implemented to the game
✓ Now you can do computer controlled PvP with any player you want
✓ The match result will be printed on the PvPBoard if enemy player did not disable it from control panel
✓ It will be displayed clearly who were live player and who were controlled by computer on the PvPBoard screen
✓ How to make PvP computer pvp battle: ☑

✓ Now there is additional icon (map) on the main screen and the each route page which will open global world map of your current zone (best way of finding your way)
✓ Now there is additional icon (earth) on the main screen and the each route page which will open global world map all zones (best way of finding your zone)
✓ All zones image:

✓ Market refresh system activated. At this system older than 30 days Pokemon in the both trade or bazaar will be automatically removed (will be sent to user storage with refunding bazaar fee). Each hour there will be a refresh

✓ Game screen shortcut icons re-organized

✓ All private messages deleted to move new pm system (no changes at user side)

✓ Chat screen re-organized. Now there is global chat, local chat (the country where you login the game), and random chat which is free for all. All languages, spam etc
✓ Check details about local chat system from here:

✓ The country flags should be displayed correctly now. All countries added and IP list updated. In order to take effect please re-login the game. Please report any errors.
✓ If you still see country errors please let me know

☑☑☑ 2.6.4 ☑☑☑

✓ Game security system changed. Please read this thread: ☑

✓ Top trainers ranking system updated
* From now on, only last 7 days active players will be ranked
* So at the very least you have to be online and made a single movement on the map in the last 7 days to get ranked
* All inactive over 7 days players will get 0 points

✓ New MonsterMMORPG Facebook APP : ☑

✓ All unfinished battles got wiped for performance boost
✓ PvP Battle Board and requests history deleted because of unfinished battles wipe

✓ Hopefully awesome daily reward system is coming

✓ All Monsters and NPCs on maps re-assigned

✓ New giveaway and other events continue at Facebook follow Facebook page: ☑

✓ Official following social media channels are fully started please follow all of them
☑ MonsterMMORPG Youtube :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Facebook :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Google+ :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Twitter :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Linkedin :
☑ MonsterMMORPG DeviantArt :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Android APP :
☑ MonsterMMORPG Facebook APP :


May 26, 2015
Looking more and more like a solid Browser game. Your website design is a bit elementary, but other than, that, it's a nice game. Reminds me of the Pokemon browser game I used to play as a kid in the Library.


New Member
Oct 16, 2014
Looking more and more like a solid Browser game. Your website design is a bit elementary, but other than, that, it's a nice game. Reminds me of the Pokemon browser game I used to play as a kid in the Library.

well you are completely correct about web design

it has to be redesigned however still no time to do it yet :D

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