Meth0d Making A Return

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Staff member
Nov 16, 2010
Content taken from here -

I randomly made a visit to Meth0d's website as I came across it, while searching for a few websites in my history

Hello everyone,
 [I]Today I have a rather unusual announcement to make. One I did not  take lightly, and quite frankly, had not expected to take — ever. It  has been on the back of my mind for a while, and today, I’d like to make  it official.[/I]
 It has come to my attention that despite my discontinuation of the  uberEmulator project, it still plays a big role in retros and retro  development today. Statistics show that easily 90% of all visitors on  this very website visit because of Uber. In the exploration of finding  new educational, but also lucrative projects to work on, Uber came to  mind.
 Over half a year ago, I sold the uberEmulator source code and  database to Aaron and MDK for a relatively (comparted to the amount of  work put in) low amount of money. I was focused on other projects and  could no longer find room to motivate myself to continue work on  uberEmulator. Soon after (within days), the source code somehow was  released to the public (i.e. leaked) — I assume by one of the buyers.  From what I can see, the community has not been successful in improving  the source code since. It has barely evolved. The contributions that are  available, are rather.. well, quite frankly, they suck. [IMG][/IMG] 
 I have made the decision to develop an additional, official, and supported version of uberEmulator, dubbed [B]Professional Edition[/B].  The professional edition of Uber will undergo some major changes,  fixes, and corrections. A large part of the logic, components, and  concepts will be revised either partially or fully.
 The professional edition of uberEmulator will not be free of charge,  nor will the source code be available. It will be available under  license for a small fee. Further details about the pricing and licensing  of the professional edition of Uber will be announced here in the near  future.
 [B]General project plans:[/B]
[*]I will take the latest version of the official uberEmulator source  code I have in my posession, and modify it into a “professional  edition”.
[*]The professional edition of Uber will be sold. Users will have to  purchase a license which, in turn, entitles them to the software,  updates to the software, tools and utilities, and most importantly,  official support.
[*]The current publicly released (‘leaked’) versions of uberEmulator  and uberCMS will of course remain available free of charge under  whatever license it was released under. I will, however, not provide  information, downloads, or support for the older versions of Uber —  support for the pro edition will be provided only, and exclusively to  license holders.
[*]Licenses can be bought for a specific period of time and various  price ranges. For example, one may purchase a “Lifetime” license which  would entitle the user to all future updates, which would likely be the  most expensive license. However, there may also be a cheap “Single  software” license which would entitle the user to bugfixes and security  fixes only, but not major updates. The details of license plans are  still being worked out and I’d love to hear your ideas.
 [B]Server restructuring plans:[/B]
[*]Various  classes will be rewritten, polished, and restructured.
[*]The ION framework and such will be completely removed. I would like  to take an alternative approach to database pooling and (at least some  parts of) the handling of network connections, so something new needs to  be written.
[*]The plugin system will be redone and finished and example plugins  will be included. Though the server source will be unavailable, many  components will be available for developers to interact with through the  usage of plugins, as it was originally intended.
[*]I am hoping to change the logic behind items. The way items are  stored in two tables (room items and user items) is not very logical,  nor is it in the slightest way effective.
[*]Additionally, I hope to change the way the navigator and rooms are  cached and stored. The navigator will no longer flood the database with  queries, but rather build and rebuild a cache, which it can then easily  transfer to users. I also hope to remove the strange separation between  the Room and RoomData class.
[*]Thread safety! Lots of thread safety. A lot of unsafe and rather  strange practices are being used throughout Uber causing crashes,  deadlocks, and other unwanted behavior.
[*]I will *NOT* include a database with item definitions and the likes this time — I will focus my attention on the software.
[*]Unlike some aspects of Uber, I am hoping to make this 1:1 with the  official service, with customization available through plugins only. The  base software would be a 1:1 emulation (to the best of my efforts  anyway).
[*]UberCMS is not included in my plans. At the moment. If I do end up  doing something about the CMS, it’ll be open-source, free of charge,  possibly compatible with other servers. ‘cuz I’m just that nice.
 These are my plans so far. I have started work today after a long  period of doubt. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on the  subject. Let me know. [IMG][/IMG] 
 Please note that I will not be maintaining a development or release  thread on ***** because it is prohibited by forum rules to sell  software there.
 More details will be made available in the near future.
 [I]Thank you,[/I]
 [I]Roy alias Meth0d[/I]

Sorry if its in the wrong section, i didnt feel as it was for spam, as its habbo related


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
Actually good news Habbo might have a spark now, thanks for letting us know; Lets see what he comes up with, this time.


Joshua Pike.
Sep 13, 2010
-Buys lifetime license :)

I can't wait to see the turnout of this, hopefully it is going to make the whole Emulator smoother to run, edit etc.


Posting Freak
Jul 7, 2010
I don't like that he will be creating a "professional edition" where you have to pay, as Habbo Retros have always been started at the root of "being free"


Joshua Pike.
Sep 13, 2010
I don't like that he will be creating a "professional edition" where you have to pay, as Habbo Retros have always been started at the root of "being free"

Well him making this isn't free, he is spending time, and as somebody once said: 'Time is money' ...


