Devslopes Review [Don't Join]


New Member
Jul 27, 2021
I had to pause my payments for the course because of the civil unrest in my country. I sent them an email explaining my scenario and they didn't even have the decency to even reply but instead were quick enough to remove the course from my dashboard 3 weeks before my month was finished. They don't respond to emails once you have paid so be careful. I get the feeling that once they have received your deposit then you are just a number. I would not recommend these guys to anyone. Oh and good luck getting your money back, please don't make the same mistake I did😔#feelsRobbed

My full review of the Devslopes Academy and if it's worth starting.

Well, I can tell you where a good place isn't to start
Because for $3000 you will learn how to... well that's the thing you won't learn anything.

All the promises of offering mentorship is a bunch of bull...
They have 1 mentor for each of the programs and you would be lucky if you got a response within 2 days.
When you eventually do get help, the response is short and often you end up having to find the answer yourself.
They have 1 weekly meetup which is on a Saturday which is where you get to ask your questions but bear in mind there are quite a few people that will be there to ask questions too. I often found that when asking a question the lecturer would go into explaining about how other things worked which ended up being more confusing. If they could just explain the concept that was asked then I think I would've learnt more instead of an overload of information.

When I tried to quit within the first month I was refused a refund of $1250 and was told that if I quit they wouldn't give me back my refund but instead this is the reply I got from Mark:

Hey ####,

We don't offer refunds and we are very clear about that to all students who enroll. You spent days and even weeks trying to get into the program, now you are trying to get out. (Not once did they mention that there would be no refunds or else I wouldn't have signed up.)

I've gone through all of your questions and communications. You are receiving help.

You have completed 35% of the program. Our teachers grade assignments. (These can up to 2 weeks to be reviewed).

We will help you all the way until the end. If you want more help we'll give you more help. (There was no extra help offered)

Ultimately you can have success here.

The only thing you can't do is get a refund.

Your options are:

1. Continue the program and payments and we'll help you become a paid Android developer
2. Stop making payments. Lose what you already paid, and don't take advantage of the Academy

I want you to know this is the EXACT same thing I tell every student who comes to me looking for a refund. We don't do refunds.

We help people become developers. We don't mess around. We don't play games. We are here to train people to become successful.

Dropping out of a program before you finish it is everything we are against. You committed to this, now you need to finish it.

Let me know which option you want to pursue.

If #2, I will have to disable your account.


I actually made the mistake by believing them and did I get more help or did anything change?
The short answer is NO! I even changed to a different course thinking things would be different and that the mentor might help more seeing that he was employed full time by Devslopes but this didn't help at all. The mentor took even longer to get back to me and was always short with his answers.
The weekly meetups for the Web Development Academy was all chit chat and nothing informative came out of it.

I am warning you because I wasted money on his courses a few weeks ago and I am so pissed off with myself because I was so gullible into believing them.

But there is some good news. I have joined Zero To Mastery Academy which is a fraction of the price.
Check them out:
Most of the Teachers from Udemy are part of the Academy and they have their own Discord channel.
There are often 6 or more mentors on which are available to assist you and the owner Andrei responds to students which I found Mark didn't do.

Save your money folks, and avoid at all costs.


New Member
Apr 11, 2022
I had to pause my payments for the course because of the civil unrest in my country. I sent them an email explaining my scenario and they didn't even have the decency to even reply but instead were quick enough to remove the course from my dashboard 3 weeks before my month was finished. They don't respond to emails once you have paid so be careful. I get the feeling that once they have received your deposit then you are just a number. I would not recommend these guys to anyone. Oh and good luck getting your money back, please don't make the same mistake I did😔#feelsRobbed

My full review of the Devslopes Academy and if it's worth starting.

Well, I can tell you where a good place isn't to start
Because for $3000 you will learn how to... well that's the thing you won't learn anything.

All the promises of offering mentorship is a bunch of bull...
They have 1 mentor for each of the programs and you would be lucky if you got a response within 2 days.
When you eventually do get help, the response is short and often you end up having to find the answer yourself.
They have 1 weekly meetup which is on a Saturday which is where you get to ask your questions but bear in mind there are quite a few people that will be there to ask questions too. I often found that when asking a question the lecturer would go into explaining about how other things worked which ended up being more confusing. If they could just explain the concept that was asked then I think I would've learnt more instead of an overload of information.

When I tried to quit within the first month I was refused a refund of $1250 and was told that if I quit they wouldn't give me back my refund but instead this is the reply I got from Mark:

Hey ####,

We don't offer refunds and we are very clear about that to all students who enroll. You spent days and even weeks trying to get into the program, now you are trying to get out. (Not once did they mention that there would be no refunds or else I wouldn't have signed up.)

I've gone through all of your questions and communications. You are receiving help.

You have completed 35% of the program. Our teachers grade assignments. (These can up to 2 weeks to be reviewed).

