[HELP ASAP] V26 Client/EMU Error


Aug 7, 2013
I am currently trying to fix my last error. Emu opens perfect but when I go into the hotel, it says please contact player support then disconnects me.
On the EMU, it says Flagged connection check ERR file.
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Holo.Managers.rankManager.fuseRights(Byte rankID, Int32 userID) in C:\Users\Jamie\Desktop\obbo\Source\Managers\rankManager.cs:line 91
at Holo.Virtual.Users.virtualUser.processPacket(String currentPacket) in C:\Users\Jamie\Desktop\obbo\Source\Virtual\Users\virtualUser.cs:line 421
at Holo.Virtual.Users.virtualUser.dataArrival(IAsyncResult iAr) in C:\Users\Jamie\Desktop\obbo\Source\Virtual\Users\virtualUser.cs:line 296

I dont know if its the dcrs but I tried like 6 different packs and couldnt get to work.

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