Show DevBest IE Emulator


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
Over the past few days I've been searching for something to emulate very old versions of Internet Explorer, such as IE6. However, I found out that even legit versions of IE6 won't install on 64-bit operating systems, so I continued my search because I knew there must have been something out there.

My luck came in, and I found this:

I'm posting it because it's a great tool and it may well come in handy for you one day. Why? Because many large organisations and banks etc still use versions of Internet Explorer earlier than IE7.

My work use IE6 still, and I've recently developed an application for them optimised for mobile devices (meaning it runs better on modern devices/browsers), I tried it on a computer in work and it looked terrible, so I also wanted to optimise it as best as I can for IE6; this tool helped massively.

Hope it helps.


Front-End Developer
Dec 11, 2012
A web devs worst fucking nightmare is IE (especially older vesions as once you get past IE 8 things aren't too bad). It's suprising how many people still use such an old version of a browser.

Thanks for the share bro.

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