(Help) Info Bus Phoenix


Dec 25, 2010
Orignal Text:
've received quite a few e-mails about if I can release my Infobus, so I decided make a Tutorial
Okay, let's begin! =D
What you need:
- A Hotel (Really?! O_O)
- A Host
- Room Ads
- Working Brains, and the ability to copy-paste
Step 1: Save this image and upload it to your host: http://www.uploadplaatjes.nl/plaatjes/8/291746.png
Step 2: If you have room ads, go to Step 3 if you don't, download and upload the SWF (ads_background.swf) and execute this SQL (roomadsql.txt)
Step 3: Okay, go to your database and open the table 'room_models', and execute the following sql for the infobus's room model: room_model.sql
Step 4: Create a room in your hotel that you want to use as the infobus and go to the table "rooms', find your room and and edit it. Set the room_model to the name of the infobus's model (model_opening)
Step 5: Reload your Emulator...
Step 6: No errors? No weird texts in the Emulator? Go to your Room That you changed the model room! Now you see a probably still empty room... (Image: http://www.uploadplaatjes.nl/plaatjes/8/291764.png)
Step 7: Get a room ad and place Him on this tile (http://www.uploadplaatjes.nl/plaatjes/8/291767.png)
Step 8: Go to your Database and open the table "Items", search your Item and then copy-paste this in Extra Data: imageUrl=http://YOURWEBSITE/infobus2.png offsetX=-600 offsetY=600 offsetZ=9950 state=0
now use the command :update_items and unload your room
Step 9: Buy a Background in the Catalogue Here the Image: http://www.uploadplaatjes.nl/plaatjes/8/291775.png and place it Somewhere in the room!
Step 10: Search again in the Table Items and search the new item you buy, Add exact this to Extra data: imageUrl=http://YOURWEBSITE/sky.png offsetX=-800 offsetY=670 offsetZ=9950 state=0
Say now the command :update_items and unload your room again
And you are done!
If it doesn't work, post it here or pm me.
Have a Nice infobus!
(If you have problems with the Exra data, Do this in your Extra Data: imageUrl=http://www.mylink.com/bus.png[TAB]offsetX=-600[TAB]offsetY=600[TAB]offsetZ=9950[TAB]state=0
[TAB] = Your Tab Button on your keyboard!
Thanks to Bjork Because he made ​​it clear Than Me!

Any fix?

And this:
Extra Data: imageUrl=
Dont save n my database..


Jul 24, 2010
Info Bus Work's for Tehe :p Try Fixing the room_modeldata or it might be an Images within the c_images, But if i'm not mistaking normally their is an SWF file for the Info Bus aren't i wrong??


Dec 25, 2010
Info Bus Work's for Tehe :p Try Fixing the room_modeldata or it might be an Images within the c_images, But if i'm not mistaking normally their is an SWF file for the Info Bus aren't i wrong??
.. People have actually got around the SWF file to just use images xD But however you need to get ad's somthing

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