We will help you all the way until the end. If you want more help we'll give you more help. (There was no extra help offered)

Ultimately you can have success here.

The only thing you can't do is get a refund.

Your options are:

1. Continue the program and payments and we'll help you become a paid Android developer
2. Stop making payments. Lose what you already paid, and don't take advantage of the Academy

I want you to know this is the EXACT same thing I tell every student who comes to me looking for a refund. We don't do refunds.

We help people become developers. We don't mess around. We don't play games. We are here to train people to become successful.

Dropping out of a program before you finish it is everything we are against. You committed to this, now you need to finish it.

Let me know which option you want to pursue.

If #2, I will have to disable your account.


I actually made the mistake by believing them and did I get more help or did anything change?
The short answer is NO! I even changed to a different course thinking things would be different and that the mentor might help more seeing that he was employed full time by Devslopes but this didn't help at all. The mentor took even longer to get back to me and was always short with his answers.
The weekly meetups for the Web Development Academy was all chit chat and nothing informative came out of it.

I am warning you because I wasted money on his courses a few weeks ago and I am so pissed off with myself because I was so gullible into believing them.

But there is some good news. I have joined Zero To Mastery Academy which is a fraction of the price.
Check them out:
Most of the Teachers from Udemy are part of the Academy and they have their own Discord channel.
There are often 6 or more mentors on which are available to assist you and the owner Andrei responds to students which I found Mark didn't do.

Save your money folks, and avoid at all costs.
Thanks for taking the time to post this. I've been learning pretty well on my own and kept seeing an ad for this and decided to check it out. I'm sorry all that happened to you, but I appreciate you saving me the headache and saving money.


New Member
May 4, 2022
Thanks for taking the time to post this. I've been learning pretty well on my own and kept seeing an ad for this and decided to check it out. I'm sorry all that happened to you, but I appreciate you saving me the headache and saving money.
Hi, how do you learn on your own?


New Member
Apr 11, 2022
There are tons of free programs online. I found many of them through Twitter and a simple Google search. I've been using freeCodeCamp as well as YouTube. They have basically full courses on YouTube. I've been watching Coding Addict (youtube) and a few other ones here and there. I've also heard of Codecademy and a few others I can't remember. But they're super easy to find. Good luck !!
Hi, how do you learn on your own?


New Member
Sep 9, 2022
I had the same experience as the original post. This program is waaayyyy too overpriced for what they offer. You're just watching video tutorials and then they give you feedback on a few select assignments through a recorded video response. There are other programs that offer this same exact thing, but for much cheaper. Scrimba is a good alternative if you're looking for front-end web development.


Apr 1, 2020
To be fair no one will hold your hand and teach you. Not saying there aren't mentors or people who can help. What I mean is that those academies or courses are really trying to teach you to be self-sufficient. They are trying to teach you that the best way to learn is to set a goal, stay focused, and be self-taught. Watching those videos, creating apps, and looking for solutions online ( exceptions, bugs, or whatever mistake you may have made) are just part of the journey. They are overpriced though (and probably not needed)... but as long as you are able to focus and keep learning you'll eventually get there. GLHF!

ps. sorry for your bad experience as well they suck!


New Member
Oct 18, 2022
I joined Devslopes about 3 months ago and it's been going very differently than your review. There's 2x daily meetups now and my questions get answered within the hour. So far my projects have been graded within 24 hours. Not sure why you had such a bad experience but the program seems to be functioning very differently now.


New Member
Jan 7, 2023
Blhahahahahaha! I just got off the phone with a Devslopes "recruiter", sad to say that if you want to invest $9900 to $15000 into Devslopes be my guest. But I assure you there are better options out there where that type of investment can get you way more than what Devslopes offers. Oh by the way, @AspiringDev is correct about not offering a return of investment. Also, if you want to pay for Devslopes you have to pay the entire cost upfront with no option for "tuition reimbursement". If you choose to make payments and decide to "dropout", guess what they have you sign a contract stating you owe the remaining payments. Sincerely, that is the reason that Devslopes does not advertise pricing - this is despite what I was told that they are trying to find the right candidates. Oh, one more thing, the $9900 cost I was offered was a one time discount that expires in 24 hours.
Regardless, I wish everyone on this thread the best in your coding career endeavors.


New Member
Jan 27, 2023
Yeah no cap all they care about is the money, at first I was going through it and the dude was so focused on me accepting the loan and setting up auto-pay. I declined the loan an I instantly got three calls from them and a text asking why I declined the loan hahaha.

Basically they make you pay $9,900 to watch videos, tips on scheduling yourself, and then make you do freelance work on fiverr etc.


New Member
Feb 11, 2023

This video is directly from devslopes, and honestly it sounds the most accurate for what you say.


New Member
Feb 13, 2023
Just wanted to thank you for taking this bullet for me. It's BS that you didn't get a refund even though your country was experiencing civil unrest. Also, it seems like the company is getting more skeezy. I was offered three packages ranging from $7000-$12000. Also, I was told that the projects you work on would earn you $10000. Having the course either just under or well over that amount seems to defeat the purpose of "earning a living while learning to code."


New Member
Feb 26, 2023
Thank you to everyone who commented. There are certainly more negative experiences than positive and for $9900, I’d expect more positive experiences. I’ll be looking into Udemy and other resources. I’m glad the loan company asked to verify my income because it was the delay I needed to do some more research. I’ve canceled the loan application and I’m sure Devslopes will be reaching out soon.


New Member
Apr 28, 2023
yeah i have a problem too i borrowed their loan and I don't work and have no income, so i am dead meet.
so i was supposed to go school to finish my degrees and now i have to get a job and pay the amount and maybe I'll go to school and someday. i believe them and right now i'm just finding a job so I can pay them their money
Last edited:


New Member
Jun 22, 2023
Thanks for all that has commented on this I really appreciate you all I have canceled Iv been haven this feeling of rip off vibes on that video but reading these reviews and I’m glad I found them but ev if I didn’t see these there is no way I could even afford there camp 9k that’s ridiculous just saying


New Member
Jul 18, 2023
Blhahahahahaha! I just got off the phone with a Devslopes "recruiter", sad to say that if you want to invest $9900 to $15000 into Devslopes be my guest. But I assure you there are better options out there where that type of investment can get you way more than what Devslopes offers. Oh by the way, @AspiringDev is correct about not offering a return of investment. Also, if you want to pay for Devslopes you have to pay the entire cost upfront with no option for "tuition reimbursement". If you choose to make payments and decide to "dropout", guess what they have you sign a contract stating you owe the remaining payments. Sincerely, that is the reason that Devslopes does not advertise pricing - this is despite what I was told that they are trying to find the right candidates. Oh, one more thing, the $9900 cost I was offered was a one time discount that expires in 24 hours.
Regardless, I wish everyone on this thread the best in your coding career endeavors.
I just off the phone with them, and I was told the price 9,500 they do financing as I was told and it wasn’t a 24 hour thing…idk man I’m just trying to better myself and came here to find out if these dudes are legit


New Member
Nov 13, 2023
Kinda shook by these claims tbh so I'm going to comment with some updated and personal active student experience. Maybe because two years has past since the OP posted, but I havent had ANY bad experiences with Devslopes.
In fact I enrolled a while ago.

1) They were super up front about the no-refund policy. (As they were when I first inquired two years ago)

2) They have MULTIPLE DAILY Classes. One of our professors/mentors literally holds 3 classes a day. Another one,(this cool russian guy) holds a class in the afternoon, AND Shawn(who is a godsend and helped me get re-motivated) has calls three times a day as well!

3) I hate to hear about the civil unrest, I do hope you ended up safe!!! Sounds like you probably aren't in the USA so maybe thats why you got the course for so cheap and others(like myself, living in the USA) paid 3x that.

4) Everything was spelled out in my Enrollment contract(I think they call it the Student Signing Agreement?)
I was completely aware of the refund policy.
a) This could again be because its been so long since you posted... but I've spoken to students that decided they were no longer interested in programming early on that got a partial refund. Even though Devslopes has a no-refund policy. So idk.

5) Saw someone say that Devslopes requires payment upfront and they offered different packages... Maybe that person was confused? They 100% offer payment plans, I'm on one. The different prices are because you can pay it off with different time-frames... with longer plans racking up more interest so OF COURSE some plans will be pricier than others making the cost look like it fluctuates.

Devslopes is awesome. If it weren't for Shawn, I'd still be on my first module wallowing in self doubt.
I'm now in Phase two and JUST landed my first $500 gig. I attend classes daily, I utilize the snot out of their discord, and Im sure to message Shawn if my doubt ever comes back.

All in all, these responses sound a lot like people not willing to put in the work and just want a certificate handed to them so they can magically start making money.
Devslopes isn't easy. I've known that since day one. You take out what you put in.
And I've done more in the past 2-3 months learning at Devslopes than the past FIVE YEARS that I was learning myself.


New Member
Jul 1, 2024
Were you able to withdraw? I’m going through the same thing and getting pushback
Have you found your solution. I told them to cancel my membership since May. I didn't pay attention to the loan and they charged me for June and July. I've wanted to be over with the bs so I just paid everything that I "owe". Now I'm trying to reach devslope so far I can't find a email I can't access their website and their telephone number tells me to text them so I texted them and I realized that I texted them before and they haven't responded. Thanks in advance
Post automatically merged:

Were you able to withdraw? I’m going through the same thing and getting pushback
Have you found your solution. I told them to cancel my membership since May. I didn't pay attention to the loan and they charged me for June and July. I've wanted to be over with the bs so I just paid everything that I "owe". Now I'm trying to reach devslope so far I can't find a email I can't access their website and their telephone number tells me to text them so I texted them and I realized that I texted them before and they haven't responded. Thanks in advance

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