Help with r63b

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Nov 21, 2011
Well, I decided to try and set my own r63b retro to see what r63b is like to manage, i used the best emu I could find (BcStorm) I found a tutorial on it too somewhere, where it also had the sql etc. I host the retro on my old windows computer, I updated the web build etc, and I'm going to use hamachi until I find a cheap vps. Since my old computer is really laggy when i try to go on the internet, the client loads but its like, the frames only moves after i open and close the window.

So when I try to go on the client on my Macbook Air (main laptop) it stay white screen on safari and google chrome, and I downloaded a web browser called opera to see if it would work, but it stays black screen on that.

I have tried clearing my cache etc, but nothing works. Help please


Apr 13, 2013
White screen = out of date web build
black screen = external variables arent correct, or the config paths arent correct
You are encouraged to search around for answers before posting, it saves you time.



👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Sorry, DevBest does not support hamachi servers.
It actually wasn't, untill now.

However, this has something to do with, indeed, your Hamachi server. As you are the only one who is able to connect (localhost). PM me when it is off Hamachi to get your thread re-opened.
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