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
I don't like that he will be creating a "professional edition" where you have to pay, as Habbo Retros have always been started at the root of "being free"

I can see what you are trying to say, RastaLulz made the PHPRetro -RP and no payment was needed it's greed at the moment it's funny how Habbo has turned into a profit when it's not there's to sell it's sulakes, but his returning anyway, and he is about to do what Aaron is doing as I can see.


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
The issue is the amount pf time that has to be put into making these emulators. There's also the fact that the main developers are no longer children, and they have bills to pay, etc. They can't be spending all of their time on a project with no income.

I look forward to seeing the final product, and how it may impact how emulators are released in the future.


New Member
Oct 24, 2010
I'm seeing a competition here between Aaron & Meth0d, I suppose we will have to find out which emulator turns out the best.


Professional Moderator
Nov 20, 2010
I'll say what i said about NOT approving this thread on *****, Meth0d is only one of the coders in HH, Did you see it took him a year to code the last uber emu, and even that was very buggy, he then sold it..........

So now hes Getting the source that everyone has fixed up, Coding a few edits, Slapping on a license and trying to sell it because he has the name to do it.

I cant even see how this will put competition for Aaron, i mean how many years has pheonix been out? exactly, tbh he'll be lucky to sell a few, even if it does, i guess it will be decompiled and ripped ^^


New Member
Oct 24, 2010
You could be right, but if Meth0d does what he says, fixes and stabilizes the server itself, their can be competition, although you are right with how Aaron has had his Phoenix System for years to count, It may be interesting to see what Meth0d himself contributes to his own emulator.


Professional Moderator
Nov 20, 2010
But what i say, he SOLD his source, and now hes using his source to Sell for MORE money? he also isnt planning on making a CMS especially for this server hes making, I mean there are some GOOD stabilised versions of uber out there already if you look

Jul 21, 2010
He's just doing what Aaron is doing, even though what Aaron is doing is more wrong than this(rename and selling a server he didn't made with his edits), I don't think any kind of emulators should be bought, when there are free open source emulators hanging around. I think he won't sell as much as Aaron, but he will of course make some money.


Professional Moderator
Nov 20, 2010
I doubt he'll sell more than what...5? Aaron isnt donig anything as wrong as meth0d...Afterall Aaron payed for the source therefore he gotten all rights to do what he wanted with it, Even after aaron payed, the source got leaked...So really who got shitted on?

Jul 21, 2010
True, Aaron did buy the source, so it is his. But Roy can always say "I sold you Revision 1.00 of uber, not uber itself", and I think 100£ is not low.


Jul 16, 2010
To be honest i'm not a fan of what he's doing, he sold his source and every rights to it (after what i've heard) and now he's trying to get money on something that he sold to others? And if someone won't decompile it/fails decompiling it, it will be annoying for those that want their own edits, commands and features in it. I think that all emulators and retros should be free as that was the leading point of starting retros. It's also illegal so why pay for something that really may get you in legal problems? It's enough buying hosting for it.. I'm not a fan of any versions/releases/revisions over v18 but i still think that this idea is terrible off him to do.


Nov 12, 2010
I've never met Meth0d but he seems like an asshole. You cannot sell the source and the rights and then come back and try to make money selling the server.


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
I can not say anything else about this guy, his just like Aaron; Greedy.

Like Raz0r said retro's are suppose to be free, if they earn money from someone else's work that's just stupid in my own opinion even if they did add a few extra changes, well what I think is that we have another one what need's to have a new hobby, him and Aaron (no offence) are too old for this and need to work on something of there own.

Uber is there own (No it's not it's Sulakes whether it's been changed completely I can bet you I can still see sulakes logo in all work being done, what they have sold.)


Posting Freak
Jul 7, 2010
I can not say anything else about this guy, his just like Aaron; Greedy.

Like Raz0r said retro's are suppose to be free, if they earn money from someone else's work that's just stupid in my own opinion even if they did add a few extra changes, well what I think is that we have another one what need's to have a new hobby, him and Aaron (no offence) are too old for this and need to work on something of there own.

Uber is there own (No it's not it's Sulakes whether it's been changed completely I can bet you I can still see sulakes logo in all work being done, what they have sold.)

I do think that there are some younger developers, however, none of their emulators are as popular or widely-used as Aaron's or Meth0d's. I think that their emulators could be very popular, but MMORPG Forums users aren't always properly informed about new sources. I also think that some younger coders don't want to code a whole emulator, but mere edits for their hotels, in fact everyone's following suit with Aaron and Meth0d: They are being selfish. Much younger coders aren't releasing their sources to the Habbo Development forums or even posting them online. I don't really like the new age of Habbo, there isn't the same sense of community that there used to be, but, you just have to live with it.


Now 35% cooler!
Oct 15, 2010
Am I completely missing something here...? For all those who are saying "Oh yeah, Meth0ds and asshole and can't sell that 'coz hes already sold it". Your point is? Who was the one who spent 1 year making a near to complete Flash Emulator, roy, no? Roy has every right to remove the GNU, Rename Uber, Sell it, do whatever he likes with it. By all means I think Aaron is a stubborn idiot, who wants to get a couple of euros/dollars/gbp out of a shit emulator. But yeah enough getting onto topic;

I think I would actually buy Roy's edition, here is why:
Who coded the emulator, aaron or roy?
Who knows where the exploits are? derp derp.

- Livar
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