
New Member
Mar 9, 2016
I'm just looking for some advice.
Mine and my friend's retro is functioning and working well, however:

Localhost has been changed to IP in the config file, except on this line. (Please continue reading to understand the situation, it isn't as simple as changing from localhost to ip).
$_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host
This is because when my friend changes it to IP, both of us get stuck on hotel view.
Where as if we leave that as localhost, the client works 100% for my friend who owns the server but I am stuck on hotel view, obviously because I cannot access the localhost. So if we change that to IP, what else needs doing to enable me and my friend to access mySQL and not be stuck on hotel view?
I'm assuming we're missing something that needs to be changed, most likely the RevCMS configuration file or the emulator or MySQL.

*All appropriate ports are open and it is not a firewall block. - We have ensured the appropriate ports necessary are open and firewall is not blocking anything.
*External_variables have been changed from localhost to IP. - That is working. We know that as the client works 100% for my friend. So we do not need to post as external_variables is not the problem.
*All configs have been changed to ip except that one. - All lines work using the IP except for that one so we do not need to post the whole config as we know which line is not working and under localhost, the line is working and the client is 100% functioning with catalogue, rooms, furniture etc... When we change from localhost to IP on that line, the catalogue, rooms, furni does not work for either me or my friend and the client is stuck on hotel view.

Please note:
If we change - $_CONFIG['mysql']['hostname'] = 'localhost'; //MySQL host - from localhost to IP, both of us can load the client but it is just hotel view, no rooms, no catalogue, nothing, just hotel view.
Currently the external variables and config is all IP except for that one line due to the problem we have ran into using the IP and my friend would like to access the fully functioning client so that line is currently under localhost for his own convenient access.

So what do we need to change or what have we not changed?
Is it RevCMS config or the emulator or MySQL?

If we come up with a solution, we will post it encase other users come across the same problem. <3
If you post a suggestion and it works, we will let you know and may include further details of how to fix the problem. <3



"Not everything that shines is Gold"
Jan 2, 2012
Hey there, are you sure that the Emulator is configured correctly?

The config file you're talking about, is it the Emu's or the Cms config?


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
First of all the IP for localhost is
Secondly, Make sure you have setup for external_variables.txt to use or
Lastly, As @Latinus said, check your emulator configuration (Posting it here would be better)


New Member
Mar 9, 2016
1 is localhost. We do not want to use localhost, we want to make the client public in a way, using the computer IP so that I can access the client. It is just me accessing the client via the IP and I am not a malicious person. :p
Secondly, the emulator has a line error when we change the Game TCP/IP config file from localhost to IP.
The above config I was talking about is the CMS.

Phoenix v3.11.0 (Build 14986)

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Listening for MUS on port: 30001
System. Net . Sockets . Socket Exception (0x80004005): The requested address is not valid in its context
at System. Net . Sockets . Socket . DoBind (EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
at System. Net . Sockets . Socket . Bind (EndPoint localEP)
at Phoenix. Net . SocketListener .. ctor (Int32 Port, SocketsManager LocalManager) in
C : \ Users \ Amir \ Desktop \Source Phoenix - Amirs Edit \ Source \ Net \ SocketsListener . cs : line 30
at Phoenix . Net . SocketsManager ..ctor (Int32 Port, Int32 MaxConnections) in
C : \ Users \ Amir \ Desktop \ Source Phoenix - Amirs Edit \Source \Net \ SocketsManager . cs : line 31
at Phoenix . Phoenix . Initialize () in
C : \ Users \ Amir \ Desktop \ Source Phoenix - Amirs Edit \ Source \ Phoenix . cs : line 189

The Game TCP/IP Configuration file had been changed from localhost to IP.
(The spaces are because the forum will not allow anything that looks like a url to be submitted).

We're basically changing everything from localhost to computer IP because the client is done and set up and my friend wants me to access it to troubleshoot any other problems with the client. The server, emu and CMS, the lot is set up on his computer.
Everything worked on localhost. But changing to IP is causing problems. My friend and I, when changed to IP from localhost can access the client but it is just showing hotelview. Nothing else.

My friend is providing insufficient information on the matter. I apologise. I'm sure I can fix this myself as I have an idea where he went wrong. But thank you for the attempts.